Symptoms of who has Pomba Gira: signs, how it manifests and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the symptoms of who has Pomba Gira?

Pomba Gira is often misinterpreted by those who have little knowledge of the entity, and it is common to hear that Pomba Gira is malicious and debauched. This entity is historically associated with a strong and self-assured woman, representing a female figure detached from the taboos of society.

In this logic, who has Pomba Gira starts to develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-love. These characteristics bring growth and great achievements in personal and professional life. In addition, it is important to note that men and women can have Pomba Gira.

Want to know more? Check below what are the characteristics of Pomba Gira, how it manifests itself, what are the signs and symptoms and more!

Characteristics of Pomba Gira

Pomba Gira has specific characteristics such as sensuality and femininity, so those who have Pomba Gira manifest these attributes in a natural and light way. In addition, having a connection with the entity attracts positive energies. Understand better below.


The first time we heard of Pomba Gira was in the middle of the 20th century, and she was portrayed as a very sensual, feminine figure. This woman was independent and did not care about social conventions. This is why the term Pomba Gira gained a negative reputation, as this independent woman was frowned upon in the eyes of society.

Femininity brings sensitivity and inner strength to deal with one's own issues, and intuition tends to become stronger. For this reason, both men and women can benefit from the characteristics of Pomba Gira, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, there is a belief that Pomba Gira is the female personification of Exu.


Pomba Gira has gained popularity for being naughty and evil, but this is all a misconception. It is believed that Pomba Gira was a woman who caused a lot of suffering during her lifetime, but her spirit is intended to help in carnal processes, bringing self-love, growth and peace of mind.

But it is a fact that sensuality is a characteristic of Pomba Gira, and some people may be bothered by the influence of the seductive way. Pomba Gira is responsible for working sexual energy, but not in an impure way, as has often been advocated in society. Therefore, this entity helps in personal and spiritual development.


One of the characteristics of Pomba Gira is independence, she boosts intelligence, dominance and strength to walk the right path. Thus, achieving what you want more easily.

This occurs because the person becomes more attentive, thus, does not waste any opportunity that comes to him. As a result, financial life tends to improve, however, this is not a rule.

But it is common for finances and business to be boosted, as well as relationships, because the energy of Pomba Gira provides clarity of thought and self-confidence.


Pomba Gira is related to joy and daring. Someone who has Pomba Gira has a lot of energy and courage to carry out their own desires. They are positive people who do not let themselves be influenced by others' opinions and can easily follow their intuition.

All these attributes help to build a lighter and happier life, so Pomba Gira brings harmony and prosperity. Moreover, Pomba Gira vibrates with music, especially to the sound of the atabaque, a common characteristic for those who have Pomba Gira.

Signs of who has Pomba Gira

Those who have Pomba Gira express some signs in their personality, that is, in the way they speak and act, so some cases are easily identifiable. Some characteristics and preferences of those who have the entity are: natural sensuality, preference for colors like red and black, among others. Find out more below.

Preference for wearing black or red

Pomba Gira has preferences for colours like black and red, and is also familiar with vibrant colours like yellow and gold, as well as green and purple.

But, in general, she sympathizes with black, the color of mystery, and with red, which represents passions, elegance and leadership. In this logic, the colors represent Pomba Gira's personality, which is independent and self-confident. In addition, red also symbolizes eroticism.

Sensuality and sexuality touched

If you have Pomba Gira, you may start dreaming about her, so sensuality and sexuality tend to come to the fore. This is a remarkable characteristic of Pomba Gira, and she may be feared and judged by many.

Unfortunately, due to male chauvinistic values, Pomba Gira has been labeled as an evil and perverse entity, but in fact, Pomba Gira is sensual by nature, and there is nothing wrong with that. As such, it is a characteristic that should be accepted, embraced and incorporated.

Freedom as a way of life

The person who has Pomba Gira begins to act in a coherent and intelligent way. In this logic, he becomes more mature and disciplined, moreover, he can take advantage of the opportunities that the universe offers. Therefore, it is common that the financial life also stabilizes.

Freedom is a consequence of their choices, by choosing the correct path, those who have Pomba Gira live with more lightness and balance. The entity provides self-confidence and self-love, which drives the search for a lifestyle that makes sense and provides well-being and tranquility.

How Pomba Gira manifests

When Pomba Gira manifests herself some changes begin to occur, so it is common to go through atypical periods. The search for carnal pleasures intensifies, as well as, the desire for lust, drunkenness, among others. Check it out below.

Moments of lust

Pomba Gira is manifested by the desire for lust, so it is common to see who has the entity to be attracted by luxurious objects, so she loves to be buying expensive things. This aspect should not be analyzed as negative, so it is necessary to deconstruct the idea that many people have of seeing money as something dirty and negative.

Pomba Gira is linked to carnal pleasures, so lust is something so important. Moreover, it is not a sign that appears in all people. But in general, it is common for those who have Pomba Gira to opt for what is exquisite.

Drunken moments

As Pomba Gira is associated with the pleasures of the flesh, she is linked to moments of drunkenness. So, a person who has Pomba Gira can develop the desire to drink, even if it is something unusual.

The urge to drink comes out of nowhere, and it's common to let your instincts take over and drink at any hour of the day. The good thing is that this custom helps you identify if you really are with Pomba Gira.

Surrender to the pleasures of the body

As the Dove has a relationship with the instincts, maintaining proximity with everything that is carnal, it is common to manifest the will to surrender to the pleasures of the body. In this logic, this should also be interpreted as something positive, building self-confidence and freedom to realize one's own desires.

Obviously everything in excess is bad for you, so it's important to keep a balance, but in no way should Pomba Gira be interpreted as bad or perverse. What is profane and carnal is closely connected with what is divine, so the pleasures of the body can and should be accepted.

Symptoms of who has Pomba Gira

The symptoms of who has Pomba Gira vary from person to person, some have all the characteristics listed below, while others manifest few signs. Find out below what signs indicate that someone Pomba Gira.

Difficulty with emotional attachment

The difficulty of emotional attachment can be explained by the need for freedom of those who have Pomba Gira. Therefore, they often look for relationships where they can maintain autonomy and lightness.

In this logic, this can bring good or bad consequences, since maintaining a relationship can be a problem. But it also brings positive points, which boosts maturity to build healthier relationships.

Sexuality evident

Those who have Pomba Gira are naturally sensual, the energy of this entity is related to the base chakra which absorbs the energy of the earth. The life force energy or kundalini energizes the sexual organs, then is directed from this chakra to the rest of the body.

To request Pomba Gira it is necessary to have the disposition to support the entity's behaviour. Her main aspects are sensuality and communication. In addition, those who have Pomba Gira are often more energetically sensitive and their sexual energy can cause embarrassment.

In addition, the person who has the entity can also run out of sexual energy. Seduction and the art of conquest become outstanding characteristics, as well as self-confidence. Besides all that, it also boosts the courage to act and fulfill desires.

Thirst for revenge

People who have Pomba Gira have a thirst for revenge, and they can practice this act even without conscience. That is, they try to go another way, but they let themselves be carried away by revenge.

They love situations of tension in the air, so they usually retaliate in the same coin. As this entity is related to earthly energy, that is, what is carnal, so those who have Pomba Gira can find it very difficult to change and give up revenge.

Luxury attraction

One of the symptoms of those who have Pomba Gira is the attraction to luxury. They are people who like to buy expensive things, value quality and grandeur, and feel good about squandering money.

Objects with strong colors also attract the looks of these people, in addition, they value elegance and good looks, so they are always well dressed. In addition, they usually attract luxury situations, so they are invited to important and exquisite events.

Attracts other Pomba Giras

One of the signs of a person who has Pomba Gira is to meet other people with similar characteristics, this happens because Pombas Giras attract each other. In this logic, it is common to come across friends with a certain sensuality, heightened sexual energy, communicative ease and attraction to luxury.

In this sense, living with other Pombas Giras can be very beneficial, since it is possible to recognize characteristics in common and, consequently, to grow. Therefore, if you know people who have Pomba Gira and suspect that it is an entity present in your life, your reasoning is probably correct.

Many vices

The figure of Pomba Gira is associated with vices, because in her history, when incarnated, she was a person who liked to drink and smoke. In this logic, having Pomba Gira makes an individual also develop this characteristic.

For this reason, when someone has Pomba Gira, it is common to feel the urge to drink and smoke frequently, even for those who hate these practices. Moreover, the urge comes out of nowhere and at any time of the day.

It is fundamental to understand that these practices are connected to the divine, so the spirit guides are not addicts, but rather use these tools to potentiate positive energies.

Attractive look

The look of those who have Pomba Gira is always attractive and eye-catching. These people attract attention easily because of their sensuality and personal power, and their speech is loud, as is their laugh.

They are also attracted to luxurious items, so they value good looks and vanity. For this reason, they attract attention to themselves throughout their trajectory. As an entity linked to looks and sensuality, the offerings to Pomba Gira are champagne, wine, cachaça, mirror, jewelry and lipstick.

Joy and optimism

Those who have Pomba Gira begin to live with more joy and optimism, because their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-love are boosted. Therefore, they are courageous people who take risks to follow unusual paths.

In addition, they do not fear the judgment of others, following social standards are not part of their values. In this way, they are not so upset by the opinion of others, and their confidence is strong and makes them persistent, achieving important goals.

All these qualities drive an intelligent and attentive posture, this way, many opportunities are taken and the person tends to grow both in personal and professional life.

You never feel alone

For those who have Pomba Gira, situations in which they feel a presence but don't see anyone are recurrent. It's as if someone is walking beside them on the street, but when they look back they see that they are alone.

This usually happens in the most diverse environments. At first, it may be a strange sensation, so it is necessary to make sure if it really is the entity Pomba Gira. Since, it may be a spirit with negative energies.

Some people with greater sensitivity are able to feel Pomba Gira more easily. However, there are others who have Pomba Gira but cannot feel her presence.

Feel it in your body

Those who have Pomba Gira are usually more sensitive, so their body tends to feel the energies around them more easily and clearly. Thus, through music it is common to feel the presence of Pomba Gira, especially when the atabaque begins to play, because the whole body begins to vibrate along with the instrument.

In this logic, the feet leave the ground and the person begins to dance. Another way to feel in the body is through the sensation of always having someone around. The body can even get goose bumps, but there is no need to be afraid. It is important to emphasize that those who have Pomba Gira can feel other sensations, so it varies in each case.

Personal power

Having Pomba Gira is very beneficial to increase personal power, the person tends to be more confident, self-assured, self-sufficient and independent. They are people who attract a lot of attention, because their appearance usually draws attention because they value vanity and beautiful clothes and accessories.

Those who have Pomba Gira, even when they try to appear discreet, are noticed. In addition, Pomba Gira provides autonomy to be responsible for one's own destiny, bringing strong characteristics such as communication and leadership. Another advantage is that happiness tends to be more present, due to the maintenance of positive thoughts.

Is it easy to identify that you have Pomba Gira?

In some cases, it is easy to identify who has Pomba Gira, because some people show several symptoms. However, there are also those who manifest only one or two symptoms, so it depends on the experiences of each one. In any case, Pomba Gira helps to build a life with more lightness and prosperity.

Therefore, contrary to what many people say, Pomba Gira is actually an entity of light, so it offers several attributes to assist in someone's journey. Moreover, to be sure you have Pomba Gira is recommended to attend Umbanda or else resort to an experienced medium.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.