Wheel of Fortune in Virgo: in Birth Chart, for Astrology and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Wheel of Fortune in Virgo

The Wheel of Fortune or Part of Fortune shows how you can find joy and fun by letting the energy of the corresponding sign flow freely. When it is in Virgo, success and happiness will come through the pursuit of perfection and self-control, typically Virgoan characteristics.

This individual will also experience a strong desire to improve in everything he does, leaving the environments organized and taking care of the smallest details. This happens because these people feel like an important cog of perfection in the universe.

In addition, the native with the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo loves to take care of their own health and the world as a whole. There is also a great tendency for the native to become sympathetic, humble and helpful. Read on and find out more about this position and its relationship with happiness.

Characteristics and behaviour of the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo

Individuals with Wheel of Fortune in Virgo are happy when they feel useful and productive, so they like to keep everything in order by following a routine to the letter. Want to know more about the personality of these natives? Check it out below.

General features

Virgo's influence on the Wheel of Fortune manifests itself through the desire to keep all environments organized. To this end, most natives create rituals to help them achieve the greatest possible efficiency.

They are also hardworking and systematic, they love to develop a methodology that will lead them to success. However, it's worth keeping an eye out so you don't get caught up in your own rules.

Those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo definitely do not live in the world of the moon. They have an analytical mentality, rational and extremely disciplined. In fact, one of the most striking characteristics of this sign, the critical sense, is present in this position, bringing the tendency to analyze everything tirelessly.

Clearing the space and the mind

Those with Wheel of Fortune in Virgo are organized and attentive to detail, so a lifestyle that encourages cleanliness of space and mind is essential for their journey to flow in a positive way. The full awareness of Virgoans helps natives put together the puzzle of every situation, ensuring that each piece fits together perfectly.

In fact, nurturing the well-being of body and mind using procedures to decrease stress is the key to harnessing all the energy of this position. Rely on techniques like meditation to exclude everything that is not necessary and does not fit your life goals.

Constantly and consciously busy

Natives who have the Wheel of Fortune in the sign of Virgo hate to have idle time. They love to be constantly busy and producing, as work, for them, means happiness and success.

In addition, these people have a huge desire to feel useful, they want to realize that they are effectively bringing something positive to the world, transforming everything for the better. For these Virgos, it is essential to experience the perfection that the universe provides through occupation.

Logical expression

Wheel of Fortune in Virgo makes its natives intelligent and observant, having an extremely analytical mentality. In fact, they are always trying to further develop their logical expression.

These people tend to have a rather difficult personality because they are very skeptical, the type that only believes by seeing. Therefore, intuition and emotion are usually left aside as they struggle to know the world through purely logical deduction.

With this, work is approached in the most critical and rational way possible, analyzing everything that happens around you. However, this behavior can make you miss opportunities that require more agility when making decisions.

Particular understanding of feelings

Those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo love to leave everything organized, including their feelings. You could say that they have a particular understanding of emotions, since they are objective and guided by reason. However, these characteristics can bring complications. These Virginals tend to criticize others, but they tend to be even harsher on themselves.

This makes them more shy, lacking the courage to show their true self to the world. By the way, this is a point that these natives will never admit: they let great opportunities pass them by because they are afraid of failing or making mistakes. Therefore, these people must learn to control their self-criticism, otherwise they will never be able to show their potential.

The Opposite Point of Wheel of Fortune in Virgo

All Wheel of Fortune positions have an opposite point, and in Virgo's case it's Pisces. The "other side" helps you to avoid the traps, keeping the focus on true happiness. Discover below how to interpret this very important point.

The sign of Pisces

The sign of Pisces is known for its sensitivity and intuition. These natives are capable of understanding each dialogue deeply, fitting the feelings involved and interpreting all the meanings, explicit and implicit. For them, half a word is more than enough.

They are also extremely empathic as they can easily understand problems and put themselves in the place of others. With Pisces, you can rest assured that there is no judgement. The ambition of this sign is modest as Pisces doesn't like to show off socially or try to look better than they really are.

How to use the Opposite Point in Pisces to your advantage

The secret to use the Opposite Point in your favor is to find the balance with the Wheel of Fortune. For this, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the signs that are in these positions, avoiding harmful behaviors and traps.

The Wheel of Fortune in Virgo brings the importance of logical thinking and organization. This position teaches that you need to get out of the utopian world and put your feet on the ground. It also shows that it is worth waiting the necessary time to get what you want.

The Opposite Point in Pisces teaches Virgo to dream more and escape routine, indulging in moments of pleasure and joy. It also shows that intuition is a powerful guide on our journey.

Negative effects of having the Opposite Point in Pisces

The Opposite Point in Pisces brings a great understanding of compassion and how everything is connected in the universe. With this, some negative effects may appear.

One of them is that these natives feel everything in a deeper way, including the feelings of those around you, which can unbalance you emotionally, taking away the ability to act in a practical and effective way.

The tip is to keep in mind that emotions are transient and ever-changing, so there's no need to try to control them or worry about them all the time. To find happiness, you must live fully in the present.

The Wheel of Fortune in the birth chart

Discovering the position of the Wheel of Fortune in your birth chart is fundamental in order to better understand the energy of the sign in which it is located. In fact, this point reveals our potential for a happy and balanced life. Find out more below.

Origin and the Goddess Fortune

The name Wheel of Fortune has its origin in Roman mythology, more specifically in the Goddess Fortuna, because she decided the fate of men by turning the helm of a ship. The result of the spin defined whether the destiny would be good or bad.

If the wheel stopped upwards, it meant a good omen; however, if it stayed downwards, it revealed a life with many obstacles. As the outcome was unpredictable, it was linked to life and destiny, which are equally unpredictable, possessing some peaceful days and others turbulent.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant for Wheel of Fortune

In the birth chart, the Wheel of Fortune reveals the relationship of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, and is the exact point where the three are in harmony. It is responsible for indicating where your native feels most fulfilled and happy.

This point also shows how to interpret and put our potential into practice in the best possible way, especially in the most challenging situations, which require an extra dose of energy, strength and confidence to turn things around.

Therefore, the Wheel of Fortune helps you to choose the path to follow in your journey, prioritizing what is really important.

Calculation of the Part of Fortune in the Birth Chart

Some points of the birth chart are virtual, that is, they are not physical, like the stars. This is the case of the Wheel of Fortune, which is calculated from the position of the Moon in relation to the Sun and the Ascendant. To make this calculation, the first step is to know the exact time of your birth.

In this way, it is possible to identify the position of the Sun on the horizon, a fundamental part for the correct interpretation of the Wheel of Fortune. It is necessary to pay close attention to this data, since the time of day will have a huge impact on the result of the calculation. Understand better the difference in the reading of daytime and nighttime births below.

Difference in calculation for day and night births

The calculation of Wheel of Fortune for day and night births varies greatly. For those born during the day, this point is calculated with the Sun in the upper hemisphere. The result is obtained by adding the position of the Ascendant and the Moon, subtracting the position of the Sun. See:

- Ascendant + Moon - Sun = Wheel of Fortune

For those born at night, the star that is in the upper hemisphere is the Moon, so the formula takes into account the sum of the position of the Ascendant and the Sun, subtracting, this time, the position of the Moon. Check it out:

- Ascendant + Sun - Moon = Wheel of Fortune.

What is the "Pot of Gold" of those who possess the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo?

The "Pot of Gold" of the Wheel of Fortune is not exactly the one we imagine at the end of the rainbow. In fact, it is much better, since it helps us find the right path towards happiness. For those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Virgo, this pot will be discovered when you reach fullness and inner peace, which will help you function well in all areas.

Self-control is the key word for your fortune, so it is worth changing some harmful behaviors. One tip is to focus on the present, remember the past without regrets and do not spend too much energy worrying about the future.

Learn also to tolerate a little bit of mess. This will certainly bring a lot of inner peace and decrease that charge to be perfect all the time. In fact, with more self-esteem, you can notice the potential you carry and find the joy you so much crave.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.