To dream of transvestite: you being, seeing, talking, fighting and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of a transvestite

To dream of a transvestite has several meanings connected to the symbologies of transformation, balance between the feminine and masculine sides, and acceptance. This dream also reveals our intolerances, prejudices, and internalized fears, bringing them to the surface.

Our dreams do not always carry literal meanings. In some cases, we must strip ourselves of our beliefs and open our minds to an interpretation free of prejudices. We are programmed to fear what is different, and from this fear can be born aggressiveness, aversion, but it doesn't have to be this way. Fear can be fought with information and understanding.

Transvestite gender identity is characteristic of Latin America, but can be found with other names and nuances in various regions of the world, for example the hijras in India. Transvestites should not be confused with Drag Queen, which is a temporary form of expression usually linked to performing professions, such as theater and music.

In short, the term transvestite used to be used in a pejorative way, but, with time, the community itself adopted it as a form of protest and resistance. Being a female gender identity, transvestites should always be addressed as female, unless the person themselves ask you otherwise.

To dream of a transvestite in different forms

In waking life, most transvestites live a real hell. No one would choose to risk being thrown out of their own family or beaten in the streets. Therefore, being an LGBT person is not a choice, as psychology itself has proven.

Now that you know a little about these very marginalized people, see below for some explanations about dreams about transvestites.

To dream that you are a transvestite

To dream that you are a transvestite is about questioning who you are, your actions, your ethics and morality. Discovering yourself as a trans person or transvestite is not easy. You have to deconstruct concepts and restructure them in order to be who you are.

You are not being true to yourself. Ask yourself if there is a part of you that is being repressed out of fear or to please others, for example: a hobby you gave up, a dream you stopped pursuing, or even issues of romantic attraction and gender.

Being born is painful, being reborn is even more so, but the happiness of being true to yourself will be worth it. Remember that walking the path of self-knowledge is easier with someone you trust by your side.

To dream that you see a transvestite

To dream that you see a cross-dresser reveals an imbalance in your masculine and feminine sides. Yes, we all have these two aspects within us, regardless of gender, and finding balance between both parts is essential for a happy and healthy life. Researching and reflecting on the concept of Yin Yang is a great first step toward this.

To dream that you are conversing with a transvestite

To dream that you are conversing with a transvestite tells about your ability to communicate with people who are different from you. It is common for us to have difficulty in conversing with people whose differences are not part of our everyday life. How did you behave in the dream? If you did not have difficulty in conversation, this dream reveals your ease of verbal expression even when faced with someone very different from you.

On the other hand, if you run over your words, it indicates that you face difficulty in conversing with people different from yourself or from your social circle. What to talk about, what words to use? The secret is to relax and treat the other person as an ordinary human being, which is what he or she is.

To dream that you are laughing with a transvestite

The symbolism of dreaming that you laugh with a transvestite is of your openness to the new or ability to open up if you have not already done so. It also signals that you feel self-assured and at peace with yourself. However, there is a difference between "laughing with someone" and "laughing at someone".

If in your dream you laughed at a transvestite, be careful about the kind of humor you have been consuming or doing. Also think about whether you have any insecurities that need to be worked on. In dreams, laughing at someone is a way for your unconscious mind to deal with repressed fears, insecurities, and fears, directing them as an offense to the other person.

To dream that you are dating a transvestite

The message that dreaming of dating a transvestite brings is that of courage to assume that which brings you happiness, even with the risks of rejection from those around you. The life of a transvestite is usually a lonely one, since few are willing to meet them and assume them, due to society's prejudice.

Therefore, dating a transvestite in a dream expresses your self-confidence and your certainty in what you love and what makes you good.

To dream that you have sex with a transvestite

Often, sex is the only kind of touch with another human being that a transvestite experiences. To dream that you have sex with a transvestite is a message about how you have been dealing with your body and brings a warning to how you have been treating your five senses, which may be being neglected or over stimulated.

If you have an aversion to transvestites and dreamed that you had sex with one, ask yourself why these people bother you so much. Having negative feelings against someone or a group that has hurt you is understandable, but it is questionable to hate people who have never done anything against you. Think about it.

To dream that you pay a transvestite

To dream that you pay a transvestite symbolizes your dependence on someone or something, and also signals an inability to make decisions without listening to others' opinions. Because of the difficulty of finding a job, many transvestites depend on prostitution to make ends meet, and your dream parallels this dependence.

Try to take some steps without assistance, but start slowly, with small achievements. Freedom is good, but getting help from someone can be very helpful in some situations.

To dream that you attack a transvestite

To dream that you are attacking a transvestite symbolizes your hostility to what is different within you. In dreams, aggression is a symbol of your internalized anger, generated by repressed feelings or turbulent periods in your life.

To dream that you are attacking a transvestite is to alert you to the accumulation of fears and problems and the anxiety generated by them. Find a way to express yourself and release all this accumulated energy and you will feel lighter.

To dream that you fight with a transvestite

To dream that you fight with a transvestite represents your inner conflicts, either in deciding something important, or conflicts of values and different ideas between you. You have also been avoiding feelings, accumulating them in your mind. Try to clear your head by organizing these thoughts on paper or by meditating.

Other meanings of dreaming of a transvestite

Dreaming of a transvestite is not always connected to questions about sexuality and gender. Sometimes the dreamer is not even part of the focal point of the dream. Here are some examples of dreaming of a transvestite with other elements.

To dream that a friend or relative is a transvestite

Many people are not bothered by LGBT people, as long as they are not in their homes. To dream that a friend or relative is a transvestite concerns your ability to deal with differences within your social circle. Be aware of your emotions during the dream.

If it was negative emotions, dreaming that a friend or relative is cross-dressing reveals your difficulty in dealing with the differences of the people around you. This difficulty can generate friction and pain in everyone involved, so it would be interesting to work on the acceptance that we are all different and that what is good for you may not be for the other.

On the other hand, if they were neutral or positive emotions, it indicates that you are an easygoing person when it comes to differences, and this is a good sign.

To dream that you are friends with a transvestite

To dream that you are friends with a transvestite girl alerts you to an aspect of yourself that is hidden. Consider whether there is a part of you that you have been rejecting or don't even know about. Even if hidden, this part has been trying to be heard, bringing anxiety or frustration into your life.

To dream of a naked transvestite

To dream of a naked transvestite symbolizes your hesitation to take risks, causing you to miss big opportunities and suffer because of it. Try to take more risks, even with small things. This way you will be prepared for when a big opportunity arises again.

To dream of a transvestite performing surgery

To dream of a cross-dresser having surgery indicates your eagerness to try something new or to get out of your routine, even if you are risking something.

Many transvestites opt for alternative surgical procedures that damage their health. Be careful about decisions that affect your health. It could be that those extra hours at work are sucking up too much of your vitality and time.

Can dreaming of a transvestite signal fear of something?

Dreaming of a transvestite can signal a number of things, but be aware of your emotions, especially after you wake up and remember the dream. If most of them were negative feelings, beware of repressed feelings and prejudices of all kinds.

Prejudice is born from not understanding other people's differences, so it can be fought with information and open minds to evolution. There is no shame or sin in opening up to new learning, quite the contrary: it shows maturity and empathy.

Transvestites are symbols of change that is often painful and lonely, of persistence and courage despite the difficulties of being who you are in a society that is extremely prejudiced and violent towards these people who want nothing more than to live in peace.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.