Symptoms of the prayer of Michael the Archangel 21 days: physical, mental and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the 21 day Michael the Archangel prayer?

The 21-day Michael the Archangel prayer has as its main objective the removal of negative thoughts from the mind and cleansing of bad energies. Thus, it helps in making the individual's life lighter. The prayer provides cleansing of the spirit, that is, it rids the person of bad spirits, curses, unwanted entities and more.

After the cleansing, it is possible for the person to feel a relief, as if something is lifted from their shoulders and a weight goes off of them. From this, things start to work out. When performing the 21-day Michael the Archangel prayer, it is possible for the person to experience physical, emotional and mental symptoms - and even some dreams. So, you will see the details in this article!

Physical symptoms

The prayer of Michael the Archangel works as a spiritual cleansing. Therefore, during the 21 days, it is possible that the person feels some symptoms. This occurs because it puts out unwanted energies and, thus, the body responds to the spirit. Check the physical symptoms below!

Constant diarrhea

Constant diarrhea is a physical symptom that can occur during the healing process of the Michael the Archangel prayer and this is normal. This is one of the first symptoms to appear and is one of the most common, too.

Thus, this symptom appears because the negativity charge of the person is high, which indicates that there is a large amount of negative energy accumulated in him. During spiritual cleansing, if this symptom occurs, it is because the person is with a lot of negativity inside. Therefore, constant diarrhea may occur.

Motion sickness and vomiting

Sickness and vomiting are symptoms of the Michael Archangel prayer that may appear suddenly, but in this case it is because the spiritual cleansing process is taking place. They are also common symptoms, as is constant diarrhea.

Thus, the nausea and vomiting correspond, in this specific case, to a great spiritual detoxification. For a more complete and precise cleansing to occur, these symptoms appear and become necessary for healing. It is bad to feel symptoms like these, but that is part of the process.

Frequent sweating

Frequent sweating is one of the physical symptoms that may appear after praying to Michael the Archangel. It is uncomfortable to sweat and it is a nuisance, but when it happens, it is because the unwanted impurities are leaving and there is a space opening up for the pure and good energies to enter through the pores. Thus, this symptom is also part of the spiritual cleansing and healing process.


The chills occur because, during the prayer to Michael the Archangel, the body is expelling all the negativity found in itself. Thus, all evils, unwanted entities and what is bad that is blocking the passage of good and positive energies are removed.

So, feeling chills does not mean that there is a spirit around, but that the spiritual cleansing is working. Therefore, the more chills are felt, the more the bad energies will go away.

Emotional and mental symptoms

Emotional and mental symptoms are strong features during spiritual cleansing, precisely, during the 21-day Michael the Archangel prayer process. Therefore, it is possible to feel and notice some emotional and mental symptoms after performing the prayers. Check out each one below!

Strange dreams

As soon as one begins the cleansing process in the Michael Archangel prayer, it is possible to have strange dreams. This is because, internally, the bad energies are giving way to the good. So, because it is a healing process, it is normal to have strange dreams. The body, mind and spirit are going through a transition from bad things to good and this can be seen through the worlddreamlike.

In this way, the elements that appear in dreams refer to this negative charge, which is still present. From this, it shows itself through strange dreams. However, after a few days of the whole healing process, it becomes possible to feel relief.

Mental relief

After a while after the Michael Archangel prayer is done, the spiritual cleansing begins to take effect. That is, the negative energies that were accumulated in the spirit and soul begin to make room for the good and positive energies.

With this, it is possible to feel a sense of well-being and mental relief. This sense of relief causes the person to have a strong desire to want to live life and begin to have a feeling of happiness. These are common symptoms and are part of the healing process.

Desire to enjoy life to the full

The desire to enjoy life to the full is related to the fact that the negative energies give way to pure energies, by performing the Michael Archangel prayer. Thus, the person begins to feel lighter and more willing. This automatically makes the individual feel willing to share this feeling and energy with the world.

This is a very positive symptom, because it shows that the spiritual cleansing is working. With this comes the feeling of happiness.


After the prayer to Michael the Archangel is said, the feeling of happiness arises, as all the negativity and unwanted impurities are gone. When a person feels happiness, it is because there is a positive and light energy within him.

This comes from the spiritual cleansing that has taken place, so the Michael the Archangel 21 day prayer brings this sense of well being and as a result, the feeling of happiness occurs. It is worth noting that feeling this way is a benefit of the prayer and is part of this process, which lasts for 21 days. Remember that each phase is important and brings a different symptom.

Benefits of the 21 day Michael the Archangel prayer

Throughout the spiritual cleansing process, the individual begins to realize that negative energies are being pushed away, opening up to positive energies and a stronger spiritual connection. Check it out more below!

Wards off negative energies

When you pray the Michael Archangel prayer the bad energy that was surrounding you and taking over your life is thrown away. That is, it goes away. What gives way to this energy is a pure and positive vibration. The prayer has the power to drive away all that is unhealthy for the soul.

Then, everything that is heavy and negative becomes pure and light. From this, the spirit feels purified and ready to receive good energies.

Spiritual connection

Spiritual connection occurs, when the removal of negative thoughts makes room for fluid thoughts. It also occurs after the emotions become fluid and the spirit feels fluid as well. Thus, the Michael the Archangel prayer is quite powerful.

However, it is necessary for the individual to have faith and believe that it is possible, through this prayer, to make the energies go away. From this, everything flows and the paths open.

Clarity of objectives

Clarity of purpose comes, after a period of time and spiritual connection with yourself and the energy flowing around you, with prayer to Michael the Archangel. So when you have clarity of purpose, you can make more accurate and correct decisions.

From this, it becomes possible to break down some barriers, whether mental or emotional. This occurs because what was blurred has become clear. Thus, clarity takes over the individual and it becomes possible to make more correct and clearer decisions.

Breaking down barriers

When performing the process of spiritual cleansing, the breaking of barriers occurs at the moment when the negative energies leave and only the positive ones remain. When these two energies are broken, there is also a mental relief and a feeling of positivity and lightness.

From that moment on, it is possible to have physical, mental and spiritual healing. The person leaves one stage and goes to another.

Physical and mental healing

Physical and mental healing comes after the 21-day prayer of Michael the Archangel. At that point, the individual has gone through various phases and symptoms, both physical, emotional and mental. He has also gone through the breaking of the barrier from negative energy to positive, flowing energy, and has gained clarity of purpose.

After this, the individual's entire spiritual cleansing process is ready for a new stage in his life, in which negative thoughts have no space and positive energies take over his spirit. Thus, he finds himself renewed and with a pure energy.

Do the symptoms indicate that the 21-day Michael the Archangel prayer works?

The symptoms indicate that the 21-day Michael the Archangel prayer is taking effect. Both the physical symptoms and the emotional and mental symptoms show that the expulsion of negativity and bad energies from the individual is occurring.

Thus, this expulsion occurs, more precisely, in the so-called physical symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sweating and chills. On the other hand, emotional and mental symptoms occur in the background, such as headaches and strange dreams.

However, this is part of the process of these symptoms to occur healing. Throughout the process, symptoms change, making room for good moments, such as, like, mental relief, a desire to enjoy life, and clarity of purpose.

So after the 21 days of the Michael Archangel prayer and after the entire spiritual cleansing process, it is possible for physical, mental and spiritual healing to emerge.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.