Hematite stone: properties, sign, mystical meaning and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the meanings of Hematite stone?

Very common in decorative elements for the home or in jewelry, hematite has a unique appearance that emanates its power. In addition to its uses in decoration and adornment, it is also recognized for its effects on both the physical and spiritual body.

To make the most of these unique characteristics and powers of hematite, it is essential to know how to use it properly and what it is actually used for. Also its cleaning requires care, so that it does not get damaged over time. See all these details and more below.

Characteristics of Hematite

Unique and special, hematite brings important benefits to those who wear it. Learn what they are, their origin and probable colors. Also, know the beliefs, signs, chakras, elements, planets and professions that are related to this gem.

Origin and composition

Hematite is usually found attached to rocks, under the ground, and is composed of iron oxide. Its formation occurs from the oxidation and wear of primary iron minerals, through the action of natural agents. When these fragments come into contact with water, iron oxide is formed.

Among the iron oxides formed from this process is hematite, more common in environments with good air circulation and thermodynamic stability, i.e., where there is a constant exchange of energy and heat with the environment.

Colours, hardness and chemical composition

The chemical composition of hematite is Fe2O3, more precisely, it is composed by iron oxide. It is found both in igneous rocks and in metamorphic or sedimentary rocks, being the most abundant rock found on Mars, which gives it its reddish coloration.

With moderate hardness, between 5.0 and 6.0, hematite has irregular fracture, and can be transformed in laboratory into other related rocks, such as goethite, magnetite, siderite, pyrite and others. Its probable colors are Gray, Red, White and Steel Gray.


Hematite is related to healing, whether of physical or mental ailments. In addition, it is also recognized for stimulating the mind and helping in the solution of more complex problems, as well as in everyday work.

For people who tend to absorb negativity from others, hematite acts as a shield, ensuring greater protection for empaths. It also increases self-confidence and courage to act, both in emergencies and in day-to-day planning.


In ancient Egypt, hematite was considered as a peace keeper, having its effects achieved in silence. In other cultures, hematite used to be placed under the pillow in the coffin, during the wake and before burial or cremation, in order to ensure a better path to heaven.

Already in the Greek culture, hematite is considered the blood of the Gods, present on earth to help mortals in their missions and daily tasks, especially the red hematite, more loaded in iron than the other versions.

Signs and chakras

The signs related to Hematite are Aries and Aquarius. For Aquarians, the color black brings protection against the attack of energies that may, through their empathy, cloud their thoughts. For Aries, the ideal color is red hematite, balancing aggressiveness and stimulating intelligent courage.

Hematite can be used in two chakras mainly, the root and solar plexus. With a strong connection to what is earthly, material, it helps to balance these energy centers and brings greater confidence and security in decisions. It also helps to align these decisions with your deepest needs and desires.

Elements and planets

The planet to which the hematite is related is Saturn, which means that the influence under the social field is ruled mainly by responsibility, besides of course a greater propensity to professional and financial development, through the use of reason.

Connected to the fire element, hematite is powerful and brings a great power of transmutation, burning the densest energies and bringing protection to those who use it. It is an active stone, generator and transmuter, rich in movement and energy.


The main professions connected to hematite are babysitting, surgeon and therapist. Used in daily life, it helps to maintain the necessary calm and serenity, keeping away bad energies and giving clarity to thoughts, even in times of greater stress.

Effects of Hematite on the Spiritual Body

Just like your physical body, your spiritual body is also made of energy, but less dense. Therefore, it is more susceptible to energetic attacks as well as blessings. See some of the effects of hematite on your spiritual body.

Hematite in calming effect

Used mainly as a defense against dense energies, hematite also produces a calming effect on the mind. First, by not allowing bad energies to approach, thus reducing the amount of third party thoughts and negative influence on ideas.

In addition, it blocks a little the mediumship of the person who is using it, so that the empath does not absorb the stress and agitation of other people who are close to him. In this way, it ends up leading to a sense of tranquility, making one stay calm for longer.

Hematite in memory

Hematite is a stone directed to the intellect, to the mind. Thus, it helps to improve your memory, either by helping in the constant attention and presence in what you are doing, or activating the neural connections, stimulating the memory in a more effective way.

To use hematite as a memory stimulant, you can simply leave it somewhere near your study or work area. It doesn't need to be visible, it can stay in a drawer or even in your pocket. If you prefer, you can use it on jewelry and ornaments in general or even on your desk.

Hematite in harmony and balance

Besides being an excellent stone to have in the office or place of study, hematite is also of great help at home. This is because it helps maintain harmony between people, leaving the environment more peaceful and loving.

You can use hematite as an element of decoration, either in sculptures, rock trees, zen gardens or any other decoration idea you find interesting. If you can, it will be even better if you put it in the family corner, next to photos and important memories of you.

Hematite in harmony and balance

Besides being an excellent stone to have in the office or place of study, hematite is also of great help at home. This is because it helps maintain harmony between people, leaving the environment more peaceful and loving.

You can use hematite as an element of decoration, either in sculptures, rock trees, zen gardens or any other decoration idea you find interesting. If you can, it will be even better if you put it in the family corner, next to photos and important memories of you.

Hematite in energy transmutation

One of the main powers of hematite is its ability to transmute denser, heavier energies into good energies for your home or your life. If you have, for example, someone with envy, wanting your defeat, it will transmute this energy and give you more encouragement to proceed.

Use the hematite in places where you feel that the energy of the house does not flow very comes, such as corners, more enclosed areas, less illuminated or ventilated. They can be placed near the entrance door as well, to clean the dense energies that accumulate outside the house and let only what is good to enter.

Hematite in helping to combat limiting thoughts

Limiting thoughts can also be combated with hematite, as it helps bring more clarity and insight into your daily life. This way, the way you think will be more analyzed and it becomes easier to detect automatic thoughts.

Automatic thoughts can lead you to actions that, besides not helping you, can cause damage in your life. They are based on limiting beliefs, such as unloving, helplessness, and many others, causing your response to the world not to be the most appropriate for the moment.

Effects of Hematite on the physical body

Used normally applied in the region of the base chakra, in the back, hematite also helps in maintaining physical health. This is because the chakra to which it is related is completely linked to what is physical, material. See what the benefits of hematite are for blood, detoxification, hypertension and more.

Hematite in blood flow

Through crystal therapy or other techniques that use gems, such as reiki, you can help improve, facilitate blood flow in a particular location of the body. This helps relieve pain, accelerate healing and other benefits.

The therapeutic use of hematite should always be done with the guidance and / or monitoring of a qualified professional, experienced and reliable. If you want to do at home, try to inform yourself well and apply less directed, as in a necklace, for example.

Hematite in blood circulation

In the same way that hematite helps to stimulate blood flow at a particular point in the body, it can also be used to stimulate circulation as a whole. Known primarily for its therapeutic action, it helps to make blood flow more fluid, circulating more easily.

For this, it is fundamental to understand that there is no miracle and that food and medicines are important. However, it can help in the process, speeding up the recovery and leading to normality more easily. It can be used in an anklet, bracelet or necklace, in order to help each one of these regions or the whole.

Hematite in detoxification

The ability of hematite to stimulate blood circulation is already a stimulus to use, however it goes far beyond, also helping to cleanse the blood, making a true detoxification through a faster filtering of the blood, in addition to better quality.

The ideal is that it is manipulated by a trusted professional, but the use at home, in the office or as an ornament also produces some effect. Remembering that it is essential to always follow medical guidelines and use hematite as an additional measure.

Hematite in hypertension

Taking care of blood pressure is essential to maintain good health and avoid serious problems, such as strokes. Hematite can be an aid in this process, helping to control blood pressure, only as a complement to traditional treatment.

This yolk is perfect to help combat high blood pressure because it helps the blood flow, thinning the blood. Thus, a greater amount of blood is pumped at a time, requiring less effort from the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

Hematite in healing

Hematite has been used in healing since ancient times. Pliny used it to treat blood disorders and Galen applied hematite against inflammation of the eyes and headaches. On the other hand, the Egyptians also used it to treat emotional disorders and warriors rubbed it all over the body to ensure greater resistance.

How to use Hematite?

Despite being extremely powerful, hematite is a simple stone to use and does not require many details if used for more general purposes, such as protection, transmutation or courage. Of course, when it comes to health, it is best to seek the support of a specialist. Here is then how to use it in meditation, as a bracelet or pendant, in your home environment and at work.

How to use the Hematite meditation

The use of hematite in meditation will depend on the purpose you intend to give it, after all, everything is a matter of focus and intention. Thus, for a generic meditation, in order to obtain protection, you can use your hematite on an altar, on your hand or as an amulet on a pendant.

However, for more specific purposes, where the application in the base chakra or solar plexus is necessary, it is good to have a guided meditation or to apply your knowledge about the process, always maintaining conscious breathing and seeking to connect with the energy of hematite.

How to wear Hematite as a bracelet or pendant

A very common way to use hematite and take advantage of its protective, encouraging and healing abilities is to add it to necklaces and bracelets. Whether in the form of pendants or as a necklace or bracelet completely filled with stone, it can be useful in your daily life.

For this, it is essential to clean and energize the piece before use. You should also avoid keeping it for many days without proper cleaning, in order to avoid reducing its effectiveness. You can even use the stone cut in the desired format, improving not only its usefulness, but also its aesthetics.

How to use Hematite in the environment

In your home, it is easier to adapt the use of hematite to create a sphere of protection and well-being. It can be used as a decorative element in furniture and art objects. In addition, it can also be placed in potted plants near the entrance, in order to cleanse negative energies that come with people when they arrive from the street.

Hematite can also be used in cleaning and protection pots, along with other elements such as rock salt, star anise and herbs like mastic and pitanga leaves, which even after drying, remain aromatic and very decorative. With this combo of cleaning and cheer, certainly the home environment will be much more pleasant.

How to use Hematite at work

Using hematite in the workplace can be a bit tricky, as you often can't change the layout of the area you're in much. However, of course there are ways to do this without being noticed, with discreet yet powerful techniques.

One of the most common is to keep a hematite stone inside the office drawer or below the cashier. Placing the gem in a vase and covering it with plant liner or bark also works. Of course, for those who don't stop in place, there is always the option of carrying the hematite in your pocket, wherever you go.

Hematite Maintenance

Even though it is easy to use and very powerful, its maintenance requires some special care, so that it does not spoil easily. Understand how the cleaning of hematite should be done and then, the energization. Enjoy knowing where you can find this wonder.

Cleaning and energizing Hematite

The cleaning of hematite cannot be done with water, as it tends to rust and go apart little by little. Over time, it starts to lose its shine and have its action reduced, given its change. Also, rock salt is not a good option to clean the gem, as it also leads to the slow and lasting degradation of it.

You should choose to bury the stone for at least a day or leave it in the sun for the same period. Other cleaning techniques are smoking with sage or palo santo or even using another crystal, such as selenite or clear quartz, as a base for cleaning.

To energize, you should choose the technique that suits you best. It can be a prayer that is powerful for you, energizing through the palm of your hands and strong intention or even, on a new moon night (if it is for protection) or full moon night (if it is for courage).

Where to find Hematite crystal?

Hematite is very easy to find and can be purchased both in physical stores, such as gift shops, natural products or exoteric shops, as well as in online stores. Also social networks such as Instagram and Facebook have well qualified sellers.

Is Hematite stone ideal for the work environment?

You can use hematite quietly in your work environment, since it protects and transmutes energies. In this way, it will help to open paths and show new ways of doing things, increasing your value even more. Even if dense energies try to hinder your action, they won't succeed, with this protector around.

There is also another use of hematite in the work environment which is brain stimulation, making your mind respond more easily to the numerous demands of everyday life. The courage to run after your dreams and goals is perhaps its greatest advantage, because even in the work environment, you need to recognize what does well in fact and what is deception.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.