Tea for flu: ginger, lemon, honey, garlic, orange and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Which tea acts against the flu?

The symptoms of a cold and flu such as cough, sore throat, runny nose and fatigue are very uncomfortable and can debilitate us for days. Therefore, it is important to strengthen your body with plenty of water and a diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

To help you reduce these symptoms and strengthen your immune system, you can prepare various types of teas with fruits, ginger and herbs.

There are several types of recipes and ingredients available used as painkillers and anti-inflammatories that will improve your discomfort. Find out what these teas are and understand their properties to have a better effectiveness against flu symptoms. Keep reading to strengthen your health and improve your well-being!

Powerful ingredients against flu

To make a good flu tea you can always resort to some ingredients such as: lemon, ginger, honey, garlic, orange, among others. They have some properties that can help you recover and relieve flu symptoms. Understand a little more about each one of them before preparing your tea!


The ginger is called by science as Zingiber officinalis and is widely found in health food stores, fairs, markets and compounding pharmacies. It is an edible root able to help in the treatment of various problems from stomach, circulation to against colds.

This root has several applications, from gastronomy to medicines, in its properties are included vasodilation, anticoagulant action, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and analgesic.

Ginger helps to relax the muscles, fights nausea and vomiting, and also prevents and treats diseases such as influenza. It is common to use ginger in conjunction with other fruits and herbs in order to enhance its solutions and add a unique flavor to your infusion.


Citrus fruits like lemon have an excellent amount of vitamin C for the body, which enables an antioxidant action and its base rich in soluble fiber can help regulate the bowel and reduce appetite. You can take advantage of all fruit, you can use it to season, make essences and even a tea.

This fruit spread throughout the West, being at first considered a luxury item. However, it was upon realizing its applications in medicine that lemon began to be widely used. It was even mandatory for sailors, as the vitamin C present in the fruit prevented scurvy.

A lemon that has been freshly picked can contain about 55% of the daily amount that a human being needs of vitamin C. Its applications in medicine are the most varied, but the main ones are to help improve your immune system and prevent various diseases such as flu and cold.


This is the most popular fruit in Brazil. The orange is present in the lives of all Brazilians and we consume this fruit in several ways. Its slightly acidic flavor comes from its vitamin C. In addition, it has flavonoids and several other nutrients with the potential to prevent diseases, making your body healthier.

Its origin came from Southeast Asia, passing through the Middle East, the African continent and even Europe. Its medicinal properties became known, being widely spread throughout the world, today Brazil is its largest producer. Becoming the most popular fruit in the country.

But, it is because it is a very rich source of vitamin C that makes it so special against flu symptoms. They are able to improve your immune system, in other words, you will be improving your defenses. Therefore, you will notice that you will have fewer colds if you consume it daily.


Garlic is widely used as a seasoning in Brazilian gastronomy, besides having practical medicinal applications for the human being. It has several health benefits, this happens due to the presence of a substance that has allicin as its active ingredient. It serves as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, besides regulating blood pressure.

Its use dates back to ancient times. In Ancient Egypt garlic was used in the composition of various medicines. In addition, it has antimicrobial properties widely used in dermatological problems due to its bactericidal and antifungal effect. Being able to combat various health problems.

It is a great food to be added to your diet, besides serving as a great seasoning for your dish, it provides several benefits. You will be protecting you from the flu and strengthening your body with just this addition, and it can also be used as a tea or in dog porridge.


This is a plant widely used for medicinal purposes. It can also be known as cone flower, purple or rudbequia. Being widely used as a home remedy treating colds and flu, besides relieving your symptoms and helping you to reduce fever.

Echinacea helps in the treatment of infections, viral or bacterial diseases and arthritis. All this is due to its properties, serving as:

- Immunostimulant;

- Detoxifying;

- Anti-inflammatory;

- Antioxidant;

- Antimicrobial;

In addition, it is used in scarring and as an antibacterial and fungicide. This allows for better treatment of injuries such as wounds and burns by avoiding possible infections.


The elderberry has a very similar appearance to a bush with black berries and white flowers, it is also known as: elderberry, black elderberry or elderberry. Its flowers are widely used to prepare teas, in addition to treating colds and flu.

Europe and North Africa have a large agriculture, however, it has also been included in the southern region of Brazil as in Rio Grande do Sul. It is a very common species and widely known for its sweets and drinks. Besides being used as a dye and in several medicines.

There are many benefits to consuming its fruits and using its leaves. It is ideal for fighting the flu and cold, as well as aiding in heart health and fighting inflammation and infection, among other benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

Ginger tea with lemon

You can resort to ginger tea with lemon to ease sore throats and improve your immune activity. The tea will help you get a better use of the substances present in both ginger and lemon. So, follow the recipe and enjoy its benefits!


You will need to separate the following portions of each ingredient:

- 2 cups of water filled;

- 1 lemon cut in half to extract the juice;

- 1 tablespoon grated ginger.

- 1 spoon of honey (optional)

How to prepare

First put the water to boil in the pot. When it's bubbling, add the grated ginger and leave it for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and squeeze the lemon into the pot, then cover it and leave it to infuse for at least 5 minutes. That's it.

You may want to add a spoonful of honey at the end of the infusion. This will bring a softness to the lemon acid and ginger flavor. It will also strengthen your tea with the honey itself.

Orange tea with ginger

You can use the ginger with another fruit, the orange. Ideal for those who prefer orange to lemon, it still has very similar properties to lemon. Rich in vitamin C and in fighting flu symptoms, relieving cough, sore throat and relieving fever.


Unlike the first recipe, the orange tea with ginger is not recommended to use honey. Because it is already a softer fruit than lemon and sweeter too, which makes the tea even simpler. Separate the following ingredients:

- 2 full cups of water;

- 1 orange cut in half to extract the juice;

- 1 tablespoon of grated ginger.

How to prepare

Start by putting the water to boil, after it starts bubbling throw the ginger and leave it for 2 minutes. While the infusion happens you prepare the orange juice and put it together with the peels in the pot. Cover it and wait for 10 minutes before drinking it.

Echinacea tea with ginger

Another ideal home remedy for flu is echinacea tea with ginger. This is because it stimulates your entire immune system, favoring sweating and helping you fight fever. How to prepare it is very simple, read on and do it yourself!


This recipe is very simple, you will only need two ingredients:

- 1 cup of water;

- 1 tablespoon with chopped dried leaves of echinacea;

How to prepare

Initially, you will put the water to boil, then throw the echinacea and wait 10 minutes infusing with the pot covered. Now you will only need to strain to remove the leaves and you are ready.

Garlic tea

Garlic tea is a potent medicine for treating infections and against the flu. When made the tea you can make the most of its substances and properties, substantially improving your immune system and relieving the symptoms of colds and flu.


To make the tea use:

- 3 cloves of garlic;

- Half a lemon band;

- 1 tablespoon of honey;

- 1 cup of hot water.

How to prepare

Put the pot of water on the fire and prepare the garlic, peel it and then mash it, then put in the water. When it starts boiling leave the pot covered for another 5 minutes. Only when turning off the heat you should squeeze half a lemon and a spoonful of honey, wait until it gets warm and it's ready!

Lemon tea with honey

This is one of the most popular options for fighting the flu and colds, is the lemon tea with honey. One of the best known natural remedies and that lives up to its name by being able to relieve the symptoms of colds and help in their recovery.


Its way of preparation is very simple you will only need the following ingredients:

- 1 lemon:

- 1 tablespoon honey;

- 1 cup with water.

How to prepare

Separate the ingredients, put the water to boil and prepare the lemon and honey in a glass. Add the spoonful of honey, cut the lemon in half and extract its juice and mix everything. After the water starts boiling put it in the glass and mix once more. It's ready, now just drink it!

Garlic and lemon tea

A stronger option is to consume garlic tea with lemon. This solution will bring together the best of the properties of each ingredient and help you fight the flu and strengthen your body faster. This combo brings together the antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in weight.


To make your garlic lemon tea you will need the following ingredients:

- 2 cups of water filled;

- 4 cloves of garlic;

- 1 lemon cut in half to extract the juice;

- 1 spoon of Honey (optional).

How to prepare

First, peel and mash the garlic cloves and put them along with the water to boil in the pot. While the water is on the fire, cut the lemon and extract its juice into a large cup. After the boil turn off the heat and leave it to infuse for another 5 minutes.

This way you can preserve the vitamins in the lemon juice and fortify your tea. Now just pour it into a glass and enjoy your lemon garlic tea. If it's too strong for your taste, you can add a spoonful of honey. It will help soften the taste and make it sweeter.

Elderberry tea

Elderberry tea is special, its properties are known around the world. Its leaves and flowers are perfect for making tea that can improve your stamina and help with fever. Learn how to prepare it below!


You will only need the following ingredients:

- The leaves and flowers of the elderberry tree;

- 1 cup hot water.

How to prepare

The preparation is even simpler, you just need to put the water to boil. After it reaches boiling point, pour the leaves and flowers of elderberry infused in the pot covered. Then just strain and take.

Is it possible to trust the power of a flu tea?

Yes, the medicinal properties of various teas have been scientifically proven. Each type has its own identity in taste and in its substances, being able to help in the treatment of various diseases. Another point is the accessibility of this form of medicine, which makes tea such a popular option.

A good flu tea is essential not only to treat the symptoms of colds and flu like runny nose, headache, fever and sore throat. Another outstanding feature is a more stable health. Consuming teas will help you strengthen your immune system, preparing you for when you get these diseases again.

Although there is a need to assess the severity of the symptoms, if you are not fighting the disease following this medicine. You will need medical help, so seek a consultation with your clinician to make the diagnosis and you be sure if it is just a flu really.

Teas are reliable and are widely used in the world. Their properties and effectiveness in treating the flu are proven and their daily intake is recommended. The advantage is that they do not require many ingredients and their preparation is simple. So, enjoy their benefits in your day to day without wasting much time!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.