Emotional fever: symptoms, causes, care, treatment and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is emotional fever?

Some symptoms we feel may indicate that we are having an emotional fever at that moment. Heat without explanation, sweating without reason, even at night, and negative thoughts may appear in this case.

The emotional fever is linked to a modification in your emotional, as the very indisposition occurs. But what most do not know is that this lack of balance, such as too much fatigue, high anxiety and personal problems that directly affect life, can greatly influence our health, and the fever is one of the diseases we suffer.

But today, in the face of medical advances and great attention to mental health, we have improvements and great discoveries about problems that deal with psychological health, something that helps those who suffer with this type of discomfort. Check it out!

Aspects of emotional fever

Some aspects can give away the symptoms of emotional fever. When analyzing these symptoms, if you feel it is important to check the causes and seek help to remedy the symptoms, check out the main aspects of emotional fever below!

What is emotional fever

Emotional fever can appear at certain times, in situations such as long-lasting stress, anxiety crisis or events that mess with anyone's psychology.

Usually, these crises are accompanied by physical symptoms, such as increased body temperature and sweating, redness on the body - especially on the face -, pain in the body and other symptoms that are common in those who suffer from emotional fever. In these cases, the use of medication does not always alleviate the signs.

Causes of emotional fever

The causes of emotional fever are linked to one of the diseases we hear most in our daily lives: anxiety. Anxiety has several causes, and stress is one of them. Exhaustion makes the body's cells get an increase that can reach 40 degrees. That is why care in daily life is important.

Worries and the turmoil of everyday life tend to increase anxiety, stress, traumas and psychological complications that can lead to fever. This usually manifests itself when anxiety is at its peak.

Besides anxiety itself being stressful enough, physically and psychologically, emotional fever can bring symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, unbalance and other manifestations. Therefore, be aware of your emotions, such as grief, fights with family members or any kind of misunderstanding. Past traumas can also be causers of this fever.

Who can have emotional fever

Anyone can suffer from emotional fever. Childhood is one of the periods when this fever crisis can develop, due to the fact that the child is faced with situations and events never seen before, such as the discovery of loves, loss of family members and unpleasant school situations. These can develop a certain anxiety, which can contribute to emotional fever.

Emotional Fever Care

As soon as you realize that you are experiencing symptoms of emotional fever, it is important to seek medical help. The effects of fever can last for months, which can worsen the stress. However, as soon as you notice the discomfort, seek a doctor who will make all the evaluation and conduct the best form of treatment to ease the anxiety and stress, either through medication or psychotherapy.

This evaluation is very important. Through it, it is possible to see which situations are affecting your life and your psychological and how these problems can be alleviated.

Symptoms of emotional fever

Some symptoms of emotional fever are similar to those of other diseases. In this case, if the symptoms remain for more than 48 hours, it is advisable to seek medical attention, because it may be something else. Below, check out some symptoms of emotional fever!


Insomnia, described as the difficulty to sleep or to maintain a good night's sleep, is one of the symptoms of emotional fever. Its causes are daily stress, finances, health problems, medications and sleep-related problems, such as the use of electronic devices before going to sleep, irregular schedules, etc.


In emotional fever, fatigue can be caused by some situations. Among them, there are excessive physical activity, which causes physical tiredness, excessive mental activity, which can lead to overload and concentration difficulties, exaggerated stress, which can cause anxiety, sleep loss, and chronic fatigue, which is prolonged and can become incapacitating.

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating can be caused by other diseases, but it is important to be aware of the symptoms in the case of emotional fever. Generally, sweating does not have a clear reason, so an evaluation with a doctor is necessary. Usually, people who have fever or places with a lot of heat sweat, but excessive sweating appears in common situations and generates a lot of discomfort.

Intense heat

It is normal for the person who has emotional fever to feel abnormal heat. The fact that the body temperature increases is what is necessary for all the organs to increase and this discomfort appears. Therefore, hydrate yourself plenty and use cold water compresses to ease the heat.

In this intense heat, loss of consciousness and senses, reduced mental capacity and dizziness can occur. In general, it is recommended that you stay where you are and wait for help to arrive.


Headache, known as headache, appears in stressful days and in the midst of emotional fever, which means that your body is giving signs that something is not right. Thus, it manifests itself in people who have hectic and busy lives. It can be alleviated with the use of medication, but also in a natural way, such as with the use of teas, cold water compresses and relaxation.

However, it is important that if symptoms remain for more than two days, seek medical attention so that medical consideration can be given and the best solution found.

Redness on face

The redness of the face can be caused by other diseases, but in the case of emotional fever, the blood vessels dilate, causing redness, changes in temperature and changes in color, including on the face. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you notice this symptom for more than two days.

How to treat emotional fever

As the name implies, one of the treatments for emotional fever is to keep calm in your emotions. Whether its anxiety about a trip, a date or something that happened and left you worried, keep calm for emotional balance. To learn how to do this, check out the topics below!

Drinking tea

To treat emotional fever, look for natural measures, like a cup of tea or herbs that help fight anxiety. Some very good suggestions are: Citronella herb, which helps with nervousness; Lavender, great to help sleep and calm down, and Passionflower Tea, also known as Passionflower, which helps with PMS symptoms, anxiety, and depression.

In addition, we cannot forget the famous Chamomile, which is also a great relaxant. It helps to calm stress, acts as a tranquilizer and is a great help for those who suffer from anxiety attacks.

Passion fruit ice cubes

Passion fruit has calming properties that act as a relaxant, soothing and analgesic. It is in its pulp that these substances are found, which work directly on the nervous system and help with emotional fever. Passion fruit also has a large amount of magnesium, which helps combat anxiety and exhaustion.

Therefore, cut the fruit, separate the pulp, put it in ice cube trays and put it in the freezer. Many people have the habit of adding mineral water or coconut water, and this suggestion is a good choice for a moment of anxiety.


In case of emotional fever, doing physical exercise, regardless of whether you are well or not, is a great idea. Walking is the easiest option for those who do not have time in their routine or financial conditions to go to a gym. Not to mention that walking releases endorphin, hormone of relaxation and sense of well-being.

Dopamine is also released, bringing a painkiller sensation to those who practice physical exercises. So, whatever and wherever it is, the important thing is to exercise your body and feed your brain with positive thoughts, good energy, good food for your body. On a daily basis, you need to slow down and take more care of yourself.

Medical Orientation

Never fail to seek medical advice. Emotional fever can trigger some symptoms, but that does not mean that these symptoms are only for this disorder. It is very important that you see a doctor and have regular checkups to make sure everything is okay with your health.

Moreover, it is even more important to stress that you should never meditate alone or on your own, Go to the doctor and ask your doubts. If the symptoms persist, seek help from a qualified professional, who will evaluate the situation, prescribe the diagnosis and find the best solution to solve your problem.

Is emotional fever easy to spot?

As we have seen, some symptoms can indicate that something is not right, but none of these symptoms is a certainty that you are running an emotional fever. First of all, it is important that you analyze your life and the day you had the symptoms-whether there was a stressful situation or an anxiety crisis in your life.

It is worth evaluating if you are going through some stressful and anxious situation that could trigger the emotional fever. This fever can also happen in children and, in these situations, asking if there was some stressful situation, either at home or at school, is something good to do. These are situations that do not demand effort or difficulty, but can offer health risks if not taken care of.

Therefore, as we discovered, anyone can have emotional fever and known symptoms that go unnoticed. The rush of our routines does not give us time to stop and analyze what is happening around. Therefore, many times , diseases appear and we do not know the reason.

The importance of taking care of mental health prevents future disorders, which can occur due to lack of attention to this very important area of the body. Daily care of the mind keeps possible diseases away and helps to live a balanced and healthy life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.