8th house in Taurus in your birth chart: meaning, sign trends and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have the 8th house in Taurus in your birth chart?

The 8th House in Taurus represents, to its natives, a difficulty in dealing with unusual situations, because they prefer to have a more stable life. The sexual life of these natives usually has a more calm and involving connotation, valuing the senses, especially the touch.

In addition, having the sign of Taurus in the 8th house leads people to want to control all areas of their lives, seeking greater security. In the financial part, these people are seen as miserly because they are very careful with their money and seek more conservative and safe investments.

In this article you will know the meaning of the 8th house in the astrological chart, aspects brought by the sign of Taurus in this house and its influences in the personality of its natives. Read on to understand better.

Meaning of the 8th House

The 8th House in the birth chart is the one that rules sexuality, intimacy, and shared finances. This House of the chart also concerns inheritance, death and regeneration, and also makes relationships and interpersonal interactions deeper.

In this part of the article you will understand some of the influences brought by the 8th house to your life, such as transformation, rituals and shared resources, intimate relationships, among other issues.

Fusion, transformation and regeneration

The 8th house in the astrological chart is related to a point that demonstrates evolution and transformation in people's lives. This house speaks of the individual's ability to change, break barriers and overcome his own limits.

In astrology, this house is not seen in a good light because it is considered somewhat evil in the birth chart. The 8th house is a very challenging sector of the chart because it is linked to the deep fears of individuals and abuses of power.

Planets positioned in the 8th house will show how people will behave when facing losses in their lives. It has a regenerative function, in which people seek refuge for regeneration when they feel lost, defeated or wounded.

In addition, the 8th house shows which are the necessary confrontations for personal growth and evolution. It also shows the path to follow to be able to accept facts that have been refuted by the individual.

Rituals and shared resources

Regarding shared resources, the 8th house speaks of societies as well as inheritances, pensions, finances in relationships, and even support from others, whether physical, spiritual, financial, or emotional.

Taurus in the 8th house relates a lot with the ego and the world of rituals, which can be harmful and end up leading to the destruction of the ego of this native.

One must be careful when engaging with certain rites, as they may lead to a loss of individuality, leading to following an objective controlled by other individuals, which may not be as noble as the objective initially proposed.

Intimate and deep relationships

Intimate and deep relationships are ruled by the 8th house, which is also considered the house of worldly things and sex. It is through this house that relationships and interactions with other people deepen.

This house shows the potential of the relationships that people have during their lives, and how to make the most of these relationships. This should not be seen in a negative way, but rather as a way of enjoying each other's company, support and understanding.

Mystery and occultism

The sign located in the 8th house is Scorpio, which brings intensity and emotion to all the aspects targeted by this house. Therefore, there is a lot of mysticism related to this point of the birth chart, and an example of this is that individuals with this influence usually face sex in a mystical way in their lives.

The 8th house is also related to death, but not to say how it will be or when it will occur, but about the way individuals deal with losses during their lives. The occult in this house is more related to psychic traumas, obsessions, witchcraft, paranormality, addictions, among other aspects.

Although the 8th house is the house of the sign of Scorpio in the birth chart, this house can receive influence from other signs and planets. This causes that people with this influence receive some aspects of the sign that was in this house when they were born.

In this section you will find the tendencies that the sign of Taurus brings to the 8th house, both positive and negative aspects.

Having the presence of the sign of Taurus in the 8th house at the moment of your birth, you will receive some characteristics of this sign. Some positive ones are: loyalty, dedication, patience, ability and collaboration.

Besides these qualities, people born with Taurus influence in the 8th house will also have affinity with the sensorial side of life and a more outburst sensuality. They will also be great lovers of good food and quality sleep, factors that will make these people happy.

Negative Tendencies of the Sign of Taurus

The influence of Taurus in the 8th house in the birth chart also brings some negative influences to its natives. Some of these aspects are: negativism, conservatism, slowness, stubbornness, possessiveness and distrustfulness.

These people also have difficulties to deal with physical discomforts; a bad night's sleep can bring out a great bad mood. They do not like unstable and undefined situations, preferring a more certain, regulated life.

Personality of those born with 8th house in Taurus

The influence of the 8th House in Taurus brings several aspects of this sign to the personality of the people who were born with this configuration in their birth chart.

In this part of the article you will find some personality traits brought by Taurus in the 8th house, such as sexuality, material pleasures, relationship with inheritances and donations and management of others' property.


Taurus in the 8th house causes individuals to have more relaxed and involved sexual relationships. In addition, these natives love to be seduced, but are not comfortable opening up their sexual fantasies to their partners.

A good dose of romanticism will make them loosen up and make their sexuality more fluid. The greatest sensitivity and point of greatest excitement of these individuals is in the region near the neck.

Material pleasures

People with the influence of the 8th House in Taurus are very attached to comfort and luxury, and therefore seek a relationship with people of wealth. They easily attract people to their lives who will give them material support, contributing to their ability to produce wealth.

One of your great pleasures is to accumulate possessions for yourself, as well as to help those by your side in this achievement as well. These possessions are related to books, antiques, jewelry and rare items. These characteristics of taking pleasure in the accumulation of material goods will be a great link between these natives and their partners.

Inheritances and donations

The presence of Taurus in the 8th House causes a tendency for this individual to receive donations and also inheritances. In the situation of donations, the person may feel controlled by those who contribute to the support of his life.

They feel as if their loyalty and affection are being bought, or even that those who help them are expecting something in return. Therefore, for these natives it is important to work in order to always be financially independent.

Ease of managing other people's property

The influence of Taurus in the 8th house speaks about the management of other people's money, usually related to professions like stockbroker, financial analyst and accountant. However, it is not only the money part that is related to other people's property.

It also talks about the way these people deal with sharing their wealth, as well as their relationships with other people. It shows the way in which these individuals seek to help others.

Need for stability

Natives with the influence of the 8th House in Taurus need stability to feel secure in their lives. They do not mind making changes in physical aspects or the environment in which they live, but cannot handle changes that affect the structure of their lives.

Therefore, these people do not cope very well with unplanned or unforeseen situations in their lives. This deeply destabilizes these natives.

Can having the 8th House in Taurus indicate a more stable personality?

The sign of Taurus in the 8th house makes people born with this influence have a more stable personality, especially in the financial area, besides being people with a lighter behavior in their sexual relationships.

This stability brought by the influence of the 8th House in Taurus also makes these people have a greater difficulty to accept changes, which can hinder their personal and even professional growth.

So, it is important to balance this need for stability in order to accept the changes that may come for the good, as well as to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. If you have Taurus in the 8th house, pay attention to what has been said in this article to be always evolving.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.