The 7 Hermetic Laws: meaning, origin, cahbalion and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of the 7 Hermetic Laws?

The 7 Hermetic Laws refer to the seven principles developed by the scholar Hermes Trismegistus about basically everything that orders the universe. According to him, these seven laws govern the cosmos and can be observed in the various dimensions of existence.

These seven laws study the Fundamental Truth from the aspects of the laws of physics and nature, to personal relationships and thoughts. For this reason, a deeper knowledge of these presuppositions can greatly help human beings in their journey, since, with this knowledge, freedom to control events is attained.

Discover below what the origins of the 7 Hermetic Laws are, what each one means, and whether the laws are still valid today.

The Origin of the 7 Hermetic Laws

The 7 Hermetic Laws derive from a study of the texts of Hermes Trismegistus, and synthesize in principles what the scholar preached as the laws governing the universe.

The laws are included in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus which date back to the 2nd century A.D. Being from Ancient Egypt, his knowledge influenced Greco-Roman culture and was later again a source of study in the European Renaissance.

The 7 Hermetic Laws, however, were not formally written down and released in the West until 1908, by the book "The Kybalion." Below see more details of the origin of Hermeticism and the 7 Hermetic Laws.

Who was Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus was an important occult scholar who lived in the 2nd century A.D. His conclusions reverberate through the fields of philosophy, religions, esotericism, and even the occult techniques themselves, such as magic and alchemy.

He is a great figure because, being one of the first theoreticians of Egypt, he had his ideas disseminated throughout the ancient world, having influenced Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates, who formed the basis of current philosophy.

In addition, the vast majority of today's religions in some way have integrated its ideas, from Islam to Christianity to Kabbalah and astrology as a whole.

The Origin of Hermeticism

Hermeticism includes all the ideas studied and organized by Hermes Trismegistus, which, in general, coincide in the sense of the search for the Great Truth, that is, of what is true in all dimensions of human existence.

This is the study of the ideas of this great thinker, whose assumptions have been revisited countless times by theoreticians of knowledge and religion throughout the ages, and which even today serve as a source for science, religion, philosophy, occultism and any studies about human existence.

The Alchemy of Hermeticism

One of the main ideas of Hermeticism as a method of observing phenomena is alchemy. This study basically states that in order to understand something complex, it is necessary to separate its elements and understand the formation of each one.

From then on, it is necessary to observe in what way they unite, that is, what element would be capable of creating unity among them all. Alchemy gave origin to the chemical industry as we know it today, as well as other philosophies that work in the same way, but with spiritual elements, such as magic and occultism.

Corpus Hermeticum

The Corpus Hermeticum is a set of works that originated in the studies of Hermes Trismegistus, and which essentially inaugurated the study of alchemy.

The theories originate from the syncretism of various ideas, that is, they are concepts that arise from the relationship and connection of concepts that do not necessarily have a formal relationship. Thus, alchemy emerges as a form of study of the individual elements that together form something greater.

The Emerald Tablet

The Emerald Tablet is the document that originally contains the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, which were later dissected into the 7 Hermetic Laws. It is believed that these precepts were written on a tablet of the mineral emerald, with a diamond blade.

The contents of the Emerald Tablet would have first been passed from Aristotle to Alexander the Great in Ancient Greece, and was part of the most precious knowledge among rulers. Later, it was widely read in the Middle Ages, and today it remains true for bringing the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration, confirmed by the quantum physics of today.

The Caibalion

The "Caibalion" is a book released in 1908 which united all the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. It was completed by the Three Initiates, whose real identity has never been confirmed. Some argue that the authorship would be William Walker Atkinson, American writer and mentalist. It was from this book that the Hermetic ideas officially arrived in the West.

1 - The Law of Mentalism

The first Law of Hermeticism says that the universe derives from a mental force. Therefore, everything is mental, everything is a projection that operates in the same frequency as the human mind. And that is what we call reality.

In this way, thoughts are what actually drive people's lives, it is from them that the reality in which everyone lives is created. If one seeks to keep his thoughts high, then life will be full of good things. If, however, he cultivates low thoughts, these ideas will be closer to him, to the extent that they determine his existence.

Thought control is, therefore, the great key to happiness in the vision of Hermeticism. Read below some perspectives on the Law of Mentalism.

"The whole is mind, the universe is mental"

By the Law of Mentalism, the whole is mind, the universe is mental. Therefore, each fragment of your reality is part of a whole that your mind integrates at all times, and it is from there that everything actually exists.

As much as people try to disconnect their existence from the whole, it is essential to understand that existence itself is also mental, and therefore they are not the ones trying to "participate in life". Existing already makes them part of reality.

The process that actually occurs is the expansion of consciousness, where you understand the universe to the extent that you consciously integrate. Materially, everyone is born integrated.

Religious point of view

From the religious point of view, it is possible to associate free will with the Law of Mentalism. If life is a constant choice between good and evil, yes and no, and it is by means of thoughts that the paths to be taken are cultivated, chosen.

Faith itself is an outgrowth of the Law of Mentalism, for it is nothing more than your belief, what you believe is possible. If the mind creates reality, and absolute faith is capable of miraculous healing, then to firmly believe in your faith means to make it a reality.

Scientific point of view

From the scientific point of view, it is possible to see more clearly the power of the mind in psychological illnesses. Depression, for example, is proof that negative beliefs can make you sick. Thus, the need to use drugs to control the production of neurotransmitters and pass on the feeling of happiness, means to chemically control what the mind does naturally.

The opposite is also true. Music, affection, and everything that brings good thoughts and a sense of happiness are scientific proof that the nurtured mind creates happiness.

In everyday life

In everyday life it is possible to closely monitor this reality. It is true that the process of observing your thoughts can be costly and sometimes painful at first. However, it is very easy to see how a person shapes their reality according to their thoughts.

If one is happy, one can do everything one wants: going to the gym, cooking, cleaning, working. On the contrary, if one is hopeless, disgusted, everything costs a lot to be done. The body doesn't respond if the mind doesn't want it to. So, thoughts actually drive life.

2nd - The Law of Correspondence

According to the Law of Correspondence, absolutely everything in the universe has some cosmic correspondence. This means that in order to really understand something, you have to analyze its correspondence. Nothing has an absolute meaning by itself.

Thus, it is possible to understand this statement from different points of view, and its complete analysis shows that in fact, in the world we live in, nothing is unique by itself, as it always finds a reflection. Find out more below.

"What's above is like what's below"

The clearest way to understand the Law of Correspondence is through the famous statement "What is above is like what is below," because that is exactly how it materializes. The idea is that the world works like a mirror, in which everything that exists has a corresponding reflection.

It is very common to try to explain some phenomenon of life with another phenomenon, like the infinity by the stars or the sand on the beach. This happens because everything in the universe has a representation of itself, a reflection, just like the human being itself, which sees itself in its parents and grandparents, and vice versa.

Religious point of view

From the religious point of view, it is possible to observe the Law of Correspondence by the main indication of the Catholic Church, for example, that man is the image and likeness of God. Thus, the presence of man on planet earth would reflect in some way, or several ways, the action of God in the universe.

Man, therefore, would find his perfection in imperfections, inasmuch as imperfections too are the work and reflection of God, and therefore necessary to the perfection of creation.

Scientific point of view

From the scientific point of view, the law of Correspondence can be related to all analogies, or proportions. This is the case of scales, geometry and astronomy.

The study of the stars is only possible because one adopts a Law of Correspondence, in which one space equals another, or that light always runs at the same speed, so one can surmise what there is and what there is not beyond what one can see.

In everyday life

In everyday life, the Law of Correspondence is one of those that can most help in self-knowledge. This is because the inside is reflected on the outside, and from this, it is possible to begin to interpret the surroundings according to an individual's feelings.

Thus, someone's mental or emotional mess translates into the messiness of their house. A person's house, in fact, is a perfect representation of their being. Whether it is tidy or messy, whether it welcomes people or not, these are all traces of the inner affectivity reflected on the outside.

3rd - The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration determines that everything is vibration, everything is energy, and, if nothing is static, everything is in movement. Thus, this question is complex because, at first sight, many things seem static: objects, houses, trees.

However, this law states that, despite what the human eye can perceive, everything is composed of mini particles that are connected by a current of energy, and therefore, everything is energy. It is present in every millimeter of the universe. The following are the main ways in which this law reveals itself.

"Nothing stands still, everything moves, everything vibrates"

The maxim of the Law of Vibration is that "Nothing is stationary, everything moves, everything vibrates". Although the world is apparently static, in which there are rigid and heavy materials, everything, absolutely everything, is vibrating and, therefore, is in motion.

It may be difficult to imagine this reality, because the common idea of movement is very much linked to movement that can be followed with the eyes, such as waves, or cars running. But the movement to which this law refers is almost imperceptible.

Religious point of view

From a religious point of view, the Law of Vibration concerns the earthly and divine planes. Many religions maintain that there is something beyond life on planet Earth that cannot be accessed by human beings. This is because the divine plane, or the beyond, would be in a different vibration, unreachable by the living.

Spiritism, for instance, goes further. According to this religion, the whole would be a single thing, and the vibration of each being is what defines what is accessible or not. That's why, according to this religion, many dead people, or spirits, remain among the living, and yet most people cannot see them.

In general, the rule is that the low vibration is what you can see, and it concerns matter, therefore. The high vibration is invisible, and to access it you must elevate the energy, which is essentially spiritual.

Scientific point of view

In the case of the Law of Vibration, it is much simpler to view it from a scientific point of view, for it is precisely by vibration that matter is justified.

This is because the atom, which is the smallest particle of matter known to human beings, and which, together with other atoms, form absolutely any known material. And this is nothing more than the union of protons and electrons by a current of energy.

That is, even the smallest particle, which forms all the others according to modern chemistry, is not a static material, but a constantly vibrating whole. It is even possible to calculate the energy present in each atom, molecule, etc., which means that, in fact, everything is energy. This question is absolutely pacified by science.

In everyday life

In everyday life it is possible to verify this law by observing the human body itself. Listening to a song, drinking a drink, or simply watching an exciting movie, all these are elements that change the energy, the state of a person.

This is because the chemistry present in the human body, in contact with the blood, increases or decreases vibrations. It may be that the chemistry comes from outside as well, such as through food or drink.

4th - The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity determines that everything in the universe has two poles, that is, everything will tend towards one thing or the other, which, in the end are not only complementary, but are parts of the same truth.

To understand something, to integrate something, it is necessary to understand its two faces, and one presupposes the existence of the other. The lack and the abundance, the light and the dark, the yes and the no. The world is dual and polarity is the absence or presence of something, of light, of heat, of sickness. The following are the main aspects of this question.

"Everything is double, everything has poles, everything has its opposite"

The maxim of the Law of Polarity is that everything is double, everything is and is not, and there are the poles. It is possible to associate the idea of equilibrium to this Law, insofar as, for something to be ideal, it must find the middle between the yes and the no.

This is because, in the end, every truth is a half-truth. The very idea of equilibrium presupposes two opposing forces. So one must absorb a little of both, and therefore a little of everything. The opposites are the extremes, which in themselves are not absolute truth precisely because there is a possible opposite.

Religious point of view

From the religious point of view, the Law of Polarity comes exposed in good and evil, mainly. In spiritualism, for example, evil results from the absence of love, it is not something that exists by itself, but it exists for being the result of the lack of love, of the absence of the divine.

Choosing the path of evil is not, therefore, a choice for something that is real, but a refusal to approach the light, which is the truth indeed.

Scientific point of view

From the scientific point of view, we can observe medicine as in general as something that needs regulation with precision. A surgeon, who cuts too much into the human body in one place, can cause serious harm to the patient's health, even his death. If, however, the doctor does not act vigorously to save the patient, he can lose him, likewise.

This need for constant modulation between two extremes is the physical representation of the Law of Polarity, which is present in everything.

In everyday life

In everyday life, the Law of Polarity is present all the time. The need to balance things, a diet, clothes, a relationship, reminds us that both exaggeration and lack of it can bring harm.

5 - The Law of Rhythm

According to the Law of Rhythm, all motion obeys a law of return, according to which if a force is exerted in one direction, in a following moment that same force, in the exact dimension, will be exerted in the opposite direction.

This occurs both in situations that one can see, such as the movement of a boat, which hangs to both sides to balance itself, or in a relationship, in which the attitudes of one influence those of the other, positively or negatively.

In fact, everything tends to equilibrium, and that is why an exactly equal compensation occurs in the opposite direction. Below we put some examples of the analysis of this law from different perspectives.

"Everything has an ebb and flow"

The Law of Rhythm has the maxim that everything has an ebb and flow, which means that for every movement in some direction, that is, an ebb, there will be an equivalent movement, in equal force, in the opposite direction, in other words, an ebb.

Religious point of view

Time is a great agent of transformation in several religions, and reflects the Law of Rhythm, which takes and brings the events and spiritual processes.

Thus, in the Bible, for example, the life of Christ brings every year the idea of death and rebirth. In spiritism, reincarnations are cycles of life that seek spiritual elevation. In candomblé, periods of seclusion are necessary for the effectuation of spiritual cleansing. The cycles in general bring the ebb and flow as a natural and necessary movement.

Scientific point of view

From the scientific point of view, the Law of Rhythm can be observed in all the cycles of nature. The seasons, the phases of the moon, menstruation and pregnancy in women, all these phenomena occur at determined spaces of time.

The occurrence of cycles in nature, and even in astrology, such as the death of a star, is absolutely common and reflects the Law of Rhythm in science.

In everyday life

In everyday life, it is possible to observe this law by all the constant in and out movements that are stabilized in this way. Human breathing is the greatest of these. Inspiration and expiration are the proof of the Law of Rhythm, since what is expected, the most natural and healthy way to occur, is the permanence of the balanced constant rhythm.

Likewise are the rising and falling of waves in the sea, the beating of birds' wings, or the pendulum of a clock. All these are demonstrations of the Law of Rhythm in everyday life, in which the balance is in the movement.

6th - The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is the one that, once mastered, makes the human being evolve and be the causal agent of his experiences and, therefore, the creator of his destiny. It is possible to relate this law to the popular saying "you reap what you sow", because in fact, it says that what is experienced by a person is nothing more than the result of something, because everything has a cause and an effect.

Thus, there would be no injustices, but only a lack of knowledge of the cause of something that is occurring. Below discover some pertinent interpretations that influence life in general.

"Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause"

The maxim of the Law of Cause and Effect is that every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause. For this reason, every attitude, or even from a more practical point of view, every measure taken, will have a consequence.

From this vision, it is possible to modulate reality by acting in the direction of what one wants. Therefore, if one wants something, one only has to act in the direction of what one wants. Of course, there are many planes of causality, and this equation is not so simple to solve, but it is certainly exact.

Religious point of view

From the religious point of view, it is possible to see the passage on Earth as a cause of what has as effect, the salvation. It is also possible to associate this law to the maxim "here it is done, here it is paid", which proposes that life will always bring back the evil that was done in order to repair the damage caused.

From the religious point of view, attitudes would be the cause, of what fate, or God, would take care of teaching or rewarding.

Scientific point of view

Analyzing this law through the scientific point of view is very simple. In fact, according to science, this law corresponds to Newton's Third Law, which states that for every action there is a corresponding reaction of equal intensity, but acting in the opposite direction.

This is because the physicist Isaac Newton studied this law of nature, attesting that the interaction between two bodies occurs this way. Thus, when a body exerts a force on another, this second body returns it in the same intensity to the first.

In everyday life

In everyday life, it is possible to observe this issue in gym exercises, for example. When you put an amount of weight to make a movement, the force that the weight exerts on your body is exactly the same force that must be done against it to make the movement happen.

In this way, the strengthening of the muscle occurs by the constant force that must be made against the weight, which is exactly equal to the force that the weight exerts on the body.

7th - The Law of Gender

The last Hermetic Law states that everything in the universe has an expression of gender, masculine or feminine. Thus the inherent characteristics of each can be verified in any dimension, whether in living beings, thought patterns, and even planets or eras of the universe.

As such, everything derived from creation has a masculine or feminine force, or receives the influence of both, to a greater or lesser extent. Here are some perspectives on the Law of Gender.

"Everything has its male principle and female principle"

The masculine and feminine forces are present in all forms of expression of the universe, and their combination is what guarantees the balance. The excess of the masculine force tends to destruction, and of the feminine, to inertia, through excess of zeal. Both forces need to act towards conscious evolution.

Thus, everything has its masculine and feminine principles, including the human being. A man needs to develop his feminine power for care, and a woman, her masculine power for action. It is in balance that perfection is found.

Religious point of view

From a religious point of view, men and women always have very well defined roles in the various religions on how to conduct rituals or what functions they can perform, and this is often related to fertility, which is a specific attribute of women.

There are undoubtedly social influences in the definition of these roles, but it is necessary to understand that behind this analysis of created truths, there is an essence of masculine strength that imposes power and action, and a feminine strength, which values the care and preservation of life, and both are present in men and women since always.

Scientific point of view

From a scientific point of view, the easiest way to observe the presence of the feminine and masculine is through the birth of all human beings. The fusion of the feminine and masculine aspects is indispensable for the creation of new life.

Despite the discussions that may arise from the need or not of one of the parental figures, the fact is that a new being only arises from this biological mixture. The feminine is often associated with care because it is the woman who carries and delivers the baby to the world, but the male influence is essential.

In everyday life

In everyday life, it is easy to observe the presence of feminine and masculine aspects through the division of labor. It is very common to find men in jobs that involve strength and women in jobs that involve care. As much as this reality is a social construction that needs to be updated, it is a reflection of latent aspects of each gender.

Evolution occurs in the sense of integration of the aspect that is missing for equilibrium, therefore, it is part of the natural process that with the passing of time these roles will be mixed. It is a matter of both beings claiming what is not innate to them, but is equally necessary.

Should the 7 Hermetic Laws still be considered today?

Without a doubt, more and more the 7 Hermetic Laws are proving to be true. In the 20th century, modern physics and chemistry have evolved society to levels never imagined, given the evolution of transportation and medicine.

In the age of communications, the Law of Attraction has proven to be the key to humanity's mental and spiritual evolution, as has the Law of Vibration, which brings healing daily by material or spiritual means.

Therefore, the Hermetic knowledge, although one of the oldest of mankind, remains the closest to the Great Truth to this day.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.