The Gypsy Deck: The cards, their interpretation, meanings, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the cards of the gypsy deck

The gypsy deck does not have as many cards as a normal deck, but each one of them has a special meaning. There are 36 cards with its own name, which refers to its meaning and the designs printed on them.

The drawings of the cards depict people, elements of nature and objects that will help to interpret their meaning. In addition, it will support the interpretation of the cards drawn.

Therefore, the gypsy cards can bring many answers to different aspects of the life of those who seek to make a drawing, term that corresponds to a session of interpretation of the cards that come out. So, to learn more about how the gypsy deck works, follow this article!

The gypsy deck

The gypsy deck, or Lenormand, is a set of cards that is used to read the future and make very assertive predictions about various aspects of the lives of people who seek its reading. Check out below its main aspects!


The gypsy deck consists of 36 components. They can be called so because, in addition to the cards, there are the drawings that translate different meanings for interpretation.

Therefore, the deck is used to get a reading of how a specific part of a person's life will be and is very good at answering yes or no questions. Thus, it provides quick, easy and correct answers about the future.

Also, for sure, interpretation is the most important role of reading these 36 signs of the deck.

Gypsy Tarot

Gypsy Tarot is the practical way of how to use the gypsy deck and do its reading. Therefore, it is the way used to start the interpretation of the cards drawn and make the prediction.

Although it has Italian origin and, in its original form, has 78 cards, the Tarot was incorporated into the gypsy culture. Thus, it became a gypsy symbol widespread and used throughout the world.

In short, Tarot is a way of making divinations, predictions and interpretations about someone's future and for this you need a person who has knowledge of each of these cards.

The Interpretation

When reading the gypsy deck, you need to know the cards that are placed on the table. But it is not only their meaning that will define the prediction.

First, the cards are thoroughly shuffled to ensure that nothing is set up or rehearsed. Next, the person who wants to know about their fate chooses 3 cards. At this point, they read the cards and begin their interpretation.

Besides using the meaning of the cards as a basis, the tarologist will also use his own interpretation to make the prediction. Therefore, the influence of who reads the cards is a determining factor in the reading.

The four suits of the gipsy deck and their meanings

The gypsy deck has many cards with different beautiful prints, but also has similarities with the common deck: the suits. Their names are the same as the Tarot, but the meanings, for sure, are others, since they talk about interpretations of life and human feelings. Check each one below!


The suit of Cups represents the element of water and also the sensations and feelings. Therefore, cards of this suit will reveal issues related to this respect. The cards of the gypsy deck related to this suit are The Dog, The Knight, The Heart, The Stork, The House, The Stars, The Gypsy, The Moon, and The Tree.

Generally, this group of the gypsy deck makes very good predictions and positive expression, which bring great achievements. However, if they are drawn with cards of the fire element, they can be bad news.


The cards of the suit of Diamonds can have their meaning linked to the name of the suit, because they belong to the earth element and speak about material or earthly things. In this suit of the gypsy deck, the cards are: The Book, The Sun, The Key, The Obstacles, The Fish, The Paths, The Coffin, The Birds, and The Scythe.

First of all, this suit can bring good predictions, but also bad ones. After all, it has a neutral nature and therefore depends on the accompaniment of other suits in the reading to find out which way it will lean.


In the gypsy deck, the suit of Wands represents the element of fire and also the essence of human creativity, which can manifest in several areas of everyday life. The cards that belong to this suit are: The Mountains, The Snake, The Mouse, The Cross, The Clouds, The Whip, The Ring, The Bear and The Fox.

This suit is the one people run away from, the one where the temperature of the room even changes when it is taken away. This is because it is responsible for all the bad and negative predictions of a table.


The cards of the suit of Swords correspond to the element of air and issues related to the subconscious and thoughts of the individual, which may or may not be in balance. In the suit of Swords of the gypsy deck are the following components: The Gypsy, The Flowers, The Anchor, The Child, The Lilies, The Card, The Ship, The Garden and The Tower.

The suit of Swords can have a neutral interpretation, but if its components are accompanied by cards with negative messages, like one of the suit of Clubs, for example, they tend to result in bad or unwanted predictions.

The cards of the gypsy deck and their meanings

The Gypsy deck has several signs, which have different meanings, depending on the set of cards drawn or the interpretation of the person doing the reading. Therefore, it is necessary to know the cards of the Gypsy Tarot and know the meaning of each one of them. Follow below!

Card 1: The Knight

In the gypsy deck, the card 1: The Knight means that the person for whom it was drawn will face some adversity in life.

However, one must remain calm, as the future depends mainly on the actions performed by the individual during this time, whether good or bad.

Card 2: Clover or Obstacles

Card 2 of the gypsy deck, The Clover or The Obstacles, appears in the reading to warn that many trials will cross this person's path.

However, first of all, this card brings a message of faith. So, the most important thing is not to lose belief in what makes you good and hope that the resurgence will be soon.

Card 3: The Ship or The Sea

In the gypsy deck, the 3rd card, called The Ship or The Sea, is a component that predicts the arrival of good situations in the life of the individual.

So, good news can come from anywhere and from where one least expects it. Therefore, one should stay alert so as not to miss these good moments.

Card 4: The House

The card The House is the 4th card of the gypsy deck and, in the reading, indicates the good structure that the consulter has. So, probably, this individual has a lot of discipline and good will.

Therefore, the prediction is that this person will be able to achieve many goals and achievements, if he remains focused on them.

Card 5: The Tree

In the reading of the gypsy deck, the 5th card, The Tree, appears to indicate that there are many roots. In other words, this person has someone to lean on because there is help there that won't let him fall.

Moreover, this letter mainly talks about the family relations of the individual and how he behaves with his family nucleus.

Card 6: Clouds

In the gypsy deck, the 6th card, Clouds, means that the consulter has a cloudy mind, so he does not know what to do and is lost.

Furthermore, this letter says that some mistake is happening, something that has been misunderstood and that can cause serious damage if it is not resolved immediately and put on a clean slate.

Card 7: The Snake or Serpent

The 7th card of the gypsy deck, called The Snake or The Serpent, signifies everything that the stereotype of serpents carries with them.

Therefore, the removal of this card predicts feelings like betrayal, envy and falsehood in the person's life, which, for sure, are negative and undesirable predictions for anyone.

Card 8: The Coffin

In the gypsy deck, the 8th card, The Coffin, means transformation. Thus, this interpretation is linked to the cycle of life that begins and comes to an end, infinite times.

In this way, this chart foresees the renewal of the individual and the reformulation of concepts that, before, were sediments for him. Thus, it also shows as an apprenticeship.

Card 9: The Flowers or Bouquet

The 9th card of the gypsy deck, The Flowers or The Bouquet, appears to indicate that the person will have reason to smile, very soon.

In this way, this card represents joy, happiness and union, bringing peace to the consulter's spirit. The consulter will continue with a peaceful soul, thanks to the positive energy that this card brings.

Card 10: The Scythe

In the gypsy deck, the presence of card 10, The Scythe, means that a sudden change will happen in the life of whoever chooses it.

Therefore this can be related to the ending of relationships, deaths of loved ones, and distance between people. So it is good to be prepared for whatever comes.

Card 11: The Whip

The 11th card of the gypsy deck, The Whip, indicates that there will be a lot of willpower and control over all aspects of the consulent's life.

In this sense, it signifies maturity and firm hand to deal with any situation that may present itself in front of the individual. This is because he will be serious and calm enough to face it.

Card 12: The Birds

In the reading of the gypsy card, the card The Birds appears to say that the day to day life of the consulent will be peaceful. For now, everything will be surrounded by lightness and happiness.

These characteristics will act mainly on the relationships between the person who draws it in the deck with other people in his social cycle.

Card 13: The Child

In the gypsy deck, the 13th card, The Child, reveals to the consulter the attributes of children, such as ingenuity, happiness and purity.

Therefore, one should be careful not to be too naïve and get carried away by false truths or ill-intentioned people who transmit bad energies.

Card 14: The Fox

The 14th card of the gypsy deck, The Fox, comes to warn about some traps that fate is preparing for the consulter.

Thus, one should be aware of the situations, so as not to fall into traps and ambushes that may arise along the way and not be surprised by them.

Card 15: The Bear

The card The Bear, the fifteenth card in the gypsy deck, can mean many different situations when it is drawn. So it depends on the interpretation of the person who draws it.

Its possible results are connected with the feelings of motherhood, falseness and even sexual desire of people. Therefore, it is necessary to interpret it with the other cards that come out, to have a broader result.

Card 16: The Star

In the gypsy deck, the 16th card, The Star, signifies the protection of the individual who draws it. Thus, one can imagine that he is being guided by a light or something divine.

In this way, you should make sure to thank for this protection to the angels and the universe, who will always be on hand to scare away bad omens and other negative feelings that may arise.

Letter 17: The Stork

The 17th card of the gipsy deck, The Stork, indicates that new situations are coming. The opening of new paths in a new phase of the life of the consulent will happen.

Thus, whenever it is taken, it will be related to opportunities and new chances. Moreover, it can also mean a new beginning for someone who has already had a difficult past.

Card 18: The Dog

The Dog, the eighteenth card of the gypsy deck, appears to indicate that the consulter has someone very close and who is a valuable friend.

Therefore, if this person has not yet arrived, one should hope to see him entering the individual's life and spreading good energies and good feelings, and leading him to the right paths and happiness.

Card 19: The Tower

In the gypsy deck, the 19th card, The Tower, indicates that an isolation is coming, so the individual doing the reading will be closed off and incommunicado.

However, it also means that there will be a reflection on oneself, which will help in self-knowledge. Therefore, this card can also mean the evolution and maturity of the individual conquered with this self-reflection.

Card 20: The Garden

The 20th card of the gypsy deck, The Garden, is drawn to say that the individual is loved by many people. Therefore, one must value these friendships.

Thus, he must be sure to take very good care of the people who bring good energies. This is because it is rare to find a "garden" that blooms so beautifully and it deserves to have redoubled care.

Card 21: The Mountain

In the gypsy deck, the twenty-first card, called The Mountain, means that there will be a great challenge ahead. Therefore, it is necessary that the individual has great determination, discipline and courage to face it head on.

Card 22: Path

The 22nd card of the gypsy deck, called the Path, means that the opportunities for the consulter are infinite. This is therefore an extremely positive card, because it means that the paths are open to the individual's choice, without any obstacles ahead.

Card 23: The Rat

The card The Rat, the twenty-third card in the gypsy deck, indicates that tiredness is about to knock at the door of the consulter.

Therefore, a very large loss of energy will hit this individual, who needs to prepare themselves so that they don't get scared and keep moving forward.

Letter 24: The Heart

In the gypsy deck, the card The Heart, the twenty-fourth card of the deck, reveals all the stereotype that the heart figure represents in society.

Therefore, it is linked to love, romance, passion and feelings of the individual. However, one should be careful not to give in too much and end up with a bruised heart.

Card 25: The Ring

The Ring, the twenty-fifth card of the gypsy deck, appears to warn that the individual will have a very healthy and lasting relationship soon. In addition, complicity and companionship are also strong characteristics of this card. Therefore, he should prepare himself for this happiness.

Letter 26: The Books

In the reading of the gypsy deck, the appearance of the 26th card, The Books, indicates the individual's search for knowledge and wisdom. Thus, it indicates focus on studies, determination, learning and discipline for those who draw it in a gypsy Tarot reading.

Card 27: The Letter

In the gypsy deck, the appearance of card 27, The Card, while indicating an exchange of messages or a conversation, can also signify a secret that must be kept by the consulter.

So it's important not to get too carried away with gossip and unnecessary exchanges.

Card 28: The Gypsy

In a gypsy deck reading, the 28th card, The Gypsy, means that a man is coming into someone's life. Although one cannot be guaranteed where this man comes from or what role he will play in the life of the consulter, one can know that he will be of great importance. Therefore, it is important not to ignore him.

Card 29: The Gypsy

In the gypsy deck, the card 29, The Gypsy, appears to say that all the attributes of the feminine universe are about to clash with the life of the consulter. Thus, this clash can occur at work, at home, on the street or in any other environment of socialization. This can be something very good, which should be taken advantage of.

Card 30: Lilies

The Lilies, the thirtieth card of the gypsy deck, appears to reveal that the life of the individual who draws it will be steeped in peace and tranquility.

Besides, other aspects of this card also reveal goodness, spiritual peace and harmony achieved. In other words, it always brings good omens.

Card 31: The Sun

In the Gypsy deck, the card 31, The Sun, can reveal in a reading that positive energies will be present in the life of the individual. These energies will bring much wealth, light, personal and professional growth in the life of the person, illuminating his path and the path of people around him, because they are attracted by this energy.

Card 32: The Moon

The 32nd card of the gypsy deck, called The Moon, is drawn to reveal what hidden forces will act upon the path of the consulter, in all spheres of his life.

In addition, this card also reveals a feminine bias and brings the feeling of fear, uncertainty and anguish. Therefore, it is important to stay alert and prepare yourself.

Card 33: The Key

In the gypsy deck, the thirty-third card, The Key, signifies that the control to arrive at something is completely in the hands of the individual and no longer in those of fate.

Thus, this person has the power to accomplish anything he wants. Everything will depend on his willpower to pursue his goals and become a great winner.

Card 34: The Fish

The card The Fish, the thirty-fourth card of the gypsy deck, appears to say that the person in question will gain much happiness and prosperity in the material sphere.

Therefore, it means that the individual will be successful in business and professional life, earning a lot of money. Thus, this message also indicates a higher propensity for financial investments.

Card 35: The Anchor

The Anchor, thirty-fifth and penultimate card of the gypsy deck, appears to reveal that this person will have security, whenever he wants and seeks. Thus, it means that he can have space to develop self-confidence and self-love, because he will be very successful in his ventures. It is, therefore, a great omen.

Card 36: The Cross

The thirty-sixth and last card of the gypsy deck, called The Cross, appears to say that the person in question will have to make a great sacrifice in the near future. Therefore, it is important to prepare for this moment.

In addition, this letter can also signify a point of arrival, where the individual had been walking in one direction for a long time and finally reached his destination.

Can anyone play and read Gypsy cards?

The Gypsy deck has many particularities, because it is not a common deck. It is a deck that involves beliefs and other mystical issues, which will determine how it is used.

Therefore, what is known about the game of gypsy cards is that one should not let another person play a deck that is not theirs. It is for private use and if used by another person, it can lose its effect or confuse the readings.

On the other hand, when it comes to reading the Tarot of the gypsy deck, it is understood that anyone can do this reading and seek answers about your destiny and other people's in the deck. So, take advantage and do yours!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.