The four elements of the zodiac: how they relate, their signs and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about the 4 elements in astrology!

In Astrology, the signs and the stars are influenced by 4 primordial elements: fire, earth, air and water. Since there are 12 signs and four elements, one can classify them into 4 groups composed of 3 signs each, called elemental triad.

Each sign present in the same triad shares common characteristics and so it is possible to observe, for example, correlations between Cancer and Pisces or Taurus and Capricorn. However, depending on the position of the sign with respect to the dates of the seasons, we can classify them into three different elemental qualities, namely: cardinal, mutable and fixed.

Both the element and its nature influence the personality and characteristics of the signs. It is therefore important to consider their energies in order to better interpret them, whether in astrological charts or in horoscopes.

In this article, we will unveil the characteristics of each element, relating them to the signs so that you can understand your nature, accept it and improve it.

Understanding the four elements of the zodiac

The elements of the zodiac are the sources of energy of each sign. Each of these elements is related to the masculine and feminine energies, Yang and Yin, respectively, and have different physical states. In this section we present their origins, relating them to the signs and demonstrating their nature and influence.

Origin and history

The origin and history of the elements in the zodiac are anchored in Western Astrology. This system is based on the writings of Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek scientist who lived in Alexandria in Egypt in the 2nd century after Christ.

Based on Hellenistic and Babylonian traditions, the zodiac was divided into 12 signs, each of which is ruled by one of the four constitutive elements of the universe: earth, air, fire and water.

Each element is located exactly 120 degrees away from each other, forming a kind of triune when we relate the same element in the zodiac in different positions. This system follows the following order: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, starting in Aries and repeating until it reaches Pisces.

The elemental square

The Elemental square is composed of four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each of them is associated with different attributes and directions, governing 3 signs of the zodiac. Thus, there are 3 signs of water, fire, air and earth.

The elements have three different modalities: cardinal, mutable and fixed. For this reason, it is possible to speak of mutable air, cardinal fire, fixed earth, etc. When one of the signs ruled by a specific element occurs at the beginning of the season, they are mutable signs, as is the case of Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

The fixed signs occur in the middle of the season and include Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Finally, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces occur at the end of the seasons and are therefore considered changeable signs.

Relationship between the elements of nature and the zodiac

From the observations and the divisions corresponding to each element and sign, it was possible to establish relationships between them.

With these relationships, it was noticed that signs ruled by the same element had common characteristics among themselves. Moreover, it was also noticed that the elements influence personality traits, the style of dressing, and even physical characteristics of the body.

Thus, it is possible to understand that understanding the element of the signs and their characteristics is a fundamental step towards understanding other aspects of an astrological chart, especially through a simpler and more intuitive lens. Understand how the elements influence the signs below.

How each element influences the signs

The elements influence the signs by giving them part of their nature. For example, water is the element which adapts to the vessel which contains it and therefore natives of water signs are naturally flexible and adaptable. Although it may seem difficult to understand at first, this relationship is quite intuitive.

By understanding it, you will have access to its quality (cardinal, mutable and fixed), obtaining a kind of map for the personality of each sign, learning how your relationships with people will develop, since they dictate how you feel and act when faced with situations.

This will allow you to better plan your choices and totally change the way you relate to the world around you.

Fire Element

Fire is the first element of the zodiacal cycle. It is associated with the masculine Yang energy, which is why it is dynamic, active and restless, and arises from the combination between air and ether, the fifth element. Find out if you are governed by the fire element below.

Nature of the fire element

The nature of the fire element is predominantly energetic and passionate. Therefore, people ruled by this element are commonly recognized by their spontaneity, impulsiveness, creativity and boldness, being able to cause real fires wherever they go. Fire is represented by the South direction and symbolizes burning feelings, creativity, knowledge and spontaneity.

Like the flames themselves, its colors of power are red, gold and orange tones. Although feared due to its power of destruction, fire is an element of purification and transformation. On its negative side, fire encompasses compulsion, immediacy, impatience, competitiveness and anger.

Shortcomings and excesses of the fire element

Lack of fire element in the birth chart indicates that few or none of his houses are under the influence of the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. When this occurs, his attitudes are restrained, because he is insecure, with low self-esteem and is afraid to take decisions and even perform simple tasks.

When in excess, fire is present in four or more houses influenced by the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This generates impatience and passion. There are also dramatic and impulsive behaviors, with inconsequential attitudes and explosions of anger that can eventually put everything at stake.

People probably have to be very careful when dealing with you, as any misstep is the spark that ignites the biggest of fires.

Fire Signs

The signs of the fire element are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire makes these signs seek for brightness and are more susceptible to impulsiveness. Aries occurs at the beginning of the season and therefore is ruled by the fire element of cardinal nature, inciting flames. Its planetary ruler is Mars, the origin of its element.

Leo is the fixed and stabilized fire. For this reason, Leo behaves like the flames themselves, being imposing and the center of the Universe like the Sun, its planetary ruler. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is the mutable fire, closing the cycle of the fire element in the zodiac. Its fire brings the energy of a fire that consumes everything around, ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Characteristics of each sign of the fire element

In family and love relationships, they usually have the last word and use it to instigate the fire of their sign. At work, they are natural leaders and like to be always ahead because, after all, they are the first sign of the zodiac.

Leonines are unyielding and faithful to their beliefs. In love and family relationships, they like to be the center of attention and their fearless character can often be irritating as they are usually selfish and proud. At work, they like prominent positions.

Sagittarius uses their search for truth as a passion, so they like to defend the people in their family and love life, but usually act with a "let life take me" attitude. At work, they oscillate between ambition and altruism.

Combinations of fire with other elements of the zodiac

The element of fire best combines with fire and air. A duo of fire spreads energy wherever it passes. It is a very intense and devastating combination, so one should look for balance to avoid disastrous consequences.

The combination with the Air element is a relationship of dependence, since fire only exists in the presence of air. Both share the masculine, Yang energy.

Water and earth are the elements that least combine with fire. Even though the earth has complementary energy to it, giving it a physical place to burn, fire can make it infertile. The most delicate relationship of all is with the water element, because one element has the power to extinguish the other.

How to relate to people of the sign of fire?

When relating to fire signs, patience is the key word. They tend to be impatient by nature, always anticipating steps and eagerly and passionately pursuing their goals. Their impulsiveness and explosive attitudes can put everything at stake, including their own life.

If you enjoy discussing relationships, be prepared to change your perspective a bit, especially if you like to use arguments about the past.

For fire signs, the past doesn't matter much: they are always looking for the future. So wait for the right moment to act, but don't let the right moment pass for too long, or you'll have problems. Being passionate, be prepared to be consumed by their fiery energy, both emotionally and in sex.

Earth element

The earth element is the most palpable element. Its nature is physical, solid and stable, characteristics associated with the feminine Yin energy. Sometimes cold, earth has a sensual and reliable energy. Read on to understand the characteristics of earth and find out if it is your element.

Nature of the element earth

Earth is the most tangible and stable element. It is in it that we obtain our food and it is on it that we create our homes. Consequently, everything involving the material plane is under the influence of this element, which confers practicality, centeredness and feet on the ground.

It is associated with the North and the colors that refer to this element are green, brown and all earthy tones. Earth rules the Womb and the power of manifestation and is therefore linked to motherhood, materiality and abundance.

Its power nurtures and endows its rulers with the gifts of responsibility and confidence, as well as traits like practicality, shyness and sensuality.

Lacks and excesses of the earth element

When the earth element is missing in your birth chart, you have a natural tendency to be unstable. Problems related to practicality, rationality and even motherhood can be linked to the lack of this element.

You may feel quite airy, have trouble concentrating, and have trouble getting your feet firmly planted in a relationship, job, or even college.

If it is in excess, the negative side of the earth comes out. You have a strong hoarding characteristic, coupled with feelings like greed and avarice. Also, there is a tendency to conservative and traditional thinking, which keep you from moving on to a better life. Finally, you can be meticulous, lazy, complacent, and cold.

Earth signs

The signs ruled by the earth element are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. As general characteristics, earth signs are realistic and attached to everything they can touch.

Taurus initiates the triad of earth in the zodiac and this element has a fixed nature. Therefore Taureans are builders and accumulators. The telluric influence in this sign originates from Venus, its planetary ruler.

In turn, Virgo is the mutable earth, which gives you a greater sense of practicality and pragmatism. Moreover, its planetary ruler, Mercury, reinforces these characteristics, since he is named after the Roman god of communication.

The cardinal earth is the domain of Capricorn, the last earth sign of the zodiac. Its materialistic and meticulous nature originates from its ruler, Saturn.

Characteristics of each sign of the earth element

Taurus has a sense of beauty and sensuality which helps them in their work. They are reliable workers with a stable nature. In love, they can be possessive and jealous. Family is important to them, but they have difficulty expressing their feelings.

Virginians are meticulous and practical, excellent skills for the job market. They have a systematic perspective on things and therefore usually like routines when it comes to relationships. Their obsession for details can harm love and family relationships.

Capricornians are hardworking and ambitious, they act to realize plans and like to charge. They are controllers, and this characteristic is present in their professional, family and love relationships. In love they are also very sensitive, but they are hardly rancorous.

Combinations of the earth element with other elements of the zodiac

The best combinations of the earth element are with water and earth itself, as both have feminine energy. The earth duo generates solidity and is a relationship with a focus on physical contact, and care must be taken to neglect emotional contact.

The combination with the water element is extremely harmonic, because water fertilizes the earth, while the earth provides the stability that water needs so much.

Earth less combines with the elements air and fire. When combined with fire, earth can extinguish it, but it can also sterilize it. The combination earth and air is also problematic, for they are in different physical states levels of reality, generating difficulties for them to interact in a harmonic way.

How to relate to people of the sign of earth?

The earth element is the most tangible of the zodiac as it is through it that we experience the material world around us. For this reason, earth signs value physical contact: they seek contact with the person they are relating to through touch. Be willing to touch them and be touched as this is essential for them.

Your focus on materialism can often appear to be cold or connected only with the physicality of the body, such as sexual contact. However, this is only the nature of the sign which determines your type of relationship.

Learn to understand his physical signs, such as body language, and be willing to understand how he expresses feelings (they usually give gifts for this purpose).

Air element

The air element brings with it the gift of inspiration. It governs communication, intelligence and, like fire, has attributes associated with Yang, the masculine polarity. Air is associated with the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Find out if your sign is air sign below.

Nature of the element air

The nature of the air element is intellectual. It is the most detached element because, even though it is perceptible to the touch, it is invisible, without a defined form and therefore freely permeates all environments. Due to its ability to move freely, it has an analytical nature that allows you to understand different facets of the same situation.

Air is associated with the direction East and the colors that represent it are yellow and white. It governs communication and social and humanitarian relations and therefore people influenced by this element usually work in these causes.

One of the main characteristics of this element is logical thinking over emotions. Consequently, people ruled by it tend to be detached and cold.

Shortages and excesses of the air element

If you lack the air element, you have difficulty being objective. In general, you are apathetic and bored easily and often do not see a reason for the things you do. In addition, the lack of the air element brings blocks of inspiration.

If the air element is in excess, you are always with your head in the clouds, finding it hard to feel your feet on the ground. Your ideas flow constantly, but you have trouble focusing on one, so your mind is always chattering, generating anxiety, lack of concentration and insomnia.

It's hard to organize your ideas and you probably spend a lot of time trying to offload your mental load with messages, audio and video calls etc.

Air signs

The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The air signs are very different from each other when compared to the triads of the other three elements of the zodiac. Gemini begins the air cycle of the zodiac. It possesses the mutable nature of air and therefore is the most adaptable air sign, leading a life of constant change.

The cardinal air is the ruler of Libra is the cardinal air. Vain, it is guided by actions and the demanding abilities to compare and evaluate ideas and principles. Finally, Aquarius closes the cycle of air, with a fixed air quality. It is the most stable and stubborn sign of this triad.

Characteristics of each sign of the air element

Gemini is the walking metamorphosis. In love, they are misunderstood as their nature is a constant flow of change. In family relationships and at work, they are good communicators but have a reputation for being gossipy and two-faced.

Libra values balance. In love, they prefer to avoid fights, but have difficulty showing their feelings. They are also vain and value communication. At work, Librians are usually someone you can turn to. In the family environment, they are excellent caregivers, inspiring optimism, but can renounce their needs for the sake of peace.

Aquarius is the most detached sign. In love and family, they tend to be independent and can appear cold as they value individuality. Their relationship with air values makes them excellent for professions which involve innovation.

Combinations of the air element with other elements of the zodiac

The best combinations for the air element are fire and air itself. The air duo is based on an intense exchange of ideals and inspirations, while the relationship with fire is harmonious, because even though the air does not depend on fire to exist, fire is able to warm it to reach places never reached before.

Earth and water are the elements that combine the least with air. As shown in the combination of earth and air, the two elements have very different physical natures, generating instability.

Combining water, on the other hand, can be problematic because both are combined naturally in disasters, such as thunderstorms, as air and water are usually combined in natural disasters, such as storms.

How to relate to people of the sign of air?

When relating to air signs, remember that they generally base their life on logical thinking and objectivity. This means that they will prefer rational argument to emotional argument. Although they are naturally detached, this does not mean that they do not have emotions.

It is important to be aware that even they do not show feelings as people of the sign of water, for example, demonstrate, they have attitudes that indicate their love and interest, as the simple fact of being together.

Being the element of communication, communication is the key to a healthy relationship with air signs. Be willing to open up and take an intellectual interest in the things they like, and success is guaranteed.

Water element

Water is the last element of the horoscope. It is the most fluid element which governs intuition, sensibilities and emotions, attributes associated with feminine energy, called Yin. Its cold, soft and humid nature is associated with the stars like Jupiter, Mars and the Moon, the ruler of the tides.

Nature of the element of water

Water has an emotional nature that is present in our bodily fluids and in water sources around the planet. It is extremely flexible as it adapts its physical form to the environment it contains.

She is associated with the west direction and her colors are blue, turquoise, lilac and tones. Her realm is the subconscious and the psyche, being a symbol of purity, purification, healing and the arts.

One of the main characteristics of the element of water is sensitivity. Therefore, people ruled by this element are very emotional and dreamy. In addition, people ruled by water are empathic, spiritual, with sensitivity and very refined imagination.

Shortages and excesses of the element of water

When the element of water is missing, you are seen as a thick, dry and apathetic person who cannot be counted on. Water is the element of emotions and its lack causes emotional coldness as you have been deprived of the emotional and intuitive nature of this element.

When in excess you have difficulty observing facts objectively, focusing on feelings, many of which are exacerbated by excess of the element. You have a tendency to live in a fantasy world and develop empathy in an extremely negative way, unable to think of yourself.

In addition, you are more susceptible to drama and self-esteem and identity issues, becoming anonymous in the face of situations and settling for even the worst of them.

Water signs

The signs of the water element are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are essentially emotional and sensitive, with a very strong intuition, which usually overrides logical thinking.

The first water sign of the zodiac is Cancer. Cancer is water by nature and therefore they are affectionate and emotional, attached to home and family. Their planetary ruler is the Moon, ruler of the emotions.

Fixed and stabilized water rules Scorpio. Therefore, natives of Scorpio understand the innermost desires of the soul. Their impulses are ruled by Mars. Pisces is the last sign of water. Its nature is mutable water and therefore it is compassionate, liking to unravel the feelings of the people around it. It is ruled by Neptune.

Characteristics of each sign of the element of water

Cancer are the providers of the zodiac, so they usually take care of their loved ones, both in the family and in the love nucleus. When they find someone trustworthy, they get as attached as possible. At work, they act in a decisive way to achieve goals.

Scorpio is intense. In family and love relationships, they always rely on their intuition to understand situations. They are temperamental, passionate and vengeful, so be careful when messing with them. At work, they are intuitive and powerful.

Pisces is indecisive. His emotions make him dramatic and clingy, so his love and family relationships require that he always be careful, for he is very needy. He is often a daydreamer and tends to do well professionally in artistic or caring areas.

Combinations of the element of water with other elements of the zodiac

The best combinations with the element of water are earth and water itself. The combination of water and earth allows you to explore the potential of these elements in their entirety, because the water element finds shelter in the earth, fertilizing it and balancing its emotions.

The water duo is extremely emotional and fluid, so you must always balance it or you will drown in the current of your emotions and feelings.

The elements that go less well with water are fire and air. As already described, both water and fire can annul each other, since they have different natures. In the case of water and air, both have complementary worldviews, but they can have difficulty understanding each other well, resulting in natural disasters.

How to relate to people of the sign of water?

Water signs are known for their sensitivity and sentimentality, so you need to learn how to express your feelings so that they feel cared for and welcomed. It is important that you cherish fidelity as these signs tend to be resentful and attached to the past.

On a positive side, they can always surprise you positively. Because they are empathic, they often work as true energetic sponges of the environment and usually have emotional ups and downs, as if they had different phases like the moon. Showing attention is another key point to deal with these signs, as they tend to be very needy.

Only together do the four elements achieve their true power!

Everything in nature is made up of the four elements. Human beings, for example, feel the air in their breathing, the fire in the energy that moves and warms their bodies, the water in their bodily fluids, and the earth in the materiality of their bodies.

Because they are made up of the four elements, it is necessary that they are in balance in order to have a feeling of completeness, necessary to feel fulfilled and full.

Attracting the emotions of water, the rationality of air, the materialism of earth and the ethereal form of fire, will align you with the Universe, for it is only together that they will make you achieve your true power, so that you are able to operate true miracles on your journey.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.