Bath Oxum: for love, prosperity, open paths and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn about the benefits of Oxum's bath!

If you are tired, unmotivated and have the feeling that nothing is going right in your life, it is time to take the bath of Oxum. This bath renews the energies of the body and soul and is an excellent natural relaxant.

The bath of Oxum, if combined with other ingredients, can also be used for prosperity, love, fertility and abundance. This is because Oxum, mistress of gold, is an Orixá that represents wisdom and feminine power.

In this article we will show you the different variations of the Oxum bath, how to do it and its main ingredients. You will also learn more about this Orixá. Also check out what are the main elements of Oxum and how to use them to enhance the baths. Enjoy your reading.

Understanding more about the Oxum bath

The Oxum bath, despite being simple and accessible, has its secrets. After all, Oxum, patroness of rivers and waterfalls, is considered one of the most powerful Orixás in the regions of African origin. Below, learn a little more about the history of this Orixá and the care that you should take when doing the sympathy.

History of the Orixá Oxum

Daughter of Yemanja and Oxalá, Oxum likes gold jewelry, perfumes and clothes. Her element is sweet water, her color is yellow and her day is Saturday. Oxum was the second wife of Xangô, lord of justice.

According to African mythology, because of her curiosity, Oxum learned to read the Oracle and is considered the guardian of the Game of Numbers. According to the story, Oxum first married Oxossi and then Ogum. She was not happy in these marriages and cried at the end of each one. One fine day, Oxum met a poor wanderer with whom she fell in love. The wanderer was Xangô, the king of justice.

Elements of Oxum

The element of Mother Oxum, as this Orixá is also known, is fresh water. Owner of rivers, lakes, ponds, springs and waterfalls, Oxum is recognized as the Goddess of abundance and prosperity. Therefore, her color is yellow and her mineral, gold.

The mirror, present in the archetype of this Orixá, is another important element. As Goddess of Love and Beauty, Oxum uses the mirror to avoid looking at the "ugliness" of the human world. The mirror of Oxum also serves to ward off negative energies, envy and the evil eye. The main herbs of Oxum are: lemon balm, mother-of-goodness, marigold, chamomile and rosemary.

Origin of the bath of Oxum

Frequently used in Umbanda and other religions of African origin, the herbal bath is an ancient practice. Some studies point out that the first baths were performed in India in 2000 B.C.

In Brazil, the Oxum bath is also widely used in shamanic rituals and in some aspects of witchcraft. The Oxum bath can be used for various purposes, including protection. Read on to learn more.

What is the bath for?

Generally, herbal baths in religions of African origin are meant to unload, cleanse and protect the physical and spiritual bodies. With the Oxum bath it is no different.

However, Oxum's bath can also be used for love and prosperity, for emotional balance and to open paths. It all depends on the composition of the ingredients you are going to use. Oxum's bath is a ritual, so it is very important to know how to do it. That is what we will talk about next.

Main ingredients used together

As mentioned earlier, the Oxum bath is, above all, a ritual of faith. Therefore, the yellow candle, perfume and honey cannot be missing, not to mention the yellow rose petals. In any of the variations of the bath, these ingredients should be combined with cinnamon or other herbs, perfumes and flowers, for a specific purpose.

Regarding the water to be used in Oxum baths, it is indicated that it should be waterfall water or solarized. Always use fresh ingredients and, if possible, take the bath on Saturday, at 8 pm.

Tips to potentiate the effects of the bath

Besides the care in choosing the ingredients that will compose your bath, it is also necessary to know how you can get the most out of it, potentiating the infusion. For this, besides choosing Saturdays (day dedicated to Oxum) and time (8 pm, since the number 8 represents this Orixá), it is also interesting to take other measures.

The main tips are: before beginning the ritual, make sure that you are calm enough to take your bath. Light an incense and meditate for a few minutes, letting only positive thoughts flow. The moon phases are also important to enhance the effects of the Oxum bath.

Cautions with the procedure of the sympathy

One of the main precautions you should take when taking the bath of Oxum is in relation to your thoughts, words and attitudes. To vibrate at the same frequency as the Orixá, it is important to emanate only positive energies. Another important precaution: only take the bath of Oxum after your hygiene bath.

It is also important not to have consumed or consume alcohol in the 24 hours before and after the bath. During this period also avoid physical contact with another person, try to watch and read only about positive facts and avoid people with low vibration.

Oxum bath for love and prosperity

One of the best known baths Oxum is one to attract love and prosperity. After all, this female Orixá is the owner of gold, wealth, passion and love. Now you will know what ingredients are needed and how to make this powerful bath.

Indications and ingredients

If you're thinking it's time to find love and you need a little boost in your financial life, this is the right bath. The ingredients needed for this powerful bath are:

. two liters of water (preferably solarized or waterfall water);

. four cinnamon sticks;

. four Indian cloves

A fresh sprig of rosemary;

Four gold coins (the higher the value, the better);

. Four yellow rose petals;

Four drops of cologne.

. four teaspoons of pure honey;

A fresh sprig of lavender;

Eight fresh basil leaves.

. a golden candle and a honey candle;

. incense (of honey, rosemary or other aroma related to this Orixá)

How to do the bath

The bath of Oxum for love and prosperity should be done in two steps. First boil the water and separate 01 liter in different containers. In the first place the cinnamon, cloves, rosemary already macerated, coins, four yellow rose petals, four drops of perfume. Cover with a white cloth and set aside.

In another container, add to the liter of water the remaining petals, four drops of perfume, the honey, the lavender and the basil already macerated. Cover and set aside. Light the candles and the incense. Take your hygiene bath, keeping a clear mind. Then pour the contents of the first bath from the neck down, making your requests. Then do the same with the second bath. Do not dry yourself.

Oxum bath to open paths of love

To open paths of love, the traditional Oxum bath, composed of water, roses, perfume and honey, must be complemented with some specific herbs that will enhance the effects of the bath. See below what ingredients these are and how to make the bath.

Indications and ingredients

This bath is indicated to unlock the paths of love. So if you think it's time to improve your relationship or find a new one, but things are not going as they should, take this bath that will surely change everything.

For this bath you will need:

Two liters of water;

Four cinnamon sticks;

Four yellow roses;

A yellow honey candle;



One apple cut into four pieces;

Four tablespoons of honey;

24 drops of any perfume;

A glass of milk;

How to do the bath

Start the preparations for the Oxum bath to open paths of love, lighting the candle and boiling the water. When it boils, add the ingredients, stir clockwise, thinking of your desire. Cover and set aside.

Take your hygiene bath, always trying to meditate. At the end, pour the mixture from the neck down, again repeating your desire and thanking the Orixà. Do not dry yourself. Put on light clothes and, preferably, go to sleep. Dispatch what is left over from the bath in a garden.

Oxum bath for emotional balance

The Oxum bath for emotional balance is indicated mainly in situations of stress, anxiety and depression. This bath is also a powerful calming agent and acts as a muscle relaxant. See below what ingredients are needed to make the Oxum bath for emotional balance.

Indications and ingredients

If you are stressed and feeling a strong physical and mental fatigue, it is certainly time to take the bath of Oxum for emotional balance. To make this bath that is a true natural muscle relaxant, you will need:

A sprig of rosemary;

A sprig of basil;

A sprig of mint;

A rose quartz;

. a pink candle;

. four teaspoons of pure honey;

. two liters of waterfall water, solarized or mineral.

How to do the bath

In a glass or white plastic container, macerate the herbs, slowly pouring the water. During this process, try to keep positive thoughts. It is advisable, if you can, to sing one of the Umbanda points, referring to Mother Oxum.

Place the rose quartz in the center of the macerated herbs and light the candle making your request. Let the candle burn. Meanwhile, take your hygiene bath as usual. When you finish, remove the quartz from the middle of the herbs, place it next to the candle and pour the mixture from the neck down, making a prayer and repeating your request. What is left over from the bath should be disposed of in a garden.

Oxum bath to open paths

An opening of the way to unlock life is always welcome, isn't it? Well, the bath of Oxum to open paths is considered one of the most powerful by followers of religions of African origin. If this is your problem and the situation is difficult, see below how to do the bath and what you will need.

Indications and ingredients

The Oxum bath to open paths is indicated for those difficult situations to face. Because it is very powerful, it should not be done frequently. The ideal is to do a sequence of four baths - one per week, and then wait a period of at least 40 days to do another sequence of baths. The ingredients are:

. a fresh sprig of Melissa;

A fresh branch of Santa Maria grass;

A fresh sprig of Camomile;

A fresh bunch of lemon grass;

A yellow candle;

Two liters of solarized, waterfall or mineral water.

How to do the bath

Place two liters of water in a pot and bring to a boil. Wash the fresh herbs in running water. When it boils, add the herbs and cover the pot. Let it cool. When the mixture is warm, strain it into a white cloth. Light the candle and say a prayer.

After your hygiene bath, throw the infusion from the neck down, making your requests. Never put coarse salt in an Oxum bath. This is an Orixá of honey and sweetness.

Oxum Bath for your vibrations

Strengthen your energies, evoke spiritual protection and increase your vibrational level are just some of the benefits of the Oxum bath for your vibrations. Read on and learn how to do this bath.

Indications and ingredients

Indicated mainly in situations where there is a need to combat negative energies and increase the vibrational state, thus improving the perception of the whole and of oneself, Oxum bath for your vibrations cannot be missing in your routine. The ingredients of this bath are:

A sprig of fresh lavender;

A sprig of fresh basil;

A white rose;

A yellow rose;

A sprig of camomile;

. five liters of solarized, mineral or waterfall water.

How to do the bath

Bring the water and ingredients to a boil. Turn off the pot, cover and let it rest for 4 minutes. Strain the mixture into a white cloth. Take your normal hygiene bath and then pour the infusion from the neck down, making your requests.

When finished, do not dry yourself. Put on a yellow or light-colored garment and throw what remains of the bath into a garden or into running water such as a stream.

Oxum bath for attraction

One of the purposes of the bath with Oxum is to attract. It can be to attract good luck, to attract wealth, to attract jobs. The important thing here is to think positive and let all the good energies of the Mother of Gold come to you. See how easy it is to do this bath.

Indications and ingredients

The Oxum bath for attraction is considered one of the best baths for warming up the marriage or for those who want to be noticed. In this bath it is important that all ingredients are fresh. See the list:

5 liters of water;

1 jasmine;

1 yellow rose;

1 white rose;

A handful of lavender flowers;

Same measure of marigold;

Same measure of macela;

Same measure of macaça;


How to do the bath

Boil the water, put all the ingredients and mix clockwise, making your prayer. Let it rest for 4 hours and then strain the mixture into a white cloth. Take your hygiene bath normally and then pour the mixture from the neck down, mentally repeating your wish.

If you have a bathtub, pour the mixture after straining it into the hot water of the tub, lie down and relax cultivating only positive thoughts and steadying your mind on your wish. Don't dry yourself.Dispatch the rest of the bath in a garden.

Oxum Attractive Magic Bath

This is a special bath to attract happiness and well-being. And for sure this is a bath that cannot be missing among your health care. The magical bath attracting Oxum, however, should be done once a week. The following is the recipe for this wonderful bath.

Indications and ingredients

Suitable for attracting happiness and well-being, the Oxum magical attracting bath can also be used to attract money. The ingredients required are:

1 glass of guarana;

1 branch of rue;

1 sprig of lavender;

1 drop of castor oil (optional);

3 white candles;

2 liters of water.

How to do the bath

Light the candles in the openings of your bathroom (door, window), always from the inside. Put the water to boil and add the ingredients, except the guarana. Stir clockwise and leave on the fire until everything is well dissolved.

Turn off the fire, add the guaraná and let it cool down a little. If you want, add the castor oil, great to keep the bad energies away. Take the hygiene bath and then throw the infusion from the neck down making your requests to Mother Oxum. Do not dry yourself.

Oxum, Orixá of love, is sweet, protective and feminine!

Oxum is considered the Orixá of love. This goddess also accumulates the qualities of owner of gold, fertility, beauty and emotional balance. In religious syncretism, Oxum is represented by Nossa Senhora Aparecida, for those who celebrate the date of the patron saint of Brazil, October 12.

Still by religious syncretism, Oxum is also represented by Nossa Senhora da Conceição, and the commemorative date is December 8th. Besides that, Oxum is an Orixá that rules the sweet waters. This Orixá is also very respected in Umbanda, not only for being Iemanjá and Oxalá's son but also for her feminine power and wisdom.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.