What is the Throat Chakra? Understand the first chakra and how to unblock it!

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Jennifer Sherman

Throat Chakra: the fifth chakra!

The laryngeal chakra is one of the 7 main ones, which coordinate and balance your whole body. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, that is, what makes it move, flow, exactly what it does with your body's energy. Although there are hundreds of them throughout the body.

Connected together, they make the energy flow and keep the body energized and functioning properly. Understand better this relationship, in addition to all the details of the throat chakra, its effects and tips on how to unblock this important area of exchange with the environment.

Throat Chakra: Throat Chakra

The laryngeal chakra, also called fifth chakra or Vishuddha, which can be translated from Sanskrit as purifier. This makes sense because one of the functions of this chakra is exactly to facilitate the expression of thoughts and feelings, thus cleansing the heart and mind of denser charges.

This happens because the body is made of energy, which forms the atoms, cells, molecules and the whole that forms the dwelling of your essence. To function well, all the energy centers must be aligned, in the right rhythm, working in perfect balance. By keeping to itself what is afflicting mind and heart, the body will certainly feel it, damaging the laryngeal chakra. Understand moreabout him.

Mantra and color

Each chakra emits a certain vibration, which is unique and is related to a small amount of colors, which can emanate from the energy centers, being observable if the person has the gift. In the case of the laryngeal chakra, the color is sky blue, but it can also present itself in lilac, silver, white or pink.

In the same way that each color has a related energy spectrum, sound can also be classified in this way. Thus, some sounds can help establish the balance of the chakra, by presenting similar vibration. In the case of the fifth chakra, the sound that should be repeated as a mantra is Ham, chanted 108 times, with the focus on the throat.

Location and function

To work the energy of the laryngeal chakra, it is important to know where it is located. This way, it is easier to concentrate with the color, the sound or even a corresponding stone. Fortunately, it is quite easy to find its location, being exactly in the throat area.

The fifth chakra has the important function of communicating what is happening in feeling and thought, bringing clarity to the words. It also has a strong relationship with the creative process and the ability to finalize initiated projects. Psychophony (voice mediumship) and clairaudience (listening mediumship) are also related to this chakra.

Regulated bodies

Each energy center is connected to a specific group of organs. In the case of the throat chakra, it mainly governs the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which regulate the hormones parathormone (responsible for the calcium balance in the body) and the triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4), which act all over the body.

Everything that involves the mouth, teeth, tongue, throat and upper airways, is also related to the fifth chakra. In addition, it interferes with menstrual cycles and makes the whole body work better, with a more purified blood.

Glands and senses

The glands that are influenced by and influence the laryngeal chakra are the thyroid and parathyroid - four small glands that lie just behind the thyroid and have great importance, not only physically but also energetically on the body.

As for the main sense affected by the fifth chakra, it is the hearing, both in the physical sense, as well as mental and spiritual. The deregulation of the chakra leads to constant problems such as otitis, for example. In the mental field, it reduces empathy and the ability to truly hear what the other says. In the spiritual, it is related to the mediumship and ability to hear subtle sounds.

Areas of life in which it operates

The main area of action of the laryngeal chakra in your life is the ability to express what you think and feel. Not only the question of oratory or shyness, but in a much broader and more important way. This is because, if it is unbalanced, it can hinder the expression of what you think or feel, with transparency and ease.

Another important area of life that is affected by the fifth chakra is the mediumistic ability to serve as a vehicle of the spirituality and allow the spirituality to use your speech or hearing. It also functions as an energy filter, selecting what will be sent to the crown.

Stones and crystals

Crystals are extremely useful to keep the laryngeal chakra in balance or even bring it back to its natural rhythm. This happens because of the vibration emanated, mainly by the gems that have the blue coloration.

Among the stones and crystals of the fifth chakra are aquamarine, azurite, turquoise, natural blue topaz (can not be the dyed), blue cyanite, larimar, lapis lazuli, tanzanite, blue agate (also without dyeing, because it loses its properties) and opal.

Effects of the laryngeal chakra balance

As with other energy centers, the throat chakra has its own rhythm, radiating what is received at a standard rate, which may change slightly throughout the day depending on the emotional state or the activities performed.

However, it can happen that it is very accelerated or even worse, slow and blocked, leading to various problems, both health, emotional, mental and even spiritual. Understand better the effects of balance and imbalance of the fifth chakra.

Positive effects of the balanced Laryngeal Chakra

There are several positive effects when the laryngeal chakra is in perfect balance, at the right speed and without obstructions. Among them is a greater facility to communicate and to reflect about oneself and life situations. It also improves the ability to perceive what is happening around you.

Other benefits are a greater sense of what is right in our actions and also responsibilities. It purifies the energy field and helps to improve the upper airways, facilitating breathing as a whole and consequently, the oxygenation of the body.

Negative effects of imbalanced Laryngeal Chakra

When the laryngeal chakra is unbalanced, several negative effects can happen, such as difficulty in expressing correctly what you think and what you feel, even generating emotional blockages and feelings more associated with depression.

A feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness can take over, as can anxiety, respiratory illnesses, allergies, thyroid dysregulation, and dermatological problems. In addition, a certain lack of self-control can occur, leading to problems in relationships as well.

How to unblock the Throat Chakra: Vishuddha

If you are noticing that your laryngeal chakra may be in disharmony or even blocked, it is important to look for ways to resolve the problem before it takes on dangerous proportions.

For this, you can rely on support in expert naturologists or in reiki and the like, but of course there are also some things you can do at home, to speed up the process, like singing, real listening, laughing, being kind and many other things.


If you usually speak very quietly or have trouble letting your voice out, you may have a blockage in the fifth chakra, because singing is a great way to unblock the laryngeal chakra, since it is a way to express yourself more freely through art and harmony.

If you're shy, it's okay, you can do it in the shower, but the important thing is to let yourself go with the music and not wonder if they will hear you or not. Take the opportunity to practice a new language and also choose international songs, in your favorite language.

Listen to

Practicing active listening can be extremely difficult for those who have problems in the laryngeal chakra, but it is a unique exercise and will help a lot, both in personal and professional life. It consists of listening and avoiding as much as possible to respond, putting yourself in the place of the person who is speaking and encouraging their speech.

It may not be so simple to train active listening to activate the fifth chakra, especially with people who are already in your daily social circle, such as friends and family. A good way to practice effectively is to visit a nursing home and talk to the elderly, get to know their stories and deepen bonds.


Having a good laugh can be as therapeutic as a run in the park. So much so that there is even laughter therapy, which helps in several processes throughout a person's life. And do you know why? Laughing helps unblock the laryngeal chakra, which is so important in numerous processes.

For a good laugh, there's nothing better than getting together with your loved ones and talking a lot of nonsense. But that's not always possible or safe, so other options are watching a movie or comedian you love, reading something that inspires you, or just letting yourself get carried away by the good times in life.


Being kind to others should be something basic in relationships - whether they are family, professional or friendships. However, sometimes the rush of everyday life makes us forget this basic premise of relationships, which is so good for the laryngeal chakra.

To be kind is to touch the other's world with delicacy, trying to have empathy and understand more, demanding less. Of course it's not to be made a fool of, but there is no need to be ready for war all the time. Sometimes a smile, a compliment or a simple comment already makes someone's day much more beautiful.


Practicing assertiveness in your communication can help regulate the laryngeal chakra, since it is one of the points that it helps to establish. It may be complicated at first, even because the chakra will be blocked, but with time it will get easier, bringing great results.

To be assertive is to express what is on your mind without giving so many turns, with objectivity, without losing the quality of the message. Going straight to the point can be a great way to make communication clearer, cleaner and free of misinterpretation.

Expressing gratitude

Many people have difficulty expressing gratitude, thus damaging the laryngeal chakra. It may be for something good they have done or even for life, nature, for blessings. Thanking is not only a way to bring peace to the heart, but also to bring joy to other people.

Start with the basics - which a lot of people don't do - which is to say thank you when someone does something nice for you. Then, start giving mental thanks when you see a sunset, smell a perfume that pleases you, eat something you haven't found in a long time. Simple and beautiful everyday things deserve our gratitude too.

Chanting the Mantra

In the same way that simply singing is good for the laryngeal chakra, chanting mantras also brings great benefits for its release. Even more if it is the Ham mantra, which emits a vibratory frequency similar to the energy needed to make the fifth chakra stable.

To do this, try to leave a pleasant and peaceful environment, reduce the brightness and breathe consciously a few times. Then, visualize a blue light in the larynx region and issue the ham mantra, repeating 108 times.

Practicing Ho'oponopono

Much more than just a mantra, Ho'oponopono is a way to balance the laryngeal chakra, through the release of thoughts and feelings that prevent you from living with fullness. It can be applied both to deal with issues involving other people, as well as for self-knowledge and forgiveness.

Its application is very simple at first sight, but when you put it into practice, you realize how valuable it is. Its four phrases are: I am sorry (truly feeling what is weighing on your chest), forgive me (think or say about what), I am grateful (for the growth, maturation, perception, etc.) and I love you.

Keeping a diary

Many therapies suggest using a journal for the treatment of various problems, and it is even useful for regulating the laryngeal chakra. This is because by writing down your thoughts and feelings, it is easier to analyze what is happening in your life, what has become a pattern, and take correct action to change it.

Another great advantage, especially for those who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally - which may be related to the blockage of the fifth chakra - is to put out what is bothering them, making it easier to verbalize with someone, since the thought is structured on paper.

Putting ideas into practice

One of the great difficulties for those who suffer from a blockage in the laryngeal chakra is precisely the difficulty of finalizing projects, cycles and concretizing ideas. So, as a way to change from the outside in, force yourself to finalize things a little, even the simplest ones, such as cleaning out your email inbox.

Start small, no big projects or ideas, because frustration may occur on the way. Look for small things, like planting a pot, making a craft, cleaning a room of the house and so on. Then, increase the difficulty, until you get the big achievements.

Honesty in speech and actions

The truth is extremely beneficial for the laryngeal chakra, because it lets the energy flow easily. When the speech is not honest or minimally true, the energy is altered, disturbing the vibratory pattern of the place and, consequently, influencing the fifth chakra.

Of course there are times when you should hold back on comments, to avoid fights or uncomfortable situations, after all, we live in society and it makes no sense to go around hurting people. But whenever there is a chance to be truthful, be or choose not to speak, which is much better than lying.

Affirmation Phrases

Using affirming phrases can be useful to help unblock the laryngeal chakra, as they emanate a more positive and balanced energy, thus regularizing the vibrational field of the fifth chakra. In this way, one can notice better results after some time of practice.

Choose affirming phrases that have to do with your situation at the moment and that can help you overcome some obstacle, thus doing a double work - both in the objective and in the chakra. It can be something that involves self-love, love for others, results at work or whatever you think is pertinent.

Yoga and Tai chi chuan

Both yoga and tai chi chuan are great for helping regulate the laryngeal chakra, as they work directly with the energetic alignment of all the chakras. Both have a strong Eastern influence, with a tendency to focus on the breath and energetic flow.

There are some positions in yoga that can help release this chakra, these are Head Rotation, Bhujangasana - Snake posture, Ustrasana, Sarvangasana - Candle posture, Halasana, Matsyasana - Fish posture, Sethubandasana and Viparita Karani.

Energy therapies

There are a number of energy therapies that help realign the throat chakra, as well as all the other energy centers. These include pranic healing, reiki, color therapy and lithotherapy. They can be extremely helpful for those who are in need of more urgent help.

After all, manipulating the energy field requires care and especially good intentions, so it is essential to know who will do the energy therapy.


The yoga mudras help channel and balance the energies, doing well for the laryngeal chakra. Each mudra - or movement with the hands - should be associated with conscious breathing and as an effect, ends up channeling the energy to a certain region of the brain.

The consequence of this is the stimulation of organs, tendons and glands connected to that part of the brain, which was affected by the movement. With guidance and discipline, one can achieve good results with the mudras, balancing both the fifth chakra and all the others.


As counterproductive as it may seem that silence can help balance the laryngeal chakra, it is extremely helpful, especially for people who deal with their voice all day long. Whether dealing with clients, co-workers, or teaching a class, one may experience an overload, causing the imbalance.

Try to set aside some time in your day to be silent and try to save both your voice and your mind. Avoid social networks and if you can, you can even risk a moment of meditation or reflection on the events of the day and planning for what's to come.


Water is a purifying and regulating agent, working wonders for the throat chakra, just as it does for the rest of your body. It helps to move stagnant energies and clear any remnants of bad energy that may be building up in the area.

But it's no use drinking a lot of water if your words don't match the harmony you're trying to bring to your fifth chakra. So do drink a lot of water, especially when your words are about to come out and hurt someone or say something that's not in line with your principles.

Herbs and Essential Oils

The use of herbs to treat physical, mental and energetic ailments is old known to mankind. Since oriental, african, indigenous and many other cultures, plants have been used to heal. In the case of the laryngeal chakra, a good rosemary, chamomile or basil tea can help.

Essential oils can also be applied to the fifth chakra, to help balance it. It is even better if this is done in association with other techniques, boosting the result. The best oils for this are rosemary, grapefruit, chamomile, ylang ylang and basil.

Use of stones and crystals

Chromotherapy can use stones and crystals to help in the treatment of the laryngeal chakra, seeking to rebalance its energy and make it vibrate again in the correct way, eliminating any trace of hyper or hypo stimulation in place.

It can also be useful to wear a stone as a pendant, near the area, to help keep the energy always in balance. The best options are those in blue tone, such as aquamarine, azurite, turquoise, natural blue topaz, blue cyanite, larimar, lapis lazuli, tanzanite, blue agate and opal.

How can balancing the throat chakra help in your life?

Balancing the laryngeal chakra will make all the difference in your life, because it is the instrument of contact between your self and the external environment. It is also the one that regulates several important organs in your body, thus bringing more health to them, when it is well balanced.

In the field of relationships, the balance of the fifth chakra helps you to keep calm, speak in a more empathetic way and, above all, express your feelings more accurately. This leads to healthier and clearer relationships, whether in the personal or professional field.

When it comes to spirituality, it is an essential chakra, because besides helping to filter the energy that has access to the crown chakra (more sensitive), when it is in balance, it helps in the intuition and even mediumistic processes, if that is the goal. Whatever the field, balancing the laryngeal chakra only brings benefits and is worth every effort.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.