Venus in the 7th house: How this affects you at work and in relationships!

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Jennifer Sherman

Venus 7th house Venus in work, love and health

Have you ever noticed that the astrological chart is made up of several houses? Usually divided from one to seven, each one indicates the position of the stars on the day and time of your birth, as well as indicating some specific characteristics.

The 7th house in the zodiac represents your descendant sign and is directly linked to how others see you, as well as demonstrating the way in which you relate to other people.

In this sense, Venus in the 7th house represents how your partnerships will be both in the personal and professional context and, in general, indicates relationships full of love, durability and trust. Do you want to know more about this? Check it out below!

Venus 7th house Venus in love and relationships

According to the zodiac, Venus in the 7th house shows that people see you in a harmonious way and your relationships tend to be long lasting. Who has Venus in the 7th house will possibly like romanticism, will be affectionate and also very concerned about the person who is next to him/her.

For this reason, you can often end up creating a lot of expectations in relation to your partner. So, we've separated some more important considerations for you to understand what this zodiac position means. Read on!

Sees marriage as synonymous with happiness

For having romantic ideals based mainly on the idea of happiness defended by the classic love stories, people who have the presence of the planet Venus in the seventh house of their astrological chart see marriage as a synonym of happiness.

Because of this characteristic, most of the time when they begin a relationship, those with Venus in the 7th house will wonder at the outset if the person they are seeing would be a suitable wife or husband for their desires.

This causes, not rarely, the relationship with these people to get serious very quickly or to end simply because the person has not found in the other someone to marry.

Put your loved one first

Those who have Venus in the 7th house care immensely about making those around them happy, so when they are in love they will put their loved one first all the time.

It's that kind of people who call their boyfriend (or girlfriend) to go on all outings, cancel appointments to be with the person because the important thing is to show them how much you love them and want them well.

You're a sweetheart in relationships

Another unique quality of those who have Venus in the 7th house is how dear this person is in their relationships, for when they get involved with someone, they are thoughtful, caring and concerned about supporting and bringing happiness to their love one.

This is also the case with relationships beyond the love life, which makes these people faithful friends and great co-workers.

Has an aptitude for problem solving in relationships

As Venus is the symbol of diplomacy, people ruled by Venus in the 7th house find in diplomacy and balance their strengths in relationships. Therefore they have the ability to solve problems in relationships because they will strive as much as possible to find peace and harmony in their emotional bonds.

Charges a lot from you and your partner

By virtue of caring too much about the opinion of others, self- and partner-blaming will happen to those who have Venus in the 7th house.

This is related to the fact that these people always seek to improve and want to see who is next to them progressing together, which is great, because it is someone willing to encourage others. However, it takes common sense not to overcharge and end up pushing the people you love away.

Venus house 7 at work and in business

Venus is a ruler that is always associated with balance. Because of this, Venus in the 7th house demonstrates the avoidance of conflict and the search for harmony within work relationships.

In addition, people who have Venus in the seventh house of their birth chart tend to spend their money conscientiously and invest only when they are sure that the risks they will take are safe.

We have separated more about the influence of this position of Venus in the astrological chart and its relationship with finances, work and business in the topics below. Check it out!

Predisposition to conquer abundance

According to some symbologies, the energies that each person throws to the universe come back to him/her in the same proportion and intention. In this sense, as Venus natives in the 7th house tend to be good people, concerned about the well-being of others and empathic, they receive good news from the universe when the subject is finances.

Thus, these people are born with a predisposition to achieve abundance. For this process to take place, it is important that those who have Venus in the 7th house trust themselves and listen to their instincts to create new businesses and work well.

Constant search for professional balance

The constant search for professional balance is another quality of those who have Venus in the 7th house, because this harmony proposed by these people makes them understanding with their co-workers and clients.

In addition, Venus in the 7th house rules people who have diplomacy as one of their main ways of relating with others at work, being as fair, ethical and coherent as possible in their tasks and relationships.

Do you have career ambitions

Those who have Venus in the 7th house are characterized by having ambitions in relation to their career. This quality is very good because it makes these people to be hard working and dedicated in their work.

Ambition only becomes a bad thing when placed in front of ethical principles, however, if it is followed with love and empathy for others, it is a very healthy and necessary particularity in the work environment.

Great for the import business

For being very diplomatic, those who have Venus in the seventh house of their astrological chart will do well in the import business. After all, this is a type of work that requires dedication, ethics, commitment, diplomacy, empathy, leadership and good communication, characteristics that involve the native with Venus in the 7th house.

More about Venus house 7

People who have Venus in the 7th house are, for the most part, very kind, considerate and, above all, balanced. They also have a strong sense of justice which will guide them in all aspects of life.

In this sense, they are people capable of transmitting peace and beauty wherever they go and, in this way, enchant everyone around them. They are dedicated to others and really strive to bring happiness to those they love.

This makes natives with Venus in the 7th house the best companions, both in love and in friendship and work relationships. There are also other factors and curiosities related to having Venus in the 7th house and we will tell you more about them in the following topics. Read more below!

Biggest challenges of Venus house 7

Because they always try to maintain balance in their relationships, those who have Venus in the 7th house will have as their greatest challenges the moments when harmony will not reign in their relationships.

Because these people do not like conflict, when it arises they tend to run away or sweep it under the carpet. However, it is essential that these people face problems head on, for their sense of fairness will help them make the most coherent and ethical decision possible.

Advice for Venus house 7

The energy of love, justice, harmony and understanding are some of the high points of Venus in the 7th house, however, the excess of all this can end up damaging some relationships.

Because of this, the first advice is that, in love, the natives with Venus in the seventh house of the astrological chart seek to know more about the suitor before giving him all the confidence possible, because unfortunately the world is not made only of good people, and this will avoid future anguish.

In addition, it is important that these people do not let the desire for justice paralyze them for fear of making mistakes in their decisions. For this, it is essential that they listen to their intuition and try to forgive themselves more when they make mistakes.

Famous with Venus 7th house

With his charisma and creativity, the British actor, comedian, director, screenwriter and filmmaker Charles Chaplin had in his astrological chart the presence of Venus in the 7th house. On his side, the American singer-songwriter Marilyn Manson also has this characteristic in his life.

Besides them, the American tennis player Serena Williams, who is considered one of the greatest athletes of recent times, has Venus in the 7th house, just like the American actress Tyra Banks. The American actor, singer and songwriter Nick Carter is also another famous person with this peculiarity in his astrological chart.

Who has Venus 7th house will have prosperity?

Charisma, joy, balance and harmony are some of the most striking characteristics of those who have Venus in the 7th house. Because of these characteristics, they tend to attract prosperity to their lives.

After all, they will be guided by fairness and ethics in their work, and generally attract other successful human beings close to them, as well as being really good at networking and creating new links and contacts.

In addition, those who have Venus in the 7th house will have prosperity and abundance because they know how to position themselves in the world, deal with diplomacy and empathy with the people around them and are loved and wanted by all.

From this perspective, they are people who have a future filled with abundance, as long as they set themselves in motion and don't let others' opinions get in the way of their dreams and goals.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.