What is energetic cleansing? Aromatherapy, crystals, Palo Santo and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of energy cleansing

Energetic cleansing is, in general, a set of practices or attitudes that help change the vibration of an individual, place or object. From this change, a new energetic pattern is established through balance.

In turn, this balance will make positive events more frequent than negative ones, enabling you to accomplish what you have always wanted in a less arduous manner, as your paths will be open to opportunities.

As we will show throughout the article, it is possible to clear your energies in a variety of ways, from the simple act of lighting an incense or drinking a tea, to even a deep meditation session or appropriate herbal baths.

With these energetic tips that we will present, you will be able to change your energetic vibration and manifest a life with more quality of life. Check them out.

Energetic cleansing and its benefits

Energetic clearing has many benefits. Many of these are related to changing your thought patterns and ending the pact with pessimism and negativity. In this section, we will discuss which factors suck your energy and also prepare you for the clearing methods that will be described next.

What is Energy Cleansing

Energetic cleansing is a ritualistic process through which you will get rid of negative energies and thoughts that prevent you from living life to the full. Through it, it is possible to restore your vital energy, thus restoring your balance. It is like a rite of passage in which you can be reborn to face life with full strength.

This type of cleansing helps to reprogram our mind, reorganizing our thoughts and emotions so that they can vibrate according to our desires and needs. As a result, there is more willingness and, as a consequence, an improvement in life.

What are the factors that "suck" our energy

There are many factors that suck our energy. Among them, the main ones are:

- Energy vampires (people who intentionally or unintentionally suck the strength from others);

- Egrégoras (a kind of energetic entity generated by the interaction of different people in a specific place);

- Obsessive spirits and other negative entities;

- Energy leakage caused by low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, limiting mindset, pessimism, negativism and negationism;

- Exposure to stressful situations;

- Lack of quality of life;

- Absence of mental hygiene;

- Excessive exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs);

- Sharing personal belongings or organizing the furniture in the house;

- Imbalance of the chakras.

When one or more of these factors are observed, it is important that an energetic cleansing be done so that their influence is neutralized.

The consequences

The consequences of exposure to these factors are numerous and include:

- Cycle of negative events that happen frequently;

- Difficulties succeeding in life's endeavors or achieving prosperity, including passing a test, finding a partner or even getting a job;

- Destabilization of physical and mental health;

- Excessive tiredness for no apparent reason;

- Diseases of psychosomatic nature;

- Feeling that life doesn't move forward or only goes backwards;

- Sensation of being in a state of paralysis;

- Difficulty concentrating on even the simplest daily activities;

- Demonstrations of negative and destructive attitudes;

- Unregulated and restless behavior, with excessive fears and paranoia.

If you have identified with one or more of these symptoms, it is important that you are aware of and consider going through a spiritual cleansing process.

First the cleaning, then the healing

When you notice that your body is heavy or simply "loaded" with negative energies, it is important that you act to change the situation. Before finding a cure for your cravings, it is essential that you go through an energetic cleansing process, because the accumulation of negative energy is extremely harmful to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

From this clearing, you will be able to see your problem in a clearer way, finding, consequently, a more effective solution for it. Remember that you should, during the search for cleansing, try to understand what are the external or internal factors that trigger this feeling of heaviness that you feel. Thus, you can begin your energetic cleansing.

The benefits of energetic cleansing

After a well-performed energy cleanse, the perceived benefits are:

- More motivation and energy to meet your goals, accomplish tasks and face the demands of everyday life;

- Increased vital energy;

- Balancing the chakras;

- Psychic and emotional well-being and improved mental and physical health;

- Increased sense of safety and security;

- Increased physical and mental disposition;

- Improves your mood and mood;

- Greater power of personal attraction and radiance;

- Opening avenues for more opportunities.

In addition, you will feel lighter and more prepared to live life.

Energetic cleansing with the use of herbs and plants

Energy cleansing with the use of herbs and plants is one of the most popular. Vegetables, whether consumed in the form of tea, added to your bath water, or even spread around your home, promote energy cleansing using the elements of water and earth, as we will show.

Consumption of teas

The habit of consuming tea is in itself an act of energetic cleansing, provided it is performed for this purpose. When preparing your tea, choose relaxing herbs such as chamomile, lavender or any other with which your intuition aligns.

Keep your thoughts focused on your cleansing intention during the process and as you ingest it, mentalize spiritual cleansing as you slowly and gently drink this magical potion.

Herbs like mint, rosemary, and boldo can be used due to their traditional assignments with cleansing, but you can also make use of black tea, which is also diuretic and will eliminate bad toxins steeped in it from your body.

Herbal Baths

Herbal bathing is an ancient practice that consists of adding herbs, flowers and aromatic plants to your bath water. Generally, the herbs are macerated or put in infusion so that the water acquires the energetic properties of the herbs used.

For a simple cleansing bath, add 1 liter of water to a pot, along with a sprig of rosemary and bring it to a boil. When it is boiling, turn off the heat and add the petals of a white rose to the water.

Cover the pot and leave to infuse for about 5 minutes. Strain the herbs and add the water to a bucket. After taking your bath as normal, use the infusion to soak your body from the neck down.

The role of plants

The plants, besides beautifying the environments, also have a role of energetic filter. When the environment is loaded with impurities, these are absorbed by the plants that neutralize them in their roots deep in the earth.

That is why it is very important to bring plants indoors, especially because they connect us to the energy of nature, a connection that is increasingly difficult to be re-established.

Each plant has an energy, so it is important to know how to choose them. For energy cleaning, you can use the rue, rosemary, the sword of St. George, the with-me-nurse-pod or even cacti. Leave them near the entrances and exits of your home as doors and windows.

Energetic cleansing with the use of aromas

Another way to make use of the energetic properties of herbs, woods, resins and aromatic flowers is through the dispersion of their aromas. In this type of cleaning, the energy of the herb is dispersed by the element of air and fire (in the case of fumigation of incense sticks), and even water.


Aromatherapy is a holistic method that uses the therapeutic power of aromas to promote the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of its users. In its therapeutic essence are mainly the essential oils that are not only healing agents, but also act on the emotions and mind.

The essential oils are natural substances extracted from aromatic plants. Do not use essences because, besides being artificial, they can be harmful to health. The essential oils most used for spiritual cleansing are: rosemary (Rosmarinus officilais), lemon (Citrus limon), cedarwood from atlas (Cedrus atlantica), sandalwood amyris (Amyris balsamifera) and olibanum (Boswellia serrata).

The diffusers

Diffusers are an integral part of aromatherapy. Their function is to spread the aroma and properties of essential oils in the environment or, in the case of personal diffusers, to leave the energetic and aromatic properties of the essential oils in contact with the user's sense of smell without spreading them around the room.

When you want to clean your room, use a room diffuser (it can be a plug diffuser or the more sophisticated ultrasonic ones). If you prefer a more personal cleaning, use a personal diffuser pendant, dripping one or two drops on it.

Incense sticks

Incense has been used for many generations as an effective way to harness the power of herbs, woods, flowers and aromatic resins. Through the combination of the elements fire and air, they promote an energetic cleansing purifying the environment as they exhale their fragrant smoke through the air.

When lighting it, mentalize your desire for cleansing and open all the air inlets of your home so that the energy can be renewed. The aroma is also essential to promote the purifying effect of cleaning. Rue, myrrh, white roses, olibanum, sage, eucalyptus, lavender, sandalwood and benzoin are great choices.

Palo Santo

Palo santo is another agent widely used to promote cleansing. Extracted from a tree native to South America, palo santo wood is famous for its high energetic cleansing power, used by many generations of native South American people.

To use it, just light one of its ends until it is burning hot and walk around your house, preferably in an anti-clockwise direction, while dispersing its fragrant smoke with woody and slightly sweet notes quite pleasant.

Because it's an endangered tree, make sure to purchase it from places where its extraction is certified, after all, there's no point in cleaning up your life's energy at the expense of destroying others.

Energetic cleansing with the use of minerals

Another very effective way to promote energetic cleansing is through the use of minerals such as crystals. Although it is not a mineral form, since it consists of charred wood, we also include the use of charcoal in this cleansing process with the energy of the earth. Check it out.

The crystals

Crystals are a generic term that encompasses stones, metals and, in some cases, fossilized organic matter. Through the combination of their physical and chemical structures and the vibration of their colors, crystals are able to alter the energy field of their users.

With this, they act directly on the aura, altering the mind and promoting energetic changes that reverberate in the physical body. You can use them as part of your personal accessories (earrings, bracelets, etc.), scatter them around the environment or simply carry them in your pocket or purse.

Examples of cleansing crystals are: black obsidian, black onyx, hematite, black tourmaline, amethyst, citrine and tiger's eye.


Charcoal is also another powerful vehicle for astral cleansing. When used for cleansing, it serves as a kind of sponge that absorbs any negativity in the environment. To use it, choose a transparent glass and fill it halfway with water.

Then, place a piece of charcoal inside it and leave this "trap" for negativity in a corner of the house. When you notice that it has sunk in the water, it is time to change it, because its role has been fulfilled. After removing it, bury it in nature (it can be a vase with plants) and do the procedure again with a new piece of charcoal.

Coarse salt

Rock Salt is one of the most powerful energetic cleansing agents there is. To benefit from its energies, you can take a bath of unburdening with it at most once every fortnight (you can learn how to do it here in Astral Dreaming) or you can create your own salt pot.

To do this, fill a glass jar with coarse salt. On it, also leave a head of garlic. You gave this powerful energy protector near the entrance to your home. Change the salt if it melts or the house 6 months.

An alternative is to fill a glass with water and put some rock salt in it. Once the salt crystallizes, change the water and salt.

Body practices help body cleansing

Body practices also help to promote the energetic cleansing of your body. Whether through music, dance or other ancient practices such as meditation and Yoga, moving your body has more power than you imagine, because it combines in itself the 4 elements of nature aligned with the spirit. Check it out.


Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical exercises with activities such as breathing control and meditation. In this type of practice, it is possible to align the body and mind to eliminate negative thought patterns and emotions and, through sweat, eliminate toxins that are harmful to your body.

In addition, it balances and brings peace of mind and energetic cleansing, especially when practiced with this intention.


Meditation can also be integrated into your energetic cleansing process. By meditating, you will promote a kind of mental cleansing, which will also help to increase your focus, concentration and will bring very positive consequences in your life.

Through it, you can become more aware of your body and your own thoughts, being able to listen to them in order to understand what is going on in your life. Meditation is an act of self-care that also generates a deep spiritual cleansing, by establishing, if used from a spiritual point of view, contact between you and divine forces.

Dance and listen to music

Music and dance are also ancient ways to alter the perception and energetic patterns of the body and the environment. When dancing, choose music, preferably instrumental and that contains sounds of nature. You can choose devotional music, mantras, as long as you align with your personal taste and bring you well-being.

Feel its vibration, dance to its rhythm or simply focus on the beauty of each note, sound or musical chord. If you have them, use wind chimes (aka wind messengers) or other therapeutic instruments like the drum or a crystal bowl.

Why is it important to perform energy cleansing?

The main importance of performing energy cleansing is to restore the balance of your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. Thus, you will be able to purify and restore your vital energy, which, consequently, will bring positive effects in all spheres of your life.

Even without realizing it, we are exposed to numerous sources of negative energies in everyday life. Each person, object or environment has its own energetic signature that, in contact with ours, can leave impressions. Sometimes these impressions are not beneficial for our life and, therefore, energy cleansing is so important.

Remember that there are not only external influences that affect our energy: our thoughts and attitudes also generate an energetic reaction and therefore it is essential to become aware of our responsibility for the negative effects we encounter in life. In this way, you will find the peace you are looking for and live a better life in full balance.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.