Astral Hell of Cancer: understand the most feared period of the sign!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to act during Cancer Astral Hell

Cancer's Astral Hell is a stressful period for natives. Besides, it is marked by negativity, one of the worst characteristics of the sign. Therefore, understanding the energies of this period is fundamental to know how to act until the phase passes.

Thus, Cancerians need to try to perceive their Astral Hell as something that is necessary. The secret to get through the phase is not to increase the importance of the bad days and realize the capacity for reflection, changes and growth that the moment brings.

Throughout the article, more aspects regarding Astral Hell and how Cancer deals with it will be discussed. Read on to learn more!

General aspects of Astral Hell

For Astrology, the birthday of each native is considered a period of renewal of energies. However, before this positive moment arrives, you have to face a particularly difficult phase, known as Astral Hell.

This period is in the month leading up to your birthday. In this phase, it is common to have the impression that everything is going wrong and that negativity will never leave your life. Therefore, it is a period of attrition and stress.

Below, the general aspects of Astral Hell will be discussed in more detail. To know more about it, continue reading the article!

Period in which Astral Hell occurs

Astral Hell happens in the 30 days preceding the birthday of each native and corresponds to the sign situated in the previous house. Therefore, in the case of Cancer, the moment begins when the Sun enters Gemini, sign with which Cancerians have little affinity.

In general, Astral Hell is marked by instability and the feeling that bad luck will be constant in the life of the signs. Therefore, it is a period that requires calm to be crossed without many losses.

How it influences the native signs

It can be said that Astral Hell, in general terms, represents the worst time of the year for the signs. During this time, the biggest challenges arise in the life of the native, who are under stress and worn out, so they believe that nothing will work out in their lives.

Therefore, loss of optimism is the most common characteristic in this phase. Once positive prospects are made absent, Astral Hell finds opening to cause more and more chaos in the sign of Cancer.

What is Astral Hell?

Astral Hell can be described as a time of constant tension and alertness in people's lives. During this phase, it is common for natives to find themselves in a bad mood and find it difficult to deal with situations they would have been able to deal with more easily at another time.

This happens because many forget that in order to reach the anniversary renewal, it is important to close the previous cycle and this is something that demands a lot. Therefore, Astral Hell is also a period of reflection.

What is Astral Paradise?

Astral Paradise is the period when the Sun is in the 5th house of a particular native's Astrological Chart. It is common for energy to be high at this time and for people to feel able to accomplish their greatest goals.

Thus, the sign located in Astral Paradise is the one with which one has greater affinity. In the case of Cancer, this moment happens when the Sun is in Scorpio, due to the similarities and the harmony between the two.

The Influences of Cancer Astral Hell

Cancerians are strongly influenced by their Astral Hell. During the period in question, they feel that all positivity has abandoned their life and they become extremely pessimistic people, a characteristic that is common to Cancer, but which is less accentuated in the other months of the year.

Besides that, Astral Hell influences the libido of the sign, which goes through a period of high and can generate impulsiveness in Cancerians. It is common for Cancer to have peaks of sexual energy, since it is a seductive sign that tends to surprise in this sector. Below, the other influences of Astral Hell in the sign of Cancer will be explained. Read on!

Characteristics of Cancerians in Astral Hell

Cancer's dramatic temperament becomes more pronounced during their Astral Hell, so if situations are already negative, they tend to become worse because the native's feelings will be even more extreme.

This is a complex phase marked by negativity and stress, and there is the possibility of a series of intrigues, and what Cancerians hate most can become increasingly close to their everyday life, making them more sensitive.

Cancer Astral Hell Date

Cancerians are born between June 21 and July 20, so their Astral Hell corresponds to the 30 days preceding the Sun's entry into the sign - that is, from May 21 to June 20. However it is worth pointing out that each person has its own starting date, determined from the birthday.

Therefore, someone born on 6/24 has his Astral Hell beginning on 5/24 and ending on 6/23.

The lack of control and the Cancer Astral Hell

Uncontrol is a remarkable characteristic of Cancer's Astral Hell. This happens due to the emotions of the Cancerian sign, which will be more out of control than ever. Cancerians are known for their sensitivity, but they tend to keep it to themselves, showing it only to those who are close to them.

This generates a very strong feeling of vulnerability and can make the native pessimistic and negative because they cannot control their impulses.

Gemini and Cancer Astral Hell

Gemini is considered the Astral Hell of Cancer. It is a sign that does not have many traits in common with Cancerians and can have several aspects during this phase, such as aversion to change.

This is because Gemini has a very intense energy of movement, coming from the air element. Meanwhile, Cancer natives don't like anything that shakes up their routine or pushes them in a different direction than the one they are following.

Below, we will comment on some characteristics of the sign of Cancer during its Astral Hell. To learn more, continue reading the article!

Most Sensitive

The sensitivity of Cancerians is higher than ever during their Astral Hell, which can accentuate the propensity to drama of the natives of this sign. Therefore, the period tends to turn into something much worse, because all feelings will be amplified and seen as the most important thing in the world.

This will generate a lot of negativity for Cancer, who won't be able to manage their sensitivity and can get hurt very easily, becoming someone even more stressed.


Astral Hell will put Cancerians in contact with everything they hate the most: mood swings, indelicacy, coldness and indifference. They also tend to feel that people are increasingly superficial and distant from them. So all this will bring a lot of sadness, but also a vengeful impetus.

Soon, once the Cancer native is hurt, he will look for ways to cause pain in those who have hurt him, without rationalizing the damage done.

Financial instability

Cancer is a sign that values stability and tends to always have money saved for the future. Cancerians feel good to see what they have managed to accumulate throughout their life and this choice is something pleasurable for them.

However, during the Astral Hell, it is possible that financial instability will happen. In fact, the Cancer native will not know how to live in the middle: either it will be impossible to make him spend money, or he will simply spend impulsively.

Be careful

The Cancer native needs to be careful in Astral Hell. This sign is naturally spiteful, but this tends to be potentiated during these 30 days, making the native even more prone to feel anger towards those around them for small reasons.

Therefore, just one wrong answer will be enough and the Cancerian will be ready to hold a grudge. However, it is necessary for Cancer natives to be aware of this posture, because this can come back in periods of greater calm and will haunt them.

How to overcome

The only way to get through Cancer's Astral Hell is to see it as a phase, so the native needs to think that it's only 30 days and must do his best not to make the events in his life bigger than they need to be.

Thus, Cancer needs to focus on the idea that Astral Hell serves to reflect and to bring growth. This can bring about changes in your life and make the phase milder.

Do Gemini and Cancer go together?

The relationship between Cancer and Gemini is very troubled. The two signs do not match in almost anything and Gemini, in general, represents everything that Cancerians hate the most. Although it is possible to highlight several aspects, the most glaring of them is instability.

Thus, during the passage of the Sun through Gemini, the sign undergoes several renovations and generates the worst possible moment for Cancer, eliminating any chance of compatibility between the natives of the two signs.

The Astral Paradise of Cancer

The Astral Paradise of Cancer happens when the Sun is in the 5th house of the zodiac. The period in question refers to the entry of the king star in the sign of Scorpio, which has several characteristics in common with Cancerians and which enhances their ability to achieve their goals.

Scorpio is one of the signs that Cancer is most in sync with. This makes it easy for the two of them to relate to each other and are able to forge lasting partnerships, whether they are talking about love, work or friendships. So when the Sun enters Scorpio, the Cancerian is in their best phase. Read on to find out more about this!

Characteristics of Cancerians in Astral Paradise

During their Astral Paradise, Cancerians tend to absorb some characteristics of the sign of Scorpio. In this way, they become very mysterious and seductive, focusing on sensuality. So, during this phase, Cancerians will always have their eye on someone.

The phase is very exciting for Cancerians, who also gain a great potential to realize their goals, during the period in which they are influenced by the intensity of Scorpio. Therefore, this is a phase of concretization of plans.

Cancer Astrological Paradise Date

The Astral Paradise of Cancer occurs between October 23rd and November 21st, date that marks the passage of the Sun through Scorpio. During this time, the astral king is in the 5th house of the zodiac, which speaks about love, achievements and good energies.

So, under the influence of a sign similar to yours, but with a great seductive capacity, the Cancerian lives a real revolution in the love sector and has the opportunity to see his plans come to life.

How to make the most of the Astral Paradise?

Cancer has everything to make the most of his Astral Paradise if he is able to let himself be carried away by Scorpio's energy. Therefore, using mystery and sensuality to his advantage will be essential for Cancer to change some issues in his love life, making it more interesting.

In addition, Scorpio is a sign that has momentum when it comes to its practical goals. This can help the Cancer native make their dreams possible, making the moment even better.

Scorpio and the Astral Paradise of Cancer

Scorpio is an intense, mysterious and sensual sign, ruled by the element of water, it is guided by its intuition and has a number of characteristics in common with Cancer, such as sensitivity and attachment to the people it loves.

However, it is the differences between the two that benefit Cancerians in their Astral Paradise. While the similarities arise to enhance what Cancer already possesses naturally, the differences add to the native what he needs to be fulfilled.

Therefore, Astral Paradise is an extremely positive phase. It will be discussed in more detail below. Read on to find out more!


Cancerians and Scorpios have intuition in common. Both signs have a kind of sixth sense, which makes them able to read people and situations efficiently, even if they try hard to hide their negative characteristics.

Then, when Scorpio influences Cancer, this becomes even more accentuated. The native of this sign will be able to perceive who is true and who is not, with more ease than usual, something that will be positive.


Scorpio is a sign known for its sensuality. Perhaps, it can be considered the most sensual among the 12 of the zodiac. Cancer, on the other hand, is noted for its sensitivity, and when people discover its more sexual nature, they are surprised by what they find.

However, when the Cancerian receives the influence of Scorpio sensuality, any subtlety disappears from this area of his life. He turns to seduction and always has someone on the bench in case his previous encounter fails.

More affectionate

Although Scorpio has its impetuous characteristics most remembered, it is a sign that is extremely affectionate and focused on caring for the people it loves. This also finds correspondence in Cancer's maternal instinct, which is not restricted to natives who have children.

Therefore, all this generates a phase in which the Cancerian will be even more affectionate and prone to make gifts to people who are important to him. So, the Astral Paradise is a good time for relationships of this sign.

Do Scorpio and Cancer go together?

Scorpio and Cancer have a number of characteristics in common and match up quite well, no matter what area of life you talk about. They can be excellent friends, forming lasting partnerships and always supporting each other in all kinds of situations.

Besides, the relationship between these two will always be marked by intensity. They are deep people, who have no interest in the superficial and like to be together with other people who have the same nature. So, when they meet, they don't let go.

How do I prepare for Astral Hell?

The main tip for those who want to prepare for Astral Hell is to start changing the vision they have of this period. Thus, it should be seen as a learning phase and its negative connotation should be completely removed. It is important to remember that sometimes learning is something that takes effort and demands a lot.

In addition, another secret to go through Astral Hell without too much stress is to see the moment as a possibility to reflect. It is a period that makes it possible to perceive discomforts more easily and, therefore, can drive positive changes in the life of any person.

Now that you know more about Cancer's Astral Hell, we hope you're ready to go through it wisely and calmly!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.