To dream of dragonfly: black, white, green, blue, colored and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of dragonfly

The dragonfly is an insect of mystical beauty, linked to the realm of fairies because of its furta-color wings and its body with metallic colors. They are present in various beliefs, carrying its symbolism of transformation, illusion and freedom.

When present in the dream, the meanings can have several interpretations that indicate the need for change and freedom and to see through the haze. For Shamanism, a religion that associates knowledge and symbolism to animals, the dragonfly represents two elements, water and air.

In this sense, it conveys the balance between the sentimental and the mental. This insect also has a strong connection with changes and transitions, as it spends part of its life at the bottom of ponds and only when it reaches adulthood does it reach the elegant form we know, with unique beauty.

Besides this, it has the characteristic of flying with its wings horizontally, which gives it agility capable of changing direction quickly, deceiving predators. Because of this, it carries the symbolism of illusion, of seeing something where there is none.

Thus, the lessons it carries are: live life with everything you have and dive into yourself to take flight. The dragonfly brings omens of good luck and asks to seize opportunities, cross the illusions and be open to change. Check out more about the symbolism of this insect below!

To dream of a dragonfly of different colors

Colors have their own symbolisms. When present in dreams and added to the symbolism of the dragonfly, they allow different interpretations.

If you remember the color that this insect had when you dream, it is a sign that it has an importance for what you are living. Let's understand how each color can influence the interpretation of the dream with dragonfly!

To dream of black dragonfly

The color black is closely linked to the transformations of life and, when added to the symbolism of the dragonfly, show great desire for change, especially in the professional field.

It's possible that you're going through a time when you're longing for a fresh start because you're no longer satisfied where you are. You want more possibilities in your work, such as changing jobs or even seeking promotion. However, this could also indicate a desire to change industries entirely.

To dream of black dragonfly shows that achievement and good fortune are on your side, being a propitious moment to review your opportunities and manage your desires in search of personal growth.

To dream of white dragonfly

White is connected with peace and tranquility, so dreaming of white dragonfly is a sign that you strongly desire these characteristics in your life. This dream indicates that there is some very important aspect of your daily life that needs to change.

It is possible that you have created a parallel reality or a character for yourself, like a mask that has served you for a long time, but now you feel the need to be more true to yourself and you need to let go of these life patterns you have built up.

Review your sense of happiness and reflect on whether what you are living is an illusion you have created. The symbolism of the dragonfly asks you to delve into yourself and extract who you really are so that you can then soar high in search of your peace of mind.

To dream of blue dragonfly

The color blue symbolizes trust, loyalty and understanding. When added to the symbolism of the dragonfly, it indicates that your personal relationships may be clouded, especially with regard to the love relationship.

To dream of a blue dragonfly suggests that you are trapped in a relationship and searching for understanding, which often may be denied. This dream expresses a deep desire to be free from uncomfortable issues in living together, and now this need is more present.

It's time to review your relationships and weigh what's bothering you in them so that you get the best solution. Set out to find a healthy relationship where both parties are exercising understanding, trust and loyalty.

To dream of green dragonfly

Growth, renewal and completeness are characteristics associated with the color green. Added to the symbolism of the dragonfly, this color points to the search for such aspects in your life. To dream of green dragonfly indicates that you need to be more faithful to your truth, because it is possible that you are doing something against your conscience.

This is the ideal time to review aspects of your life which may be done against your will or your principles, even if unconsciously. Re-evaluate your attitudes and try to be true to what you believe in, to find personal growth.

To dream of a colorful dragonfly

If the dragonfly in your dream was colored, this symbolizes that you are going through a phase where feelings are overshadowing your thoughts. Therefore, it is possible that you are unable to balance your mind and emotion.

Take some time to reflect on your attitudes and your daily life. Examine whether, in any aspect, you are acting too much on emotion and failing to analyze all sides. In addition, dreaming of a colorful dragonfly also reveals that you are going through a very creative and self-knowledge phase. So take advantage of it.

To dream of dragonfly in different forms

In general, if a dragonfly appears in a dream, this is a sign that you are longing for freedom and transformation in some aspect of life. However, every detail matters when interpreting the symbols and each reading can have many different meanings.

We will see below some ways that the dragonfly may have appeared in your dream and understand what it symbolizes in the moment you are living.

To dream of giant dragonfly

If in your dream a large or giant dragonfly appears, this is a sign that you are feeling an enormous need for freedom in some respect and that you already know what to do to achieve this. However, you feel that you are not quite ready.

To dream of a giant dragonfly shows that this is the time to identify what is missing to achieve your goals and perhaps ally with someone who can help you define the next steps. There is a strong possibility of receiving help or ideas coming from a close person.

To dream of a small dragonfly

To dream of a small dragonfly is an indication that, even if unconsciously, you are looking for new opportunities that allow you greater autonomy in life.

It is possible that you feel tied to something or someone and this is depriving you of your ability to live independently. You are looking for lighter relationships and flexibility at work. This is a great time to review these aspects as they will allow you to make important changes which will reflect what you want for your future.

To dream that you are attacked by a dragonfly

If you dream that you are attacked by a dragonfly or that it attacks another person, pay more attention to your attitudes. You may be overdoing it in the pursuit of freedom and forgetting to focus on what really matters.

Even when we need to pursue new opportunities, there are issues and situations where we need to focus and prioritize. Never forget what you are responsible for.

To dream that you are catching a dragonfly

When you dream that you are catching a dragonfly, your subconscious is indicating a strong sense of entrapment. You want and desire change, but something or someone is not allowing it to occur.

This is a time to reflect on this aspect and to understand what you can do to obtain the desired freedom.

To dream of dragonfly flying

The sign brought about by dreaming of a dragonfly flying is that you understand that change is necessary, but you are reluctant to let things happen. There is an understanding of what you need to achieve your goals, but you are unable to let go of what you already have.

It's a favorable time to weigh in the balance the life you have and the one you wish to have, as well as to see if the paths that are open to be walked are consistent with what you have planned for the future.

Other meanings of dreaming of dragonfly

If you dreamed of dragonfly, this insect and its meanings are closely linked to your behavior. This dream may indicate a moment of good energy and elevation of consciousness, but different aspects should be considered, because they allow different interpretations.

We will see how other details present in the dream can influence its meaning, to understand what it is trying to tell you!

To Dream of a Dead Dragonfly

If in your dream the dragonfly was dead or dying, this is a sign that something important in your life had to be set aside and you miss it. To dream of a dead dragonfly reveals that you have been going through a time of intense transformation, which has forced you to make choices, and something that was left behind must be rescued.

So if you've given up on a desire, now is the time to reconsider it. If you've started a relationship and feel trapped by it, rethink what might be bothering you and talk to the person next to you.

To dream of many dragonflies

If you have dreamed that you see many dragonflies, be aware of new opportunities that may arise. It may be that you are facing a strong moment of transition in life and you need to make a decision to have that change.

When you dream of many dragonflies be prepared for good news that will mark you and dictate the near future. Do not be afraid of the transformation, as it will be very beneficial.

To dream of a dragonfly nest

Dragonflies lay their eggs in rivers. If you dreamed of a dragonfly nest in a river, this is a warning that you are facing the fear of something new in your daily life. The first stage of a dragonfly's life, the larval stage, is all in the water.

When they reach maturity, they leave the river to take flight. The moment you are living, therefore, calls for introspection and diving into yourself, because only then will you be prepared for the transformations in your personal growth.

To dream of a dragonfly tattoo

If you had a dream in which you had a dragonfly tattoo or that you saw one, it means that the current moment calls for a reflection on yourself. Often, we live our life on automatic and only then do we realize how precious time we end up losing.

In this case, a tattoo is nothing more than marking something forever on your skin. In the same way, the decisions you make in the next few days will generate an important mark in your life. Therefore, review your goals and try to act as if they are already very close. After all, it's possible that they really are.

Does dreaming of dragonfly indicate a desire for freedom?

To dream of a dragonfly is indicative of a strong relationship with regeneration and balance. When this insect appears in your dreams, it indicates the need to pay attention to the illusions that are surrounding you. You need to take a second look at everything, because you may be picking up messages in a distorted manner.

In addition, it also indicates an intrinsic need for freedom in many areas of life. Those who usually have this dream have some insecurity about making decisions that will change their lives drastically. But, being the dragonfly a symbol of good luck, these transformations have everything to benefit you.

In the first phase of life, dragonflies exist in larval form at the bottom of rivers. Water, in this aspect, symbolizes emotions and introspection. As soon as they reach maturity, these insects take off in search of their partners and have only a few days to live.

The symbolisms that the life cycle of the dragonfly shows is that it is necessary to dive into yourself, in search of self-knowledge and to understand your goals. Only after that will you have a triumphant exit, with high flights and the right way to enjoy freedom.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.