The Force in Tarot: card meaning, in love, combinations and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Force mean in Tarot?

Strength is a Tarot card that requires attention. In its representation there is a woman, a maiden, reproduced in the card is presented as someone with enough power to dominate a lion, a wild animal, bigger and stronger. It proposes a reflection on the types of strength needed to win.

This card instigates a different kind of power, based on persuasion, influence and self-knowledge, requiring great balance from the consulter who draws The Force during a reading.

In this post, we describe those details and meanings that will make a difference when it comes time to draw and guide you to the most appropriate reading.

Basics of the card The Force in Tarot

The first step in understanding a Tarot card will always be its fundamentals: the art, its relationship to the cycle it is part of and the suit, if it is a suit card. We will explain all the details below.


The Force is in a moment of the cycle of the major arcana, the so-called Path of the Mad, in which there is concretization of the choices made during the first five arcana of the Tarot. Now is the time to deal with the issues that arise from those choices.

Such a connection is possible to be understood through the symbol of infinity above the maiden. The possibilities created in the first card of the cycle of major arcana, The Magician, are materialized here.

The Force is the moment is of the instincts and masculine power, represented by the lion, being defeated by the woman, symbol of softness and subtlety. The woman and beast relationship is of the dominion conquered by non-violent means, but through wisdom.


Traditionally, The Force is depicted with a young woman overpowering an animal or monster. The maiden appears satisfied with the accomplishment.

In Rider-Waite-Smith, there is a young woman with the infinity symbol over her head trying to tame a lion and open its mouth. She holds it in a specific way, which prevents the animal from reacting, at the same time, it is possible to tell that the lion does not intend to attack her.

She wears white clothes, symbol of purity, and there are flowers adorning her clothes and hair, representing the expression of nature. Over the maiden, there is the symbol of infinity or a leminiscata hat, identical to that of the Magician card. Symbol by which the two cards are related and the movement of the Path of the Madman.

In The Force, the potential of The Magician already has a direction, not just the creative ability of the letter I, as will be studied.

The major arcana

Major Arcana are the group of 22 cards that propose a holistic understanding of ourselves, involving mental, emotional, material and spiritual aspects of existence.

Unlike the lesser arcana that focus on one aspect, and for presenting this multiple reading, the major arcana are usually found in readings about significant moments in life, moments with enough impact.

The major arcana are organized in a cycle that tells a dynamic and eternal story called the Way of the Madman, where we learn more about life and our identity. In this sense, similar to the minor arcana, which are also organized telling a cyclical story.

The Path of the Madman begins and ends in the Arcane 0, The Madman, because the Tarot proposes that for every situation in life there is an initial moment, the will to make it happen, followed by the choices made, the consequences, reflection, evolution and more ideas, more will. Always cyclical.

The Force is a card in the eighth or eleventh moment of this journey, depending on the orientation of the deck. This difference generates some differences within the understanding of the Path of the Madman, but it influences us little within the study of the oracle.

The meaning of the card does not change regardless of whether it is card VIII or XI, and in both positions within the Path of the Madman, The Force is in a position in the cycle that points to the time when dealing with positive consequences of the desire and the actions that desire has caused.

For those who associate tarot with other oracular systems it is possible to associate The Force with the sign of Leo.

Like the sign, this is a card about energy, enthusiasm and will. Characteristics that are balanced by the maiden, but not suppressed, because this power of the lion is very important, even if frightening.

It is also possible to perceive a proximity with the sign of Leo because The Force talks about persuading and the power to influence, which is one of the characteristics of Leo, creating this desire for closeness and being so influential.

Motivated by the symbolism of the lion, the card The Force in the Thoth deck is called "lust", "desire" and in some decks it comes as "Power", "might".

Meanings of the card The Force in Tarot

The card The Force can have several meanings in Tarot, from the drawing performed. Now we present how to understand the symbolism within the oracular work.

Control of passions

The lion or monster represented in the card are the instincts, the desires that, at this moment of the cycle of the major arcana, are under the control of the maiden who keeps him under her domain.

The card Strength teaches that wisdom, example, and morality have great potential to exert power and overcome both brute force and thoughtless actions. And it advises that it is always best to direct one's feelings towards constructive things.

Emotional domain

Now there is certainty of what one wants and personal energy is directed to achieve the desire. For this reason, in some decks, the card The Force comes after The Car. That car that was a little unruly, now has direction.

When the lion accepts the dominion of the maiden and the maiden, the influence of the lion, both benefit. It is a moment of learning and self-control, in which we begin to know more about our desires and our limits.

Vigor and courage

This is one of the manifestations of the power that the lion represents and that the maiden absorbs, the vigor to fight and get to where you are today. Despite much struggle, the achievements will also be many.

It is a card, however, that promises solitary work, in which you basically rely on your own strength. You must be aware that your courage has made a difference so far and brought you to this point in the journey. Believe in yourself.

Overcoming challenges

The maiden depicted in Rider-Waite-Smith art dominates the lion from a specific position. She knows herself, knows the lion, or any obstacles she faces, and acts wisely.

By the moment of the cycle of the arcana in the tarot, this is a time of work and struggle, but the arcane Strength guides in the sense of understanding your weaknesses and strengths to seek the best strategy and achieve what you want. Overcoming challenges comes from wisdom and self-knowledge.

The Power of Tarot in love

The card The Force in the Tarot speaks of desire and wisdom, how would this apply to relationships? Understand the symbolism of The Force in detail.

For committed people

In love, the card The Force indicates a relationship with love and passion. The intensity of these feelings can lead to a very good relationship, or a very unstable one.

In a good relationship, The Force indicates enduring feelings and sincere interest that exist alongside sexual desire. Value all facets of this relationship, for both companionship and desire are part of love.

Because this card brings so many different feelings, there is a chance that there will be problems. If the partners do not seek affection, forgiveness, wisdom, it is likely that this relationship will go through many crises, with crossed conversations, or even a relationship in which one always makes mistakes and the other forgives.

Reflect on what you want within the relationship and position yourself so that there is always love, compassion and care between those involved.

For singles

For singles, the card The Force can indicate the type of partner you want: someone who is decisive, compassionate and passionate.

If there is someone in sight, the advice is to be patient and insist, always with respect for the other person. This is a relationship that will need a little push to get started.

The Power of Tarot in work and financial life

In the tarot, The Force points to the inner power and influence. There is a lot of creative energy, which comes from the influence of the maiden and can be used to get a new job or to excel in the current position. Understand how The Force works in the material area of life: work and financial.

For employees

In this position, The Force guides you to channel energies and feelings into building, whether it's accomplishing projects or finishing tasks. Don't let your impulses blind you, master them, work with them.

This card also points out that it is a good time to take big steps, those you are afraid of. You have the ability and the talent. Believe in yourself and have courage.

For unemployed persons

For those who are unemployed, The Force points out that it takes courage to get a replacement. It must be conquered.

The combination with some letters, especially those that talk about financial gain, reinforces the high possibility of being called for a vacancy.

Financial situation

What the card The Force presents is a stable financial situation, based on consuming wisely. As long as you continue to exercise good control over your spending, there is nothing to worry about.

Tarot Combinations with the card The Force

Combinations with the card The Force in Tarot can enhance meanings, or bring new perspectives to a reading. We highlight below some interesting combinations to help your reading and studies in Tarot.

Positive combinations for the card The Strength

As a message of hope, the combination of The Force and The Star promises that in the future there will be success, while reinforcing the message for today to not give up and believe in the future.

The Force with the 10 of Cups points to a kind of communion that involves understanding, as well as a strong sense of familiarity, as if the other person's family and friends were also yours. It is one of the positive combinations for relationships, as The Force creates a good foundation for the 10 of Cups.

Negative Combinations for the card The Force

A complicated combination for The Force is with the 7 of hearts. The 7 of hearts speaks of daydreaming and little accomplishment, as if to point out that feelings are getting the better of us and little is actually being done.

When one desires something, it is necessary to seek opportunities to make the desire become real. The Force with the 6 of diamonds means that the time allocated to building goals and dreams is not enough, or that not all possibilities are being sought.

The Strength and 6 of diamonds is not necessarily a negative combination, but it advises to change your attitude towards the object, which can be quite stressful.

Another combination that gives a bit of indigestible advice is between The Force and 5 of Swords. Just like the previous combination, it asks to reevaluate decisions and more, to assume defeat, learn from it and then move on.

A little more about the card The Force in Tarot

There is still more to be uncovered about The Force in Tarot. Here, we explain other issues of the card, such as health and challenges.

Strength in health

For health issues, the card The Force is a very positive card suggesting that all is well and the body is functioning normally.

Despite the first impression, that the card would end up signifying some kind of stress or problems to be endured, in the sense of health, The Force is with the meaning of balance. Therefore it is possible to say that everything is fine.

However, it is always important to reinforce the result of the letter with a trusted professional and continue taking care of yourself.

Inverted card

If your reading includes an inverted card, or The Force in a negative house, it is understood that you lack the inner strength that this card promises. At the same time it is noted that instinct and feelings dominate over common sense.

The inverted Force indicates a lack of confidence, motivation and that you've been withdrawing from what makes you happy. It could even indicate a depressive crisis, so keep an eye on your mental health.

In matters of love, it reinforces the negative possibility of the chart that one always gives in and forgives the other's mistakes, generating codependency. Or fights and arguments are escalating, with neither party offering forgiveness.

The Force in the Yes or No Drawing

For yes or no draws, the card The Force does not give certainty. The answer is yes, but a "yes" that requires effort and dedication. You are probably on the right path.

Challenges of the card The Force

The maiden and the lion illustrate the challenges of this card: The Force requires balance, wisdom, reflection on powerful and intense feelings, but development happens through this mastery and there are no shortcuts.

Unfortunately, this card proposes a solitary path, forged in spite of others. It is in this battle of wills that one strengthens one's own will and perceives one's inner strength and capacity. The Force says that it is possible to accomplish, it depends exclusively on you and your inner strength.

The period in which this card influences your life should be one of much self-knowledge, as this is a very important tool to achieve wisdom and enough confidence to act guided by the strength that the card inspires.


Learn to exercise your compassion and empathy, for this is the way the maiden dominates the lion. He was influenced by the maiden and is dominated by example. It is possible to do the same in your life and positively influence everyone.

Does The Strength Tarot card indicate a good time for self-confidence?

Self-confidence is a very important feeling that should always be in use, have no doubts in that sense. In Tarot, the card The Force comes to reinforce this need. You can follow this guidance without fear.

In fact, living without fear is one of the things The Force brings. It's a card that inspires you to create your own path, to fight with non-violent means and says that there is strength enough within you and so it will work out. You will make it happen.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.