Moon in Scorpio in the birth chart: Sign trends, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have moon in scorpio?

Having the Moon in Scorpio in your birth chart is, above all, synonymous with strong intuition and depth of feeling. Although it may not be apparent, inside you overflow sensitivity and emotional intensity. These are people who can cope with any situation, seemingly never shaking in the face of the most complex situations.

Generally they are obstinate and very analytical about people and, even if they don't realize it, they are always following their intuition, noticing behaviors and situations that for others are not clear.

For those who have the Moon in Scorpio, feelings are either intense and lived in their fullness, or they are treated coldly and neutrally. They are reserved individuals and therefore few are the ones who have the privilege of entering their world full of emotions and mysteries. For them the question of intimacy is of great value and difficult to conquer.

Meaning of moon in scorpio

The sign of Scorpio has a strong connection with the occult, so those who have it on their moon show a deep attraction for everything that is metaphysical, spiritual and mysterious. Intensity rules the individuals who have Scorpio on their moon and middle ground does not exist for them: it is either all or nothing.

This intensity often frightens, but the influence of Scorpio on the Moon transmits a strong magnetism which favours the individual as regards persuasion, influence over others and leadership over groups of people or work teams.

Follow what the moon symbolizes in mythology and how it is interpreted in astrology to better understand how those with the moon in Scorpio really are.

Moon in mythology

Mythology adds to the moon a strong feminine sense being related, for example, to the Greek deities Artemis, Selene and Hecate who represent the moon in its phases. The instability of the moon in its different intensities is represented by each of these deities of ancient Greece.

In ancient times the moon was revered in Egypt as protector of agriculture, children and as having a supernatural power being symbolized by the goddess Isis. For that culture, Isis had the power to turn metals into gold, to awaken the dead and was considered the mother counselor of the other gods.

These are just a few examples of how the moon was represented by some mythologies. However, it is revered by virtually all ancient cultures, always being a source of protection and occupying major roles among the other deities.

Moon in astrology

In astrology we have in the moon the representation of feelings, emotions, habits, intuitions and the unconscious of the personality. It is considered an astro with direct influence on the psychological aspects of an individual, observing drastic variations according to its positioning in the astrological chart, as well as its different phases.

It is the moon that dictates the way we express ourselves in front of the world and how we position ourselves in front of situations. It is the star that rules our intuition, and privileged are those who have the moon in favorable positions in the astrological chart.

The feeling of motherhood and the feminine side are also under the influence of the moon according to astrology. It also dictates how we deal with our comfort zones and our past.

Characteristics of the sign of Scorpio

Those born with Scorpio as a sun sign are guided by their emotions and have a sharp intuition, being able to recognize everything that is unclear or unspoken. There is a great connection with deep feelings, a tendency to internalize intense emotions and an exceptional memory of people who have done them good or bad.

Generosity in relation to the people they love, as well as a strong capacity to adapt, transforming bad contexts into good ones for their own benefit, are also striking characteristics of the Scorpio sign. For natives of this sign there is a sense that all things have their end, resulting in intensity in everything that is lived.

Here are the positive and negative trends of Scorpio natives, as well as the element and planet that rules this sign.

Scorpio is by far the most intense and sensual sign of the zodiac and such characteristics, if well worked out, are positive points. Scorpio men and women are shrewd and intelligent and do not measure efforts in search of solutions to the most difficult problems.

Generosity is equally intense resulting in positive and altruistic behaviour. The incessant search for truth is also a strong point which leads the natives of this sign to have a strong sense of justice.

Another positive trend is fidelity in affective relationships, as the truth and intensity of Scorpio transmit to natives of this sign the ability to have long and solid relationships. In addition, they possess courage and focus in relation to any situation or project they embrace.

It is precisely the visceral intensity of Scorpio that can lead to negative behaviors. Because they are firm in what they believe or feel, the natives of this sign tend to be intransigent, possessive and often arrogant.

The natural ambition of this sign, if not worked in a healthy way, can result in negative and exaggerated behaviors in relation to material goals. In affective relationships, jealousy is one of the negative points of this sign, which is by far the most jealous of the zodiac.

Resentment is also a strong negative tendency of the Scorpio. The internalisation of feelings often leads to resentment, for, in an attempt to protect themselves, the Scorpio or Scorpiana hides within themselves situations which displeased them and thus do not solve many of their emotional problems.

Water element

All signs are related to the primordial elements of life, and this characteristic is of great importance for the study of the individual traits of people in relation to their birth signs. It necessarily follows the sequence Fire (inspiration), Earth (materialization), Air (which diffuses) and Water (which dilutes).

Like Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio receives the influence of the water element bringing a connotation of depth of emotions, intensity and deep intuition. Individuals whose sun sign is linked to water are extremely adaptable and are considered kind and capable of great demonstrations of empathy.

They can show little impulsiveness which makes them suggestible to others' opinions or wills. Like water, they have sometimes changeable characteristics. Although they have a latent altruism, they can be rancorous, since they have outbursts of emotion and an exemplary memory.

Planet Pluto

In classical astrology the ruler of the sign of Scorpio was considered Mars. However, in modern astrology, it was agreed that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and Mars is exclusively related to the sign of Aries.

Just as this star brings us a sense of mystery, for being the smallest and most distant planet of the solar system in relation to the earth, Pluto brings to the sign of Scorpio a strong influence as to the depth and fascination for all that is hidden and obscure.

Pluto is considered by many the most dense and charged among the stars and the reflection of this for the natives of the sign of Scorpio is a dark side that even they themselves do not know and are afraid of.

Moon in Scorpio in the birth chart

Moon in Scorpio is one of the most interesting and peculiar combinations that can appear in an astrological chart. Generally those who carry this conjunction in their birth chart awaken a mixture of admiration and fear for the unique and strong ways they deal with feelings and situations.

Follow us through the personality, emotions, relationships and partnerships of those who have the Moon in Scorpio in their birth chart.


The influence of the Scorpio sign positioned on the moon translates into a strong, intense and very intuitive personality. Those with this moon tend to intrigue everyone around them because they can have a keen and almost supernatural insight into other people and contexts.

This can also result in fear from others, since assertiveness about others' intentions can be threatening to many.

Individuals who have the Moon in Scorpio have a particular taste for a busy life, enjoying the ups and downs that life provides. A solid and true willpower, as well as a total absence of fear in the face of change, are also defining personality traits of those with the Moon in Scorpio.


Emotion is the air that individuals with the moon in Scorpio breathe. Weak or uncertain emotions are simply dismissed and treated with a frightening coldness by these natives.

The expression "all or nothing" and "eight or eighty" are perfect for individuals with the Moon in Scorpio, which leads them to have a life full of ups and downs when it comes to joys or sorrows. Everything has to be very intense for them.

In this way, if everything is apparently calm in terms of emotions, they set off in search of new adventures. This can make them difficult to deal with, after all, if this aspect is not worked on in a positive way it can generate toxic and self-destructive behaviors.

Relationships and partnerships

In relationships, whether affective, partnership or of any other nature, having the Moon in Scorpio imprints on a need for depth and intensity.

They are individuals who cannot relate to superficial people since their clinical eye can see far beyond the surface. This leads them to always seek relationships and partnerships where there is complicity and intimacy on both sides.

If they embrace a project or really accept a friendship they become true friends for life. They are often emotional when they feel left out by family members, but if accepted they convey a very strong and true sense of family.

Moon in Scorpio in different areas of life

The Moon as a representation of the unconscious personality directly influences several aspects of our lives. Having the most intense and striking sign of the zodiac in the Moon in your birth chart leaves strong marks in several areas of a person's life.

See below what characteristics the Moon in Scorpio brings to individuals in love, friendships, family and work.

Moon in Scorpio in love

These individuals are fervent lovers when they are in love, being capable of the most incredible follies to demonstrate their true, deep and intense love. Another striking aspect is the sensuality that this Moon in Scorpio brings, leaving individuals with their sexuality at its peak.

People with the Moon in Scorpio have a tendency to emotionally manipulate their peers often demanding that the person give up many things for the sake of the relationship.

They may also exhibit obsessive and jealousy-laden behaviours as they unconsciously take pleasure in controlling any context, especially emotional situations.

Moon in Scorpio in friendships

Just as in love, individuals with the Moon in Scorpio see friendships as true deep and sincere relationships. If there is no true reciprocity and surrender they cut the friendship and break the relationship becoming resentful and often vindictive.

They are sympathetic towards their friends and do the possible and the impossible for those whom they let themselves be known intimately. In reality, they have few friends, for the people they let themselves be known in a truly intimate way are rare.

Moon in Scorpio in the family

Because of the intensity they deal with their own emotions, family relationships for people with the Moon in Scorpio tend to be turbulent and difficult. Their almost paranormal sensitivity makes them easier to hurt.

The strong intuition they have can be harmful because they see the smallest mistakes of their relatives generating sometimes unnecessary grudges.

Speaking of resentment, those with the Moon in Scorpio carry this feeling for many years within themselves. They avoid highlighting what they resent which makes family relationships precarious over time.

Moon in Scorpio at work

As for professional environments, the combination of the Moon and Scorpio makes these individuals excellent for managerial positions as they feel very good at being in charge. If they conquer any superior position at work, they become obstinate in doing the best and most perfect work possible.

For those who have the Moon in Scorpio, leadership is something that comes naturally and makes them exceptional leaders who inspire and positively influence their professional peers. They are very persuasive and give themselves body and soul to the projects or companies they work on.

Moon in Scorpio according to gender

Such intensity of emotions and feelings that the Moon in Scorpio brings makes us question if it happens in the same way for both men and women.

We will analyze below how is the influence of the Moon in Scorpio is on men and women and what are the main differences in relation to the gender of the individual.

The woman with Scorpio moon

Women with the Moon in Scorpio are especially active and very capable of planning and carrying out complex, long-term projects. They have strong attitudes and tend to be recognized by everyone around them.

Their intensity and obstinacy make them determined and fond of meticulous planning, always weighing pros and cons well in advance. They are usually women who have total control of their lives and do not accept imposition of rules or behaviors in any way.

The man with Moon in Scorpio

Men with the Moon in Scorpio are more restrained when expressing their feelings and are assertive about the right time to express opinions about what they are thinking.

An air of mystery always surrounds them, which may seem to many a tone of shyness, but it is just the intuitive and analytical power they possess by nature.

They are companions at all times and do not run away if someone of their esteem needs help or advice in difficult times. They value justice and honesty and if they become parents they exercise this function with great zeal and protection.

A little more about moon in scorpio

To have the Moon in Scorpio is to have special intuitive abilities and to experience feelings of an unusual intensity. Let's analyze the potential that having the Moon in Scorpio brings and the challenges that it brings. See also how to discover which moon sign you are.

Moon in Scorpio potential

Faced with so much information about the impact of the strong and intense Scorpio on the moon of a birth chart, it is natural to wonder what potential this combination can provide.

If this striking influence is truly understood, it can be channelled in a positive way and so the sky will be the limit as to the potentials which the Moon in Scorpio can bring to the individual. Living feelings and emotions in a visceral way, as those with the Moon in Scorpio do, makes them capable of loving in a true and selfless way.

The magnetism and sensuality which these individuals naturally emanate can earn them transformative leadership positions, and can be catalysts for structural changes in societies and cultures. Transmutation is an inherent characteristic of the sign of Scorpio and is displayed in all its strength by the Moon in the birth chart.

Add all this to the obstinacy, determination and sense of justice that this Moon in Scorpio transmits to the individual and we have one of the strongest potentials among the hundreds of combinations that the stars provide.

Challenges of moon in scorpio

The challenges for those with the Moon in Scorpio concern how to avoid the strong tendency to resentment, bitterness, revenge and isolation that this influence causes. These are challenges that seem insurmountable, because those with the Moon in the enigmatic Scorpio take their feelings so seriously that it is impossible not to be resentful or hurt by people close to them throughout their lives.

To face these challenges you must seek self-knowledge and knowing the specific details of the Scorpio's influence on the Moon is already a big step. If this is your case, try to understand that, however beautiful it is to have intensity in emotions and however incredible your intuition is, you must be careful not to become grouchy, resentful and alone.

Since these are relationships between imperfect human beings and each has his own pains and loves, disappointments and sorrows are normal and a constant part of earthly existence.

How to find out what my moon sign is?

Unlike the sun sign which is easily known from your date of birth, the moon sign needs more information to be calculated. Remember that the moon changes phase very quickly in relation to the movement of the sun. Therefore, the exact time of your birth is essential to know your moon sign.

If you have in hand the day, the exact time and place of birth, then the next step is to calculate and this can be done by a professional astrologer or by sites that do the birth chart for free on the internet.

We indicate the sites and that, besides doing the complete astrological chart, also have good quality texts giving details about each lunar sign and its influences on people.

Can Moon in Scorpio indicate an emotionally intense personality?

The Moon for its aspect of expression of emotions, feelings, feminine and maternal side and also about the way we behave when facing life situations, is of extreme importance in astrological analysis.

The characteristics of the intense, mysterious and often obscure Scorpio are expressed by the moon even more intensely than when you have this constellation as your sun sign.

Therefore we can categorically say that the Moon in Scorpio does indicate a personality which is emotionally intense, intuitive, often difficult to get along with, but also deep and really true to your feelings, intentions and actions.

If you have the Moon in Scorpio in your chart, consider yourself privileged. With absolute certainty your intuition and emotional intensity will make you feel and live life with a strength that most people will spend their lives without even having an idea of what it is.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.