What does it mean to dream of anger? At father, mother, ex, husband and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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General Meaning of Dreaming of Anger

To dream of the feeling of anger, at first, can be a cause for concern for the dreamer, because this is not something positive to cultivate and brings a certain anguish to the person who saw themselves or another person in this state in their dreams.

Dreams in which you feel angry toward a person, a situation, or a time generally carry negative messages. Their meaning is related to health issues, lies told about you, and emotional issues.

Keep reading this article to know all the meanings for this dream!

Meaning of the manifestations of the feeling of anger in dreams

The way anger manifests itself in your dreams is the starting point for understanding the message that is being conveyed to you. This is because you may feel angry with someone, experience situations that cause you to feel that way, or even have other reactions motivated by anger.

These are difficult visions to face, and the dreamer may wake up tired and even worried about such bad and negative moments. Even if this happens, pay attention to the details of your dreams and try to remember exactly how everything happened. See below if any of the meanings fit with what you saw!

To dream of anger

If you dreamed of feeling angry in any way, this message comes to show you that you are going to go through a very complicated and intense time emotionally. You may find yourself feeling worn out due to the situations that are occurring in your life.

But it is important that you seek to resolve these issues in the best way possible, so that you do not damage yourself emotionally as well as your health. This message also speaks to the potential problems that can come in the way of stress you experience during this challenging time.

To dream of feeling anger

Feeling anger in your dreams indicates that you are going through a period of indecision regarding several issues at once, and this situation comes from a necessary change occurring in your life.

For you this period has caused many problems, because it requires you to take care not to harm yourself with so many things going on at the same time, without being able to truly express yourself about what you have been feeling. So the message this omen brings is for you to reassess these issues.

To dream of being angry

To dream that you are experiencing anger at a situation indicates that you are a person who has a lot of self-confidence and who has a great belief in your abilities. This message comes to reinforce that even if you feel overwhelmed by some current situation in your life, you are capable of reversing whatever it takes to achieve success.

You are a very capable person and focused on what you want, so this is an omen to encourage you to keep following this path as you will find success as a result of your efforts.

To dream of an angry look

Seeing a look of anger from someone or yours in your dreams shows that you are feeling the need to become more independent of the people around you.

Therefore, this message comes to show you that it is necessary that you take more responsibility for your actions, so that people don't feel that they have the right to rule your life. This message is very important, because it will help you better understand the need to take control once and for all.

To dream of crying with rage

In your dream, if you see yourself or someone else crying in anger, the message this omen brings is that you need to find a way to express yourself more about your feelings.

At the moment you are feeling trapped inside yourself and don't know how to get your messages and visions across to other people. But trying to see this situation from a different perspective can make it easier for you to find a way to express yourself and to feel more confident in speaking what you need to to people.

To dream of an angry outburst

Having an angry outburst in your dreams, or seeing someone having one, is a sign that you have difficulty expressing your feelings, and often go round and round to talk to the people you want to talk to.

Therefore, it is necessary that you find a balance in this situation, so that you can finally talk to people as equals, without fear of taking a stand.

To dream of outbursts or fits of rage

If you dreamed of an outburst or fit of anger, this image has certainly upset you or caused you some kind of discomfort. The meaning for this dream is that you are increasingly feeling that your life is stagnant and that there is something missing that makes you feel excited or happy.

Therefore, the message of this dream comes to emphasize that you need to look for ways to enjoy life and have fun. Also try to do something that makes you happy, because only living fulfilling obligations is a waste of time.

To dream of screaming in anger

In your dream, if you heard screams of anger, this omen brings an important message and very necessary to be heard. This is because it makes a warning about a recurring thought in your mind: that of desiring what belongs to another person.

Envying what someone else has is not the best way to achieve your goals, no way. So if you want to have something similar to what this person has, run after it and try to work harder for it, but don't waste time envying the success of people around you.

To dream of feeling angry

To dream of feeling angry is not a bad omen as it seems at first. This is because this dream reveals that you will undergo a necessary change in your life and it is important that you embrace this and face the importance of it.

Therefore, the moments from now on will be challenging but necessary. Don't let anyone get in your way in this process or stop you from conquering your goals, because many people will not understand your way of acting and your needs.

To dream that you are very angry with someone

If, in your dream, the person who appears is the reason for your anger, know that this omen means it is time to leave your comfort zone and take charge of your life.

You have been hiding too much behind what is easy, but now it is time to face reality and necessity and face the whirlwinds that will come your way to grow. You cannot hide all your life, because you need to face your obligations and responsibilities head on.

To dream that someone is angry with you

In your dream, if the person seen by you demonstrates to feel anger, the message that this omen brings is that you will be disappointed with someone, soon. This person is part of your life and has been deceiving you for a long time, without you realizing it. But now, everything will be clear.

When you find out what this person has done, you will feel very disappointed and disheartened by how important this person is. However, don't let yourself be put down by people who are not worth it and who didn't even think about what they could cause you.

To dream of anger at work

If you dreamed that you were angry at work, contrary to appearances, this omen shows that soon your goals will be realized. You have been struggling throughout your life to get what you want, and now, after much effort, you will finally be rewarded for so much dedication.

This will be a time of many changes coming from these achievements in your life, so enjoy the positive moment. It's time to celebrate and commemorate because you have achieved what you wanted so much. This is a good time to invest even more in yourself.

Meaning of dreaming of angry family members, friends and acquaintances

In your dreams, you may see various situations involving the feeling of anger. In addition to seeing yourself feeling it in various ways and in relation to various situations, you may also see people who are part of your acquaintance, such as friends or family members reacting to something or someone with anger.

Thus, this image can be quite bad to see, as you will have to come across an important person reacting in this way. But it is necessary that you pay attention to the meanings of this. Some of these meanings show that you are dissatisfied with your life and you want to change and seek something new.

So, see more meanings below!

To dream of an angry person

If in your dreams you have seen another person expressing or feeling anger towards something, this is a sign that you need to control yourself, because your actions are being very negative. You haven't realized it, but your overly assertive way of acting is making people around you feel afraid, and slowly they are turning away from you.

There is no need to act this way with people, because no one is against you to receive this kind of treatment.

To dream of being angry with your beloved

In your dream, if you see yourself angry with your beloved, this is a clear sign that you are very dissatisfied with your life and routine. You are tired of every day doing the same thing and have been longing for change.

So, this message comes to show you that you're capable of going after these changes and that you don't need to keep swallowing a life that isn't pleasing you anymore. Of course, changes will require a lot of commitment on your part, but if they're important to you, you need to invest.

To dream of being angry with one's husband

To be angry with your husband in a dream shows that you are going through a dilemma in which you cannot cope with the difficulties in your life, because you do not know what you need to do about it.

Therefore, this message comes to you to show you that it takes calm and reflection to understand what you need to do in your life and solve this. So, use this message to take time to think about how to act and what needs to be done so that you can finally solve these problems.

To dream of anger with deceased husband

In your dream, if you were angry with your husband who has already passed away, this omen shows that you need to take some time off to reflect on some aspects of your life that are being neglected.

You are a person who has a great impact on those around you and people see you as a good influence, precisely because of your correct way of acting. Therefore it is important that you take this moment to think more about your life and your next steps, so that you do not regret unthinking actions.

To dream of being angry with your girlfriend

Feeling anger towards your girlfriend in your dreams is an indication that you are not dealing with your emotions in the best way. It is necessary that you pay attention to these problems and look for a way to understand yourself and what you are feeling.

During this process, it seems that you may receive some news of great impact, so this message is to warn you about the care that this phase of your life will require of you.

To dream of being angry with your ex-husband

In your dream, if you felt angry with your ex-husband, this omen brings an important message that speaks about the bad feelings that are dominating your mind. You have been taken over by negative and even aggressive thoughts, so to speak.

Therefore, it is necessary for you to recognize these problematic issues, so that you don't act this way with the people around you. All this anger in your actions is the result of obstacles and difficulties you face, but there are other ways to deal with frustration.

To dream of anger with ex-boyfriend

If you dreamed that you felt anger towards your ex-boyfriend, the meaning of this is that you need to cut some tie that has been holding you back and making you feel bad.

This could be a loving relationship, indeed, but it could also be a friendship that isn't at its best and you don't even seem to fit into each other's lives anymore. You need to be able to notice when something is unresolvable and it's best to break a connection before it becomes more toxic and problematic for you.

To dream of being angry with one's mother

To see yourself angry with your own mother, in a dream, is an image that symbolizes that there is a force exerting great power in you, which has led you to old habits and thoughts.

So, you need to evaluate the influence of these thoughts and actions, because if they are negative for your current life, you need to make an effort to leave them where these feelings belong, which is in your past. Don't keep dragging old situations or problems into your life, because this can hurt you a lot, still.

To dream of being angry with one's father

If you have seen yourself feeling anger towards your father in your dreams, the message this omen brings is that you will be going through a time of pure dedication to your work. This will be a very intense period in this sense, and you will not have eyes for anything else.

However, this omen reveals that the effort being put into your work and desire to grow will result in success very, very soon. You will achieve your goal as the fruit of much dedication and effort.

To dream of anger with deceased father

To dream that you are angry with your deceased father is an unusual omen to have. However, it carries an important meaning for those who see this image. This dream means that you are a very confident person.

However, you need to learn to question more the motive of other people and why they act in a certain way. You also need to create your own space and limit the presence of people in it. This is because they tend to dominate your spaces since you don't stand up against it.

To dream of being angry with one's daughter or son

If you dreamed that you were angry with your son or daughter, the meaning for this omen is that you are ignoring a problem between you and a family member or a problematic issue involving your family, in general.

This is definitely not something you're going to be able to ignore for long. This message comes to reinforce that and to show you that it's necessary for you to solve this problem, because dragging your feet on it can further complicate the situation and tends to strain your relationship with the people in your family. So be very careful.

To dream of being angry with your mother-in-law

In your dream, if you appeared angry with your mother-in-law, this is an indication that you are pursuing only what can bring you, in some way, financial benefits and have left aside what can enrich you in other ways, such as knowledge.

Therefore, you also need to seek to benefit your mind and learn something new, which can be useful for your life, your work or other aspects. As much as money is very important, you also need to run after something beyond and that makes you feel fulfilled.

To dream of being angry with your friend

Feeling anger towards a friend through your dreams shows that you are a person capable of overcoming the greatest difficulties in life, because you have a lot of willpower to do so. Moreover, you are someone of great influence to everyone around you due to your always centered attitude.

So this will be a time of new experiences in your life, so you will need to gather your strength to dedicate yourself to it. While it will be challenging, this time will benefit your future, so hold on to that thought and move forward.

To dream of anger with an acquaintance

If you dreamed that you were angry with a person you know, this omen comes as a warning that if you do not feel very well and need support from people who love you. In this case, it is okay to ask for help. These people will understand you and will do everything to be able to help you.

So if you feel like you need to ask for help, don't hesitate. Look for the people you trust and ask them to help you. Even in the biggest problems, they will be there for you.

To dream of being angry with a dead person

In your dream, if you saw yourself angry with a person who has already died, this is a sign that you are going through a process of emotional maturation. After much effort on your part to learn to control yourself and understand your feelings, you are now finally achieving your goals.

Thus, you show yourself as a more emotionally mature person and able to cope with your anguish. This dream comes to show you that your strength has made it possible.

Meaning of dreams with animals infected with rabies

Rabies for human beings is a very negative feeling that transforms people. In the case of animals, it can also be seen as a disease that makes them more aggressive and can even damage their nervous system. Thus, you can see in your dreams these animals being infected by this disease and being totally transformed.

Therefore, if you have seen any animal of this form in your dreams, pay attention to the meanings of these omens, because they can bring you messages of great value, so that you understand everything that is happening or may happen in your life, from now on.

See the meanings of animals with rabies below!

To dream of an angry snake

If you dreamed of an angry snake, know that this omen carries an important message, because it highlights your desire to find a direction for your life. You are in search of some important meaning to keep moving forward.

Therefore, this message comes to encourage you to keep pursuing your desires to find answers to your worries and your thoughts. You are a very curious person who wants to know a lot about everything, so only this will make you feel satisfied with life, indeed.

To dream of a black cat with rabies

In your dream, to see a black cat in anger indicates that you will go through a complicated time in your life. Someone will attack your reputation, aiming to take away your credibility, which may be related to your work.

Thus, you are going through a period of change and this comes to shake your structures even more as you are already in a situation of insecurity due to so many issues to be solved. Therefore, you need to have focus and not get carried away by problems as they will be solved.

To dream of a white cat with rabies

To see an angry white cat in your dreams means that you are seeking to express your most primal feelings, but you are still conflicted about it. You feel very overwhelmed by life in general, and you have not been finding space for yourself and to resolve those issues that are shaking you.

So this message comes to reinforce the need to look inward and understand what is a priority in your life right now. By understanding this, you will realize where you should invest more of your time.

To dream of a black dog with rabies

If you had a dream in which you saw a black dog with rabies, this is an indication that you will need more strength, soon, because you will go against all people and their thoughts, to be able to express their own visions.

People can react very badly to your attitude, so you need to be firm and not give in to what they want. You have a lot of strength, but you need to understand that yet, so this is the way for you to be the person you've always dreamed of, without caring about other people's opinions.

To dream of a dog with rabies biting

To see a rabid dog biting in your dreams, contrary to what you might imagine, is a good sign. This omen indicates that you are going through a period of spiritual upliftment. You are a very hardworking and dedicated person who always seeks to understand everything and everyone around you.

Now, you have been searching only for what can feed your soul in some way and satisfy you, so this message appears through your dreams, to make you understand that your path is correct and that you tend to gain a lot from this posture.

To dream of an angry monkey

In your dream, if you saw a monkey with anger, the meaning of this message is that you are letting yourself be carried away by your feelings without any criteria, even if sometimes they are negative.

This is a warning from your subconscious to pay more attention to this attitude. Therefore, it's time to review your attitude and understand that sometimes you can't let yourself be carried away by your feelings and you need to think in a more rational way. Feelings, sometimes, can make you act on impulse. So, rethink this.

To dream of an angry horse

If you dreamed that you saw a horse in anger, this omen brings a message about a person who will bother you a lot. She will do everything to irritate you in some way, but you need to resist her provocations, because all she wants is to hit you.

At this time it is common for you to feel trapped or suffocated, as you cannot act in the way you would like to, as you need to find a balance to deal with this uncomfortable situation. However, keep calm.

Does dreaming of anger indicate that I should pay attention to my feelings?

Many of the meanings of dreaming of anger warn about the feelings of the dreamer, their nuisances and situations that can cause problems and leave you shaken. Therefore, there are several messages that make this kind of warning.

So, if you dreamed that you were angry in a specific scenario or with a person or an animal, for example, see the interpretations that are made about these images. They can guide you as to what feelings and issues are related to this should be taken into consideration and dealt with more carefully!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.