Learn how to discover your soulmate by birthdate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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How to find out the soul mate by date of birth?

First of all, to discover the soul mate, it is necessary to calculate the numbers present in one's own date of birth and reduce them to a number between 1 and 9 or 11 and 22. The same must be done with the data of the date of birth of the person in question.

In the case of a person with the following date of birth: 28/04/1980 the calculation adds all the numbers individually and arrives at the result of 32. As for this analysis 32 is not valid, it is necessary to add again, arriving at the number 5. Understand better in the article below:

Soul mate numerology

Soulmate numerology is the application of the basic theory of numerology used to find the similarities between individuals and, from that, understand the possibility of two people being soulmates.Understand:

What is numerology

Numerology has its origin in ancient Greece, from the concept created by the philosopher Pythagoras. The Greek developed the theory that the planets emanate vibrations that could be reflected in numbers. The same theory is also based on the idea that the numbers can translate the vibrational frequency present in letters and, consequently, names.

The study of numerology seeks to find the meaning present in the elements of the universe from its numerical equivalence. For numerology, it is also possible to find the energetic balance from the study of the frequency that a name emanates, finding its numerical equivalence.

What is soul mate

The concept of "soul mate" has its origins in Greek mythology. In the book "The Banquet" by the Greek philosopher Plato, the myth of the soul mate appears from Aristophanes who told a legend about complete men with four arms and four legs, but who dared to defy the gods and had their division as punishment.

From this division the perfect souls became lost pairs, who walked through the world aimlessly searching for their other original half. Although the myth serves as a basis for the concept, in esotericism the concept of soul mate differs slightly. Soul mates are defined as beings that have a great connection, which can be romantic or not, but that complement each other.

Find out the number of the person by date of birth

To discover the number that represents the personal energy of the person from his date of birth, it is necessary to make a simple calculation. First all the numbers that make up the date are added. After that, if the result is greater than 9 (with the exception of 11 and 22), it is necessary to add again to reduce the final result.

With the final number of the sum of all the values present in the person's date of birth we get the number equivalent to the soul energy of the individual in question. In this way, it is also possible to calculate one's own personal number and, with that, analyze if there is compatibility.

Find out the number of the person by name

Numerology has also developed a technique to transform names into numbers. With this system it is possible to find out the number of a person using only the first and last name, which can be useful in cases where you do not have the birth.

For this transformation it is necessary to separate all the letters of the first and last name, finding the equivalent value, according to the order in which they appear in the alphabet. Once this is done, the numbers of the letters are obtained. For the final result it is only necessary to add them until the result is 11, 22 or a number between 1 and 9.

Meaning of the number 1

In numerology, the number 1 represents the pioneering, the combative and adventurous energy. The number is also linked to masculine energy, for being associated to courage. Know the meanings of the number 1:

Positive features

As positive aspects, the number 1 represents the beginnings of new cycles, the courage to change and start over, the creative capacity, the pioneering spirit and the power that propels individuals courageously towards the unknown. The positive aspects associated with the number connect with the idea of a fearless individual.

The number 1 is also linked to independence and the ability to lead. People who have 1 as their personal number usually have a profile of natural leaders, seek prominent positions and are not afraid to get into conflicts to achieve their goals, and have an ease with sports activities.

Negative characteristics

Although the number 1 has great creative and combative potential, there are also negative aspects associated with it. Individuals who have 1 as their personal number have a tendency to get into unnecessary conflicts and see life in a warlike way, behavior that can be translated into difficulty in fluid communication.

In addition, those who have the number 1 as their personal number also present authoritarian behavior and may feel the need to express their desire for leadership in an inappropriate way. The same behavior can also be reflected in selfishness, having difficulty seeing the priorities that are not related to their own wills.

In relationships and love

In personal and love relationships, the person who has the number 1 as their numerological result tends to be authoritarian, always trying to make choices for others. This behaviour can generate conflicts within relationships and needs to be limited to avoid their partners feeling oppressed.

On the other hand, you are a very adventurous person, who loves to do new activities, extreme sports, embark on last-minute trips or visit unknown places. As well as being a very dedicated individual to romance within a love relationship, always looking for new ways to surprise your loved one and avoiding a boring routine.

Numerological combinations

People who have the personnel number 1 tend to be incompatible with people of the numbers 8 and 1, since the authoritarian and vigorous spirit can generate excessive conflicts. This happens because people ruled by the energy of the number 1, as well as the number 8, have a strong relationship with power.

If the partner has the number 2 or 6 as his personal number, there is a great chance of compatibility. The numbers 2 and 6 have in their energy the search for balance and harmony, which can become an essential element for individuals of intense energy ruled by the number 1.

Meaning of the number 2

The number 2 is, for numerology, the representation of duality and the search for harmony between opposing energies. Read below to discover all the meanings linked to the number 2:

Positive features

As positive aspects, the person ruled by number 2 has the ability to see situations in a balanced way, always seeking the middle ground and aiming at conciliation in the midst of conflicts. People ruled by this number have a calm and loving personality, besides acting in a patient way in all areas of life.

The duality of the number 2 can be translated into the position of a judge, as he seeks to analyze the situations in which he finds himself throughout life in search of a result which satisfies both parties. People ruled by this number also tend to be sympathetic.

Negative characteristics

The search for balance and satisfaction for all can become a negative aspect for those who have the number 2 as their personal number. Individuals ruled by this number can cancel themselves out to avoid conflict and generate dissatisfaction with themselves for lack of the ability to express themselves assertively.

The need to please everyone constantly can also trigger insecurity and indecision if the behavior is not directed in the proper way. Just as excessive individualism is harmful, constant self-denial can become a pattern of behavior that limits an individual's personal choices and expressions.

In relationships and love

The number 2 represents people who are always open to partnerships and exchanges in relationships. Understanding the human soul is an innate ability of people governed by the mystical energy of the number 2. Thanks to empathy, these same people can be carried away by sensitivity and transform superficial hurts into deep wounds.

Those who are governed by the energy present in the number 2 seek, even if unconsciously, to establish a lasting partnership. This desire is reflected in the dedication put into their relationships, whether they are amorous or not. Number 2 individuals are always emotionally available and ready for conversation with their partners.

Numerological combinations

People who suffer the energetic influence of number 2 have an easy time relating to individuals of number 2, 4, 6, 3, 5. Due to their excessive emotional surrender, people of number 2 need loving companions and for partnerships that also have the same level of commitment.

On the other hand, there is incompatibility with individuals who are governed by the following numbers: 1, 7, 8 and 9. This happens because this group of people tends to put individual issues as priority in relationships. In this way, number 2 could be emotionally exploited or become dissatisfied in this relationship.

Meaning of the number 3

For numerology, the number 3 is the numerical representation of the energy present in communication and creativity. Read below to discover all the details present in the fascinating creatures ruled by 3:

Positive features

Individuals who suffer the mystical influence of number 3 are people with an aptitude for communication functions like writing and oratory. Another important positive aspect present in this group is creativity. Those who are ruled by number 3 have facility with manual work and an aptitude for the arts.

Artistic ability is present not only in the act of creating, but also in the innate good taste of those governed by the number 3. In addition, they are people who have an ease of public speaking and feel good in social activities, and may even need an active social life.

Negative characteristics

Despite being very communicative and creative people, those who are governed by the cosmic energy present in number 3 also have a tendency to be driven by excessive vanity. This behaviour can be reflected in attitudes which generate repression towards the people around them, such as exhibitionism.

As another negative aspect is their facility for communication which, if uncontrolled, can also become a serious defect. People ruled by the number 3 can develop a taste for gossip creation, which becomes very harmful for relationships. Difficulty of concentration is also a defect of this group.

In relationships and love

When an individual ruled by the number 3 is in a love relationship, his energy is focused on transforming the days with his partner into a great adventure. Always planning new trips and unusual activities, those who carry the energy of this number express their creativity also within relationships.

However, such dedication can be exhausting, so those with the ruler of the number 3 also need to spend time alone to recharge their energy. If your partner is not understanding about this and demands too much attention or is jealous, the relationship tends not to work out.

Numerological combinations

The individuals ruled by number 3 are highly compatible by those who suffer the mystical influence present in the following numbers: 1, 3, 5 and 9. This happens because the group possesses in common a strong sense of individuality, characteristic that is necessary for the relationships with the individuals influenced by 3.

On the other hand, those whose personal number is 2, 4, 6, 7 or 8 tend to find greater difficulty in relationships with those governed by number 3. However, if the differences are carefully observed, they can become an opportunity for personal emotional evolution, improving relationships with opposites.

Meaning of the number 4

The number 4 is represented in some cultures as the number of perfection. For numerology, it expresses individuals who have a strong sense of responsibility. Get to know the profile of the number 4 here:

Positive features

People who are esoterically guided by the energy present in the number 4 have as their main positive characteristics a sense of order and commitment to the pursuit of their goals. Those governed by this number also have great inner strength and practicality at work, as well as loyalty and discipline in relationships.

A person governed by the number 4 is someone who can be counted on to put ideas into practice and solve difficult issues. Also, a great positive ability present in this group of individuals is the ability to maintain the constant energy needed to solve complex activities.

Negative characteristics

Although individuals governed by the number 4 are very committed, there is a negative aspect to their personality resulting from this aspect. Those governed by 4 are people who tend to be very demanding on themselves and others, a behaviour which can lead to personal dissatisfaction and conflict in the social environment.

Another outcome of this tendency is the critical and insensitive profile. People who are governed by number 4 are so objective that they may forget to take into consideration their own feelings and those of the people with whom they interact. In addition, this group has tendencies to behave excessively conservatively.

In relationships and love

As in other areas of life, in relationships people guided by the energy present in number 4 tend to be very committed and value loyalty and dedication in a relationship. However the demonstrations of love or affection made by individuals in this group may be unromantic, expressed in objective actions which make life easier for partners.

Those ruled by the energy present in number 4 may feel the need to establish clear links in relationships, avoiding complicated situations or unstable people. For a relationship with someone with number 4 to work out, it is necessary to show great commitment and responsibility.

Numerological combinations

People who suffer the influence of the mystical energy of number 4 have great compatibility with individuals ruled by the following numbers: 2, 6 and 7. This happens because the numbers have in common the high commitment in activities and relationships, as well as the ease of delivery and dedication.

In spite of that, who has the numbers 3 or 5 in its numerological map tends to be incompatible with people of number 4. The incompatibility happens due to the mutable and adventurous nature innate to individuals ruled by the numbers 3 and 5. This need of changes can be seen as a lack of commitment by those ruled by the number 4.

Meaning of number 5

The number 5 expresses the search for the new and the courage for innovative activities and adventures, as well as reinventing yourself. Read below to find out all about the numerological meaning of 5:

Positive features

5 is known as the number of versatility. The energy present in this number drives change and transformation, for this reason, people ruled by this number always seek new challenges and have innate social skills. The vivacity present in individuals ruled by this number may be the spark which is missing for the beginning of great transformations.

Those governed by the number 5 are extremely creative and are willing to embark on the unknown with a great deal of courage. The impetus which drives this energy is reflected in all the activities present in the life of those governed by this number, who are able to carry out several functions simultaneously.

Negative characteristics

The natural dynamism of those who suffer the influence of this number demands a routine with constant changes. Because of this, people who are connected to number 5 have as negative characteristics the lack of focus and even lack of commitment, if it requires a monotonous routine.

Although boredom is not one of the greatest attractions in life, some activities can in fact generate this feeling, and those ruled by 5 tend to run away from all commitments which present any possibility of becoming boring. As a result, these individuals may suffer from instability in their career or relationships.

In relationships and love

In relationships, those ruled by the number 5 are extremely entertaining people who have diverse interests and are always ready for a last-minute event. The enthusiasm present in these individuals can become contagious in relationships and in love, attracting people who see them as charismatic and enthusiastic.

Openness to new possibilities and a constant search for novelty is attractive, but it can also damage relationships which need greater commitment or are on the road to stability. In fact, stability or commitment are not the strong points of individuals who receive the mystical energy of the lively number 5.

Numerological combinations

Spontaneous and fun-loving individuals governed by the number 5 are easy to relate to socially, but there are some groups with whom interactions are more fluid. Those governed by the number 5 are highly compatible with people governed by the same number or by the number 3.

The absence of compatibility occurs with people who have the mystical influence of the following numbers: 1, 4 and 9. This happens thanks to the temperament present in these groups of individuals. The free nature of those ruled by 5 clashes with the excessively affectionate profile in relationships, which is a common aspect of the numbers 1, 4 and 9.

Meaning of number 6

The number 6 is the representation of concepts connected to family, the potential for creation and harmony. Read below to discover the positive and negative characteristics, interactions in relationships and much more!

Positive features

As main positive characteristics, the individuals ruled by number 6 have the creative capacity, which can be represented by the symbolism of gestation, present in the format of the number. For numerology, 6 is also one of the numbers linked to the desire of establishing harmony and balance in relationships.

The same search for balance also becomes one of the roots for the righteous nature of those who have the number 6. The number is also directly linked to individuals who innately have the ability to manage the home and seek to maintain balance and harmony among all who are part of it.

Negative characteristics

The negative aspects of people who are influenced by the mystical energy present in the number 6 are connected to self-indulgence. The peaceful nature of these natives can become a problem if it is not well managed, because at certain times it is necessary to get involved in conflicts to overcome certain situations and this can be a great challenge for the complacent.

Characteristics like exaggerated jealousy and the difficulty to assume mistakes can also lead those ruled by the number 6 to delicate situations throughout life. Observing these tendencies and being vigilant to control them can be a good alternative for the natives of the 6.

In relationships and love

In love relationships or not, people who are numerologically guided by 6 tend to present jealous and possessive behaviour, being too far removed from reality and potentially triggering unnecessary conflicts. However, these individuals are also very dedicated in their personal relationships.

The profile of people guided by the 6 is passionate and romantic, always seeking to establish serious relationships and the commitment of their partners. One aspect which can be worked out in the nature of this group is the tendency to insist on relationships which are not fruitful.

By longing for a marriage or something serious, these individuals may write themselves off or get frustrated for a long time unnecessarily.

Numerological combinations

People ruled by number 6 find the ideal partners in those ruled by number 2 or 6. This happens because both have as a common characteristic the search for partnerships and the energy for the consolidation of relationships. Besides being fully dedicated to relationships from the moment they get involved, both 2 and 6 have an empathic nature.

On the other hand, the numbers 7 and 9 are incompatible with the natives of number 6 because they have introversion in their main characteristics, which can become an obstacle for the partnership relationships that are so desired by those ruled by number 6.

Meaning of number 7

7 is known as the number of perfection and has great symbolism in various aspects of esotericism. To find out all about this mysterious number and the personality of those who are governed by it, read here:

Positive features

People ruled by number 7 have introspection, perfectionism and developed self-knowledge as positive aspects of their personality. These characteristics arise thanks to the instinctive search for perfection through the occult. Individuals ruled by this number also tend to be intuitive.

The number also expresses ease of connection with divine or sacred representations through practices which may be meditative or religious. This group of people also has as one of its qualities self-control, which is the result of a long journey of self-knowledge. In addition, they are very logical and rational people.

Negative characteristics

The introverted and introspective nature present in people who suffer the influence of the energy of number 7 is expressed in difficulties to connect socially and a preference for isolation, a tendency which can lead to emotional damage in the long term. The same behaviour can damage love and family relationships, showing distance and resulting in loneliness.

Those ruled by the 7 are people who seem to be "out of the air" constantly, they are inattentive to the practical issues of life, despite their perfectionism. In addition, this group can suffer from melancholy, due to their excessive self-criticism and loneliness generated by the natural pattern of behavioral isolation.

In relationships and love

In relationships individuals governed by the mystic number 7 show anachronistic behaviour, for they need solitude at the same time as feeling incomplete without a partner by their side. However when they open themselves to love, they tend to give themselves and trust too much.

For relationships to function smoothly it is necessary to understand the particular universe, where the greatest conflicts and interests of those ruled by number 7 lie, and for this it is crucial to have moments of solitude. However it is also important to know when to open up again to interactions with partners and with the world, not letting yourself be carried away by your own deep waters.

Numerological combinations

Relationships and partnerships of people who are influenced by the energy present in number 7 tend to be more fluid when they occur with individuals ruled by numbers 4, 7 or 9. The search for self-improvement, common to the personality of the groups, provides the necessary understanding for dedication to the inner universe of number 7.

However in the case of romantic or affective interactions with people ruled by the numbers 2 or 6 there is a great incompatibility. The occurrence of incompatibility happens because individuals of 2 and 6 have great affective needs and see in the relationship one of their main forms of nourishment for existence.

Meaning of the number 8

The number associated to the infinity symbol is, for numerology, the representative of rebirth and victory through material gains. Know all the aspects present in the number 8 here:

Positive features

The person ruled by the number 8 is an individual who does not run away from the fight, as he aims for his laurels and conquers them. Determination and thirst for victory become great qualities present in those who receive the mystical energy of number 8. The ethical sense, justice and innate capacity for leadership are other characteristics that make him stand out.

Furthermore, those ruled by the number 8 have unshakable self-confidence, an essential quality to obtain success and fulfill dreams, however distant they may seem. In addition, another positive characteristic present in this individual is understanding.

Negative characteristics

Despite presenting several positive aspects, those who suffer the energetic influence of the number 8 also have negative characteristics that must be worked on. People ruled by this number are ambitious, which can become a major defect if not controlled. In addition, they also measure their success by material values.

The natural stubbornness of these individuals shown in the journey to achieve goals can present itself as arrogance and stubbornness, and can also result in conflict along the way. Those with the number 8 as their personnel number must find balance in the struggle with their own desire for success.

In relationships and love

In relationships, individuals who are influenced by the numerological energy of 8 are people of intense feelings and who strive to convey security. However it is important to be aware of the natural tendency to emotional excesses. Exaggerated intensity in this case can prevent the individual from seeing the complexity present in relationships.

With a feisty nature, the individual governed by the number 8 tends to seek relationships which resemble challenges or present great difficulties in order to prove anew his abilities of aptitude to overcome any obstacle. This search, however, can be a harmful element for the heart if it becomes a pattern.

Numerological combinations

Individuals ruled by the number 8 are highly compatible with the following groups: ruled by the number 2, 3 or 6. In this case the compatibility happens because the groups are dedicated to relationships and are willing to compromise to please their pair, which can be extremely necessary in a relationship involving the number 8.

Numerological incompatibility occurs between individuals of number 8 and the following numbers: 1 and 8. The incompatibility occurs due to the obstinate temperament, sometimes stubborn, present in the groups. In these relationships the conflicts can become routine, generating a sensation of tiredness.

Meaning of number 9

The number 9 is the representation of cycles that come to an end. For numerology, 9 is also linked to spirituality. To find out all about the number 9, read here:

Positive features

Individuals who are governed by the number 9 have empathy and heightened sensitivities. They are people who care about social issues and are always willing to help others. Intense sensitivity is also expressed in immense tolerance and patience towards the other people in their lives.

Those ruled by the number 9 are also very connected with matters relating to spirituality, so they seek to find inner peace and have great hopes for a better future. The empathy intensely present in this group of individuals allows them to see different groups equally and to connect with them.

Negative characteristics

The connection with religions is a common aspect of individuals ruled by the number 9. For this reason there is a great propensity to religious fanaticism and the absorption of religious values for one's own personal judgment. Religious fanaticism and the judgmental or prejudiced behaviors which are attached to it are defects present in this group.

People who suffer the energetic influence of number 9 may also hide emotions or even have difficulty expressing weaknesses. Once they are hurt, people influenced by number 9 turn their energies against their own world, without measuring efforts in revenge, and turn away from humanitarian nature.

In relationships and love

For numerology, those influenced by number 9 are complex when it comes to relationships and love. This complexity is due to several factors, among them is the difficulty of being transparent about their own emotions to their partners. Emotional vulnerability is something that people of this group avoid.

As for demonstrations of affection and declarations of love, people ruled by 9 have no difficulties, they express their affection both with words and gestures. In a relationship, the person ruled by 9 can be the best friend, being available for objective and emotional questions, but also has the defect of emotional manipulation.

Numerological combinations

People who live under the mystical influence of the number 9 are highly compatible with individuals who are ruled by the numbers 4, 7 or 9. Compatibility, in this case, occurs thanks to the need for emotional dedication that individuals ruled by the number demand from their partners.

If the interaction occurs between a person ruled by number 9 and another of the number 1 or 5 there is great incompatibility, according to the numerological perspective. This occurs because who has one of these numbers as its personal number presents a profile of personality emotionally free and feels suffocated with the delivery of the number 9.

Meaning of number 11

The number 11 is known as a master number from an esoteric perspective, as well as representing an individual who stands out. Learn about the hidden meanings present in the number 11 here:

Positive features

Number 11, seen from its positive aspects, represents an individual with a distinct personality who stands out from the crowd. Those who have this number have great potential for achievement, as well as great creativity and inspiration. Leadership is a characteristic present in this individual in a fluid way, as it is not imposing and seeks to find balance.

Intuition and sensitivity are naturally keen in this group of individuals, and may even lead them to serve as a reference in matters involving supernatural themes or requiring more sensitivity than average. Number 11 also has a facility with humanitarian issues and the courage for adventure.

Negative characteristics

For numerology, the number 11 represents great power and with great power comes great responsibility. As a negative aspect, the number 11 has the possibility of becoming a cynical and overbearing individual, seeing himself as superior to others due to his sharper spiritual senses.

For this reason those ruled by this number can also become involved in fanaticism or charlatanism. Heightened spiritual sensitivity can also cause disorientation and a sense of loss of meaning in existence, if poorly elaborated by the individual, and there is also the possibility of triggering internal conflicts. It is advisable that these shadows are observed and worked through.

In relationships and love

Number 11 carries great energetic potential, which can be felt in different areas of the life of the individual who is ruled by it. In relationships it is no different. Number 11 expresses itself through exaggerated romanticism and idealization of the partner within the relationship. The search for harmony in love is another sign of 11 in relationships.

Although the shadows of the number present a tendency to superiority, in love relationships this does not happen. Those ruled by the number 11 can deal with different perspectives, ideas and temperaments, even if they are opposite to their own, for the good of the relationship.

Numerological combinations

Number 11 is called the "perfect number" or "master number", but there are still cases when this number faces incompatibility. The relationships of an individual ruled by the number 11 become complex when they occur with people ruled by the following numbers: 1, 7, 8 or 9 due to the recurring conflicts.

As for the fluidity in the relationship, caused by numerological compatibility, it can be observed between people who have the number 11 as their personal number and groups of individuals ruled by 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. This occurs because the groups present delivery in relationships and do not tend to possess authoritarian temperament.

Meaning of number 22

Number 22 is one of the numbers known as "perfect numbers". For numerology it represents the energy of concretion expressed in the material world. To find out everything about number 22, read here:

Positive features

As positive characteristics the individual ruled by the number 22 has a natural tendency to generosity. Contributing to the achievement of friends or companions is something instinctive in people ruled by the number 22. The materialization of projects that only exist in the realm of ideas is another relevant quality present in this group.

Those ruled by 22 have the ability to realize ideas, which can be reflected in entrepreneurship, if it happens, will be successful. Optimism, necessary to achieve dreams and deal with life's adversities is another positive feature present in those ruled by the number. Moreover, they are people of great loyalty.

Negative characteristics

The person who suffers the influence of the powerful number 22 has negative characteristics which reside in the shadows of his personality. The main negative aspect present in this group is duality, which unfolds in several other harmful aspects for the individual and his relationships.

The duality present in the individual who has the number 22 as his personal number is presented in extreme and opposite behaviors such as excessive vanity accompanied by low self-esteem. This contradiction and the difficulty to deal with criticism are, without a doubt, the biggest negative characteristics presented in people who are influenced by the mystical energy of the number 22.

In relationships and love

Whoever is governed by the number 22 lives up to the expression "8 or 80" as he or she has difficulty in finding the middle ground in relationships, dedication and love energy itself. This lack of balance can be expressed at certain moments as intensity of positive feelings and love declarations, but is also indicated in inertia.

When thwarted, or even rejected, the individual who has the number 22 can become vengeful and spiteful, transforming all the intensity, before presented in relationships through loving acts, in negative attitudes and feelings, which have the purpose of harming their ex-love partner.

Numerological combinations

The complex individual who has number 22 as his personal number has an ambivalent temperament, and therefore becomes incompatible with those ruled by number 3 or number 5. The incompatibility occurs due to the need for freedom and lightness in the relationship which is crucial for individuals ruled by number 3 or 5.

However, the relationship may occur more easily if it is between individuals ruled by the master number 22 and any of the following numbers: 2, 6, 7 or 11. The propensity for compatibility occurs because individuals ruled by these numbers tend to be more committed to relationships.

Is it really possible to discover your soulmate by your date of birth?

Firstly, it is important to understand the concept used by numerology for the interpretation of energies and analysis of the results. In numerology all numbers have a connection with energies of the universe and are translated into individual representations. Therefore, numerology can, in fact, help who is looking for this answer.

Therefore, by finding the energetic compatibility from the numerological calculation of the birth date, it is possible to understand if both people vibrate in the same tune. However, the observation of elements of interaction and connection between individuals is still the biggest indication for those who seek to find their soulmate.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.