Orixás na Umbanda: day of the week, greetings, colors and more! Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

Did you know that each Orixá rules a day of the week?

In this article you will know the relationship between the main Orixás of Umbanda and the day of the week of their rulership. For the Yoruba religious traditions, all people are sons or daughters of one of the Orixás.

To discover which Orixá is your father or your mother is a very serious spiritual mission, which requires at least a consultation with a father or with a mother of saint who are religiously prepared to offer you this answer.

However, knowing which Orixá governs the day of the week you were born can also bring you a lot of important information. So, be sure to check which day of the week you were born on and get ready to discover the main characteristics of your birth Orixá and your personality.

Day of the week of the Orixás in Umbanda

According to Umbanda, each one of the Orixás has a series of specific characteristics and elements that can distinguish them from each other. The days of the week, for example, are ruled by one or more than one Orixá.

Some Orixás, however, are known to rule every day of the week. Such is the case with Logunan, the mother of time.

Rituals and offerings on the day of the week of the Orixà

Perform rituals and offerings on the days of the week ruled by your father or mother Orixá, or by the Orixá of the day of the week in which you were born is a very common and welcome practice, because on those days the deities radiate their energies with much more force in the world.

However, to perform any ritual and offering, it is interesting to consult with people initiated in the religion of Umbanda, especially the fathers and mothers of saint, so that its practice is correct and effective.

The Orixás, days of the week, greetings and colors

Each Orixá in Umbanda has its own correspondence with a specific day of the week. On this day, it is common that the children wear the colors of their Orixá and greet him with offerings and prayers. Know below the Orixás according to the day of the week of their regency.


Orixá: Oxalá

Salutation: "Exê Uêpe Babá, Oxalá is my father!" and "Êpa, Êpa Babá!

Colors: white and gold.

Description: Oxalá is the Orixá of Faith, characterized by the continuous irradiation of the energies of faith over beings. Along with Logunan, he rules the first line of Umbanda, the line of faith, and is deeply related to the act of creation.

After all, his magnetism was able to create all things and all people existing in the world. He is responsible for the existence of everything, but does not interfere in its development.


Orixá: Exú or Esu

Greeting: "Laroyê Exú!" and "Exú and Mojubá!

Colors: black and red.

Description: Exú is the Orixá of communication and one of the most important and well-known deities of Umbanda. He has a strong hold on the fields of order, magic and sexuality. Working as messenger of the gods during creation, Exú was the first Orixá to remain on Earth, being considered a protective deity of nations, villages and cities.


Orixá: Ogum

Salutation: "Ogunhê!" and "Patakori Ogum".

Colors: dark blue, red and silver.

Description: Ogum is the Orixá that occupies the throne of the law. His figure represents the divine law, the highest law of all creation. He is able to constantly radiate his energies to support and sustain all people who live within the law and the divine order, helping all who also need that welcome.

He embodies righteousness of character, honor and honesty, responsible for removing chaos and cutting off negative energies.

Orixá: Iansã

Greeting: "Eparrey Iansã!".

Colors: yellow and red.

Description: Iansã is the Orixá that acts in the line of law within Umbanda. She has as one of her main qualities the absorption of the imbalances of beings, allowing them to return to the path of temperance in the dimension of divine justice. This deity has the ability to correct all people who for some reason have strayed from the path of what is fair and correct.

Orixá: Omulu

Salutation: "Omulu-yê Tatá!".

Colors: purple, white, black and red.

Description: Omulu is the Orixá responsible for stabilization and generation. He rules the balance of divine creation and is the guardian of life. This deity has the power to paralyze everything that attempts against the meaning of life, because his presence emanates the creative energies and attracts to his field all beings that unbalance the meaning of life.


Orixá: Obá

Salutation: "Akiro Obá-Yê!" and "Obá Xirê!".

Colors: magenta, green and brown.

Description: Obá is the Orixá related to the calm and concentration of beings. She is able to exhaust the distorted knowledge, paralyzing those people who came into contact with a vitiated, distorted or false knowledge. This deity represents all the knowledge and intellectual reasoning capacity about the reality perceptible by our senses.

Orixá: Oxóssi

Salutation: "Okê Arô!" and "Okê Oxóssi".

Colors: green, dark blue and magenta.

Description: Oxóssi is the Orixá of knowledge. He radiates knowledge and has the power to act on our mental side, stimulating our search for knowledge in all its possible dimensions.

Oxóssi represents the figure of the great hunter, the one who goes after knowledge and brings it to us, so that we can find the necessary answers for our evolution.


Orixá: Egunitá or Oroiná

Salutation: "Kali-Yê!".

Colors: orange, gold and red.

Description: Egunitá is the Orixá associated with the qualities of justice and purification. She has the ability to consume the vices and imbalances, promoting the purification of religious temples, our homes and our body and spirit. This deity is the representation of the purifying fire, which destroys the imbalances to bring us the renewal and purification.

Orixá: Xangô

Greeting: "Kaô Kabecile!".

Colors: brown, gold, red and white.

Description: Xangô is the Orixá of Divine Justice. His energy radiates all the time, promoting balance, stability and harmony for all of us. This deity acts preferably in the field of reason, supporting people so that they always follow the path of justice. Those who absorb his energy have their thoughts purified and thus can act rationally and...filed.


Orixá: Nanã Buruquê, Nanã or Nanã Buruku

Salutation: "Saluba, Nanã!".

Colors: lilac, purple and pink.

Description: Nanã Buruquê is the Orixá linked to the qualities of evolution, decantation and transmutation. She is responsible for acting on the beings unbalanced and disturbed by negativity, bringing them balance and calm. By performing this process, Nanã reorients the spiritual path of beings, removing them from stagnation and putting them back on the tracks of evolution.

Orixá: Iemanjá or Yemanjá

Salutation: "Odô iyá, Odôyabá!" "Odôyá Ômi Ô!" and "Odô cyaba!".

Colors: white, silver and light blue.

Description: Iemanjá is one of the best known Orixás of Umbanda in Brazil. She acts in the field of generation, being able to give continuity to life in the world as a whole.

For these reasons, Yemanjá is known as the mother of life and the queen of the seas, since it is believed that the origin of life happened in the water. This deity is the guardian of motherhood, pregnancy and childbearing, welcoming the women who carry in their wombs a new being.


Orixá: Obaluayê or Obaluaiê

Salutation: "Atotô, Obaluayê!

Colors: white, violet, silver and bicolor (black/white).

Description: Obaluayê is the Orixá that acts in the field of evolution, especially in signaling the passages from one stage of evolution to another. He emanates at all times the energies capable of making us take a step forward.

Obaluayê is also able to eradicate any energy and feeling that can hinder the progress of our evolution. This deity is the lord of the passages from one plane to another, acting directly in the process of human reincarnation.

Orixá: Oxum

Salute: "Ai-iê-iô!" and "Ora Iê Iê Ô!".

Colors: gold, pink and blue.

Description: Oxum is the Orixá of love, interceding in the life of each being to stimulate within us loving feelings, fraternal and welcoming. In addition, this deity is known in Umbanda for its beauty, vanity and sensuality, able to radiate in each person all these attributes. She rules the sweet waters and is linked to the abundance and manifestations of wealth.

Personality of those born on the day of the week of each Orixà

Each day of the week is ruled by one or more than one Orixà. In this sense, the day of the week of your birth can bring you a lot of information about your personality by knowing your respective Orixàs. See below the relation of each day of the week with their deities and characteristic personalities.

Born on Sunday

Orixá: Oxalá

Personality: The children of Oxalá or those born on a Sunday have as tendencies stubbornness, the conviction of being right, tranquility, centrality, balance, taste for life in society, leadership spirit, cordiality and magnetism.

Born on Monday

Orixá: Exú

Personality: The children of Exú or those born on a Monday are intense, passionate, attractive, charismatic and like to attract attention. They like to communicate easily and are good at solving conflicts.

Born on Tuesday

Orixá: Ogum

Personality: The sons of Ogum are helpful people, born leaders, appreciate innovations, are determined and competitive. In addition, they have a difficult temperament and are great strategists.

Orixá: Iansã

Personality: Children of Iansã tend to adapt easily to situations, have initiative and strong communication skills, are possessive and can develop explosive behavior. They are also joyful and receptive people.

Orixá: Omulu

Personality: The children of Omulu are people attached to work, discreet and with a strong sense of justice. They like to take care of themselves and keep themselves clean and have a very strong spiritual force. On some occasions they can be vindictive.

Born on Wednesday

Orixá: Obá

Personality: The children of Obá hate lies and are extremely sincere. They are methodical and do things with great care and focus. Therefore, they hate small talk and like the security of home.

Orixá: Oxóssi

Personality: The children of Oxóssi can be defined by their intelligence, cordiality, joy and optimism. In addition, they love nature and are charismatic, but show little emotion to their companions.

Born on Thursday

Orixá: Egunitá

Personality: Children of Egunita are characterized by their emotionality and impulsiveness, becoming stubborn and insensitive at times. They like human contact, appreciate a good conversation and hate routine and lazy people.

Orixá: Xangô

Personality: Children of Shango are honest, energetic and do not tolerate lying. They are also stubborn, very focused on work and can sometimes be intransigent and spiteful.

Born on Friday

Orixá: Nanã

Personality: The children of Nanã are people who like memories, are responsible and concentrated, without much sense of humour and quite attached to routine. They like children and are more homely and quiet.

Orixá: Iemanjá

Personality: The children of Yemanja are protective, they like comfort and to teach others. They tend not to forgive easily and are very suspicious, but they get very involved with friends and family.

Born on Saturday

Orixá: Obaluayê

Personality: The children of Obaluayê are communicative, intelligent people and like to be the center of attention. Besides that, they are serious and rational people and have the habit of liking someone completely opposite to themselves.

Orixá: Oxum

Personality: The children of Oxum are people who are concerned about their appearance, so they are known for their sensuality and taste for social life. They do not like to get involved in scandals and can be very curious and gossipy at times.

Is the day of the week of my orixá a good day to do cleansing and energizing baths?

The day of the week ruled by your Orixá is always a good day to perform rituals that promote your approach to the divinity. The cleansing and energizing baths, either for unloading or purification, are simple and effective ways to ask for the protection and the irradiation of the energy of the Orixá over you.

So, take advantage of the day of the week of your Orixá to prepare a good bath and enjoy all the energy emanated by him.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.