To dream that you are kissing a friend: Married, distant and more types!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of dreaming that you are kissing a friend

Dreams are a reflection of what is going on in our subconscious mind, and dreaming that you are kissing a friend can have several meanings. It all depends on the full context of that dream, who that friend was, the place that was that kiss and the circumstances.

At first it may seem strange to dream that you are kissing someone you know, even more so if she is very close, a co-worker or someone you are already dating. Depending on it, we may even feel bad about this dream.

But calm down, no need to worry, for all these types of kisses there is an explanation. These dreams are more common than you might imagine, and it does not necessarily mean that you have attraction or feelings for this person in the dream. Read on and discover the meanings of dreaming that you are kissing a friend.

Meaning of dreaming that you kiss a friend, on the cheek or on the mouth

You may dream that you kiss your friend on the cheek or on the mouth, but these dreams do not necessarily mean some romantic desire for the person. It is not always so direct and obvious, you need to look beyond that.

To dream that you are kissing a friend

In general, to dream that you are kissing a friend, on the mouth or on the cheek, means that you have a good connection. Your friendship is reciprocal and there is a great affection between you. As said before, this type of dream does not always mean that you have some interest in this person beyond friendship.

But be aware of your feelings towards her or someone else close to you, so that you can differentiate whether it's just a friend's affection or whether you actually want to have something with this person.

To dream that you are kissing a friend on the cheek

The kiss on the cheek is usually a more affectionate kiss that shows affection that is not directly linked to passion.

Therefore, to dream that you are kissing a friend on the cheek can mean that you are in a great time with your friends and you will have a good time at this stage. Your bonds of friendship are strengthened.

But, that will depend on how you felt about that kiss, whether it was really more in friendship or if there was some extra feeling. Something that might indicate that you have another kind of connection with this friend.

To dream that you are kissing a friend on the mouth

If in your dream you were kissing a friend on the mouth, it means that there may be some extra feelings towards him or someone else close to you. You may be interested that a friendship develops into a romance.

Attraction, desire and passion are feelings that this kiss awakens in your dreams. Consider whether there is a friend who makes you feel this way about him, whether it is the same one in the dream or not. If there is not a person who fits this situation, it may mean that you wish to find someone to live a passion with. There is a desire to build a relationship with someone.

Meaning of dreaming that you are kissing friends from the past, from work and others

Besides dreaming of some close friend, you may also dream of someone from your work, which can be a bit of a strange situation. It could also be some friend from the past or some friend who is distant. See below for the meanings of dreaming that you kiss different types of friends.

To dream that you are kissing a friend from work

To dream that you are kissing a friend at work can mean that you are creating feelings for this person. It is not uncommon for this to happen, even when it is not a very appropriate situation. Considering that with daily living together, something more than a friendship can arise.

If you believe that this is not the case, it may mean that you will experience some passion that will appear by surprise in your life. This person may already be someone from your routine, not necessarily the person in the dream.

Maybe you have someone interested in you that you haven't realized yet. Pay more attention to your surroundings so you can see if there is someone creating feelings for you. Who knows, maybe there is the possibility of a relationship in the future?

To dream that you are kissing a friend from the past

It can happen that we dream of a friend from our past that we haven't seen or talked to in a long or short time. But when you dream that you are kissing this friend from the past, what does it mean? This is a sign that some old feeling may surface again. There is a possibility that some passion from the past may come into your life and make you relive something that you have experienced before.

Be aware that at any moment someone may appear in your life that you've had some involvement with, making you fall in love again. It could be that you build a beautiful relationship, firmer and more mature.

To dream that you are kissing a distant friend

If you have a friend who is far away, perhaps living in another state or country, and you dream that you are kissing this person, it may mean a feeling of loneliness. But this loneliness is connected to a previous relationship.

You are probably feeling lonely and needy. To dream that you are kissing this distant friend reminds you of a time when you were involved in a crush.

You feel lonely, but there isn't necessarily a feeling referring to this person you were once in a relationship with, only to what you felt when you were with this person (good times when you had fun together, for example).

Because you feel lonely, your subconscious makes you dream about a friend who is far away. Think if it's not time to open up to meet new people and allow yourself to experience love. If this is not your desire at the moment, perhaps getting closer to your friends is a good idea.

To dream that you are kissing a friend who is dating

In the case of dreaming that you are kissing a friend who is dating, it may be that there is some feeling or attraction to this person or to another person who is also committed. Even though you know you should not, it is something that you can not control. Your subconscious is bringing this situation to the surface.

Observe what kind of feelings this person in your dream awakens in you. If not for them, think about whether there is a possibility that it could be for someone else. Do not judge your feelings, just analyze whether they exist or not.

It may not necessarily be a feeling of passion or love, but just a neediness or a deeper connection of friendship between you.

To dream that you are kissing friend at a party

When you dream that you are kissing friend at a party, it is possible that you have an interest or some feeling for someone, but you do not allow yourself to accept it.

To dream that you kiss this person at a party, means that you do not have the courage to kiss them in an ordinary situation, and the party gives the necessary stimulus for you to do so, in a moment of excitement.

This could be a sign for you to work on your courage and accept this feeling within you. This passion could increase greatly, so be prepared to face it and have the attitude to achieve what you want.

To dream that you are kissing a friend who has already died

To dream of a friend who has passed away can be painful or it can give a warmth in the heart. In this case, to dream that you are kissing this friend, means that you miss him or her and would like to have him or her by your side again.

You would have loved to have experienced more things with him, but at the same time you feel grateful for everything you experienced. Your feelings for him are pure and sincere, and your friendship was true while your friend was still here.

Take a few minutes out of your day to look through old photos and messages so that you can kill some of the nostalgia for that loved one.

To dream that you are kissing a married friend

The meaning of dreaming that you are kissing a married friend is very similar to that of kissing a friend who is dating. Kissing a married friend indicates a certain neediness, showing that you miss experiencing romance.

Maybe you see this friend's marriage as a relationship benchmark, something you'd also like to have with someone. It's more of an admiration, perhaps. You don't necessarily have feelings for him.

So be open to meet people, be selective and choose those who can actually make you happy and add to your life. Look for something that makes you feel the way you feel about your friend's marriage.

To dream that you are kissing the boyfriend of a friend

If you dreamed that you were kissing the boyfriend of some friend, it means that you are feeling abandoned by some friendship. It may be by the friend of the boyfriend in question, or not. This dream says a lot about how you feel about some friendship.

You miss this person, and the act of kissing your friend's boyfriend in your dream may be a way for you to get her attention for you, since you don't get the attention you desire. But, try to have this conversation and talk about how you feel within the friendship. This will help you resolve this feeling you have of feeling left out by her.

To dream that you kiss friend, but have a relationship

When you dream that you kiss a friend, but you are in a relationship, this may be a sign that things in your relationship are not going very well. Perhaps you are not happy with your relationship, you may no longer be in love with your partner or you may even already be falling in love with someone else.

That's why you're already projecting and imagining yourself outside of this relationship, living in another relationship, where you might feel happier. Think about how you feel in relation to this person you're with and if you feel like trying to talk about something that you're not very happy with and that there is a solution. If there really is no more feeling, maybe it's time to move on.

Meaning of dreaming that you are kissing another person

In addition to dreaming that you are kissing some friend in your dreams, you may also dream that you kiss other people in your social life. And there is a meaning behind each one, see below!

To dream that you are kissing the boss

To dream that you are kissing the boss is a little strange and you may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for having dreamed this. But deep down, this dream has a meaning beyond the obvious. To dream that you are kissing the boss means that you have a desire to grow professionally, perhaps even to occupy the position of your boss.

You admire the position he has in the company and you also want to reach that level in life. That's one of your ambitions, to be on the same level as him one day. Even if your relationship isn't the best, the position he occupies is something that inspires you and makes you want to grow.

To dream that you are kissing the dead person

To dream that you are kissing a deceased person may be a sign of bad luck. This dream may predict that you will go through a difficult time, in which some fatality may happen. There is a possibility that someone close to you will become ill or even pass away.

Prepare yourself emotionally in case this really happens. Reassure your heart and try to stay closer to the people you love, enjoying every moment you spend together intensely.

To dream that you are kissing someone you know

A dream in which you kiss a person you know shows that you have growing sexual desires for this person. You have cultivated an interest in them, which may also be something affective, not only sexual.

Another meaning is that you may be seeking the attention and desire of someone in your life. Perhaps the same person in your dream. See if this makes sense to you and, who knows, it may not be time to take an initiative.

To dream that you are kissing an ex-love

Is there still feeling for this ex-love? Dreaming of an ex shows that your subconscious mind still remembers this person and all that you lived. You may still be reliving and mulling over things that have already passed. A tip is to try to learn from everything that happened, so that situations do not repeat.

Try to fondly remember all the good things that happened, even if you had bad days, for sure there were some that were happy. Remember them. The more you feed a bad feeling, the more it will stay in your subconscious. Do not let these memories shake you.

To dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex

To dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex indicates a connection with yourself, with your self-esteem. You have fully accepted and valued yourself in this period. You have embraced who you are and your essence, causing your self-love to be at a good moment of elevation.

Keep taking care of yourself and doing things for you, thinking about your own well being so that this phase lasts for a long time. This also helps you to control some impulses and to know how to deal better with not very nice comments. Don't let what others say affect you. Live your life your way.

To dream of a stolen kiss

To dream that someone steals a kiss from you can have three meanings. One is that you are harboring feelings for someone. The other says that you may receive a surprise soon.

The last meaning is that if a person stole a kiss in front of you, it is because you need to be attentive to the people around you. In addition, you also need to pay more attention and strengthen your bonds of friendship.

To dream that you are kissing a friend is a good omen?

It is not necessarily an omen. It is much more an invitation for you to reflect, to turn your thoughts to yourself, to what you feel, and to take action in relation to it. In all areas of your life, both in love and profession, and even more in friendships.

The tip is that as much as dreams may have some meaning regarding who you are kissing, don't get too attached to it. It is important that you just observe what is happening around you regarding your feelings and try to take action as soon as possible.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.