Sun sign: how to find out yours? Understand the meanings!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of the sun sign?

The Sun sign is the famous sign of each month, which most people know and which is located where the Sun is in the Astrological Chart. For example, when someone says their sign is Libra, it means that their Sun is in the sign of Libra in the Astrological Chart.

This is the easiest to discover, because it is in accordance with the month in which each person was born - unlike the ascendant, for example, which needs the correct time of birth to know what each person's ascending sign is.

Thus, the personal characteristics, personalities and potentials that the sun sign presents in people represent the self and how each human being presents himself to society. Therefore, it is a part of the essence of each individual that is exteriorized. Next, check out everything about the sun sign in this article!

Sun and its meanings

The Sun is the best known and most common star within Astrology by society and has its due importance in reading the Astrological Map. With this, it is possible to know the essence of each person, according to the sign positioned. Learn more about the Sun in Astrology below!

Meaning of the Sun

The Sun, or Astro King, is the great star of the solar system, which sends light, warmth and life to the planet. Within Astrology, the Sun represents the ego, conscious will, desire and vital physical energies.

It is from this consciousness and energy that everyone can communicate, express themselves and interact with the world. According to the sign in which the Astro Rei is positioned, this will describe the way each person reacts and expresses themselves in life.

Sun in Mythology

The Sun Star has several personifications and representations in various mythologies and beliefs around the world, since ancient times. A more common example is Ra, an Egyptian god in Hermeticism, with the body of a man and the head of a bird of prey, being the father of the gods, or father of men.

In the Wicca religion, or neo-paganism, there is the god Cernunnos, or Cornifer, lord of the animals and solar god.

Sun in the Astrological Chart

The Sun in the Astrological Chart determines which is the main sign of a person, the one that everyone knows by the month in which he was born. It is with the Sun that one discovers personal characteristics, ego, power and which are the most favourable ways to succeed in life. Thus, while the Sun has masculine and paternal energy, the Moon has feminine and maternal energy.

How do I find my sun?

To discover the sign and in which house the Sun is positioned in the Astrological Map, it is necessary to enter in a site that makes a free Astrological Map and put name, date and place of birth. Moreover, to have a more complete analysis and with the ascendant, it is necessary to put the time of birth.

Thus, the house in which the Sun is located in the Star Chart reveals the most important potentials that should be focused by the person. His persona, or ego, is also easier to express and the characteristics can be used to act better in some goal.

The Sun in Aries

Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is a cardinal sign (the beginning of the season) and is of the fire element. Its ruling planet is Mars, so those who have the Sun in this sign end up assuming more rigid, focused and energetic attitudes. When the Sun is positioned in Aries, it reveals that that person is Aryan. Read on to find out more about Sun in Aries!

Positive aspects

The Sun in Aries makes it easier for the individual to have more energy, focus and determination to go after their desires and overcome obstacles. Independence and investment in oneself are valued by those in this sign and they feel uncomfortable taking orders.

In addition, the individual also finds it easier to thrive more in competitive environments and in challenging situations, because it is necessary to always be in motion and spend energy, being careful with authoritarian attitudes. Novelties in any area of life are always welcome.

Negative aspects

With the influence of the warrior energies of the planet Mars, the negative aspects of Aries become more evident when the Sun is positioned in this sign. The battles are no longer only for concluding objectives and fulfilling dreams, but also for anyone who irritates the Ariesian.

Therefore, authoritarianism is also a negative characteristic of this sign and that ends up keeping many people away from those who are like that. Competition, desire and power can go to the head of Aryans, making them more aggressive, demanding, selfish and difficult to deal with.

Sex and love

The warrior energies in love make Aryans want to conquer their beloved, even if this process takes time. They prefer a love where the partner also enjoys adventures and novelties.

Thus, they are sexually very active, like novelty and may also like to try new things in sexual acts. If, by chance, they are in a relationship with an individual less sexually active, they may end up losing interest, generating conflicts and ending the relationship.


In the professional area, those who have the Sun in Aries have an easier time in leadership positions, management and transportation. Even working in lower positions and not liking to take orders, they are good employees, well disciplined and objective.

Because they are very energetic, they like to do activities with agility, finishing everything in a hurry and letting some mistakes go unnoticed. However, they have more facility in working in groups, bring motivation to colleagues and maintain good communication.

Sun in Taurus

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, being a fixed sign (of the middle of the season) and of the earth element. The Sun in this sign brings a more practical and controlled essence, of comfort, stability and material luxury in life. Thus, Taureans are calmer people who need to feel secure in any area. Learn more about Sun in Taurus in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Peace and tranquility are ideal characteristics of a Taurus; therefore, they avoid getting into fights and conflicts. Although they are patient, when they cross the limits, they may react unexpectedly. They are very affectionate, faithful and generous friends and end up distancing themselves from people who are not good natured in their point of view.

Taureans also have a sense of material preservation, so everything they own ends up lasting much longer because they are very careful. So when they really like a person, they are more helpful.

Negative aspects

When a change in a Taurus' life is not for what is within his plans or is out of his control, he tends to be more resistant and avoid responsibility. Thus, these natives are usually very stubborn about what they want or don't want.

Because they are from an earth sign and are more attached to the material and tangible, they tend to be more jealous and possessive, both with objects and people. This possessiveness with the person they love and the fear of losing him/her can cause fights, which makes it difficult for them to maintain a relationship.

Sex and love

Taureans have a natural sensuality, which makes them more easily attracted to people, without them realizing it. They are faithful companions and like to enjoy the pleasures that life provides with someone by their side. When they realize that their partner is not being faithful, they start to distance themselves and become more distant.

In addition, Taurus is one of the best signs for sex, since this sign is more connected to the earth and material pleasures. Taureans value their own pleasure and that of their partners, but they are not very close to adventures. Sex is done with more love, dedication and routine and the frequency is high.


The best types of work for a Taurus are those which have a certain stability and routine, for example in areas of technology, food and customer service. They can also do well in management positions as they bring the need to have a more stable base for the company and employees.

Thus, they act with practicality and are very methodical, and creativity is an important point in those who have the Sun in this sign, because they can solve problems that appear at work. In addition, haste is the enemy of perfection, so it is common for them to solve problems calmly, to avoid more problems.

Sun in Gemini

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is a mutable sign (end of season) and of the element of air. This position brings the essence of communication and reasoning and a great willingness to express your ideas to people. Learn more about Sun in Gemini in the following topics!

Positive aspects

The person who has Sun in Gemini is more communicative and has a clear and objective speech, so there will be no lack of subject. Thus, the subjects of greatest interest generate excitement, which makes the Gemini end up having long conversations. This is where the stereotype that Gemini people talk too much arises.

In fact, they like to express their ideas and have a more logical and skeptical thinking. These characteristics are remarkable and they pass through difficulties with more ease and agility, because they have no resistance to change.

Negative aspects

Gemini people tend to be more arrogant, thinking they know more about something than others. They think they are superior and more intelligent than others, which makes coexistence unpleasant. They also have a good tongue and can be manipulative with people.

Thus, patience is not a strong point in the sign of Gemini and you have to work hard to keep a focus as they can become scattered with so many thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, with a natural talent for communication, they can use this aspect to persuade, manipulate or deceive others.

Sex and love

The relationship never gets monotonous when the partner is Gemini, because Gemini people can find many things to talk about and activities to do together. Their ability to observe others and notice small details that would go unnoticed by others makes them notice what their loved one wants or thinks.

However, it is good not to expect too much romanticism in the love and sexual relationship as this sign does not know how to deal very well with emotions, being more rational than emotional. Here, the connection is mental and they prefer to do activities that stimulate the mind.


The desire to engage in mind-stimulating activities makes career choices easier for Gemini, but it can be difficult to maintain interest in more routine work. Some favorable areas for the sign of Gemini are sales, education, journalism, technology, and writing.

Gemini is a very social sign, has a good tongue and can convince people when it is insistent. Thus, both in career and in studies, this sign has an advantage when it comes to communication and logical thinking.

Sun in Cancer

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, cardinal and of the water element. This position brings a more emotional, fluid, loving and intuitive essence. So, a Cancerian tends to be more sensitive to the energies of the people around them and the environments. Learn more about Sun in Cancer in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Empathy, love, dedication and creativity are part of the characteristics of Cancerians. They are very determined when they go after what they want and can express what they think more easily. Most of the time they succeed in conquering their desires.

They also like to feel and pass security to their closest family and friends and prefer to be always close to those they love. No matter how much time they have to spend away from home or from the house of their closest relatives, they are relieved when there is a feeling of welcome and they return home.

Negative aspects

As much as the sign of Cancer is linked to emotions, its ruling planet is the Moon, having its phases interfering in the movement of the waters of the seas, which results in emotional instability. An individual with this positioning can be calm one day and, on the other, be more sensitive.

Moreover, another negative aspect of Sun in Cancer is the emotional imbalance, favoring excessive attachment to people, jealousy and manipulation, not to mention that they are more susceptible to getting stuck in the past.

Sex and love

In love, the sign of Cancer brings the essence of sentimentality, romanticism and loyalty. This position favors dedication to the person you love, making pleasant surprises and bringing company, whenever possible.

When it comes to sex, it is good to invest a lot of time in foreplay with Cancerians as they take the sexual act more calmly and experience every moment intensely. It is common for people with this position to want to have a sexual relationship only with those they feel an emotional bond with.


The Cancer sign is flexible when it comes to work and adapts more easily in various areas of employment, achieving success with less difficulty. Your ability to listen to constructive criticism helps you to improve where improvement is needed and to maintain good performance on tasks.

However, it is necessary to be careful with emotions in the work environment, if the Cancerian does not have emotional control and balance, as this ends up hindering his performance and his image before colleagues and superiors. The most favorable areas for this sign are management, therapy and psychology.

Sun in Leo

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, fixed and of the fire element. This sign brings the essence of self-expression, optimism, individuality, creativity and ego. Finally, the Sun in Leo presents the union of mind and heart to better express individuality. Read on to find out more about this sign!

Positive aspects

Leo people are more optimistic, cheerful and humorous, they like to be around their friends to have fun and raise their spirits, and they are that kind of friend that can make the other feel better on a bad day.

A remarkable characteristic of Leo people is that they like to please their loved ones, they make surprises and help in whatever possible, but they do not forget about themselves. They are loyal and true friends and lovers. So, hardly an individual with Sun in Leo will lie.

Negative aspects

When they are sadder, people with Sun in Leo usually hide this feeling, in order not to show sensitivity and fragility. With the emotional in unbalance, they become more complaining, rebellious and quarrelsome, besides their ego becoming more inflated. So, to force a Leo to do something or change a posture will only make him more rebellious and impatient.

As much as Leonines like to please the people they love, they need to be careful not to abuse their good will. They tend to be authoritarian and stubborn, with a very high ego, and despise anyone who hurts their pride.

Sex and love

In love, the Leo are those partners who are always pleasing their beloved, making surprises and buying gifts, because they like to care and see the other happy. They are very loving lovers, careful and loyal, and they like to praise their partners and to be praised.

In sex, the priority is the pleasure of their partners and they are not limited in their desires and fetishes, because novelties are well accepted. With this positioning, they seek more lasting and stable relationships, so they may not enjoy a more casual relationship.


Individuals with the Sun in Leo have a more motivating, magnetic, energetic and objective essence to conquer their goals with more ease. Teamwork is more humorous, they are respectful and organized, and there is no obstacle they cannot get through.

With their reputation for being dramatic and for wanting to be the center of attention by being on stage, the best careers for Leo's are theater, film, the arts, music, literature, creative careers in general, and management.

Sun in Virgo

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, mutable and of the earth element. This sign brings the essence of organization, practicality, ethics and methodicalness, and is flexible and adaptable to change, being a mixture of earth and air element traits. Learn more about Sun in Virgo in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Virgoans perform tasks with dedication, are attentive to details so that everything turns out perfectly, and like to help other people without receiving anything in return. This perfectionism also affects domestic chores and physical and energetic cleanliness.

Therefore, routine is important for Virgoans and, although they accept and go through changes more easily, leading a life always the same does not bring new experiences. This can delay the spiritual and material evolution of these people.

Negative aspects

As helpful and altruistic as they are, some Sun in Virgo individuals like to have at least some recognition and feel wronged when their offers of help are ignored, as there is a need to feel useful.

Also, whenever they notice something out of place or wrong, they will be critical and complaining, because organization and order are important. Thus, the perfectionism of the sign of Virgo can hinder more than help in the completion of tasks and work, and it is necessary to be vigilant on this point.

Sex and love

In love, Virgoans are more calm, centered and affectionate, although they are not very passionate. They are insecure, afraid of giving themselves up and getting hurt emotionally and therefore they give the image of indifference.

So, people with the Sun in Virgo are more conservative, because they think it is better to have a stable and lasting relationship than to be with several other people without commitment. This conservatism is also present in sex, because they are not very open to novelties and fetishes, but there are always exceptions.


Perfectionism, care and the will to improve things in society are favorable characteristics for Virgoans to invest in the areas of health, veterinary, education, environmental protection, sustainable products or technologies, cleaning, maintenance and organization.

All jobs that convey the feeling and notion that they are being helpful to other people are great for Virgoans. Apart from their career, they can invest some time to do social and volunteer work.

Sun in Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, cardinal and is of the element air. This sign brings the essence of what is fair, diplomacy, duality and indecision. People with the Sun in this position need to learn to deal with duality and make decisions. Find out more about Sun in Libra in the topics below!

Positive aspects

Lightness, a sense of justice and understanding are part of the characteristics of the Sun in Libra. These individuals value aesthetics and elegance and are always concerned with their facial and body image. They become careless, however, when they are out of balance.

Finally, they are great friends, they are always close to those they have more affinity and trust, and they invest a lot of time doing activities or just talking with their friends. Therefore, they will always listen to each other, to avoid unnecessary arguments.

Negative aspects

Librians have a reputation for being indecisive, they get confused when they have to make decisions and become stagnant, even if they are in situations that hurt them in some way. The sense of being fair and not hurting others becomes excessive and the situation becomes harder to get out of than before.

Because they don't have a definite position, they tend to be influenced by other people's opinions or they simply don't take any decision and leave everything as it is. In the end, this attitude is harmful, both for the Librians themselves and for those around them.

Sex and love

Librians are constantly looking for love partners, but indecision and lack of focus makes relationships more unstable and stressful. Calmness and sensitivity also influence these people to avoid fights.

Librians are affectionate, attentive and more open to new things and fetishes. The frequency of sexual relations tends to be high, and when they are well balanced, they are very patient and dedicated partners, treating those they love well.


The diplomatic attitude helps those with the Sun in Libra to get along better in work environments and to be able to work in teams more easily. Despite being labelled lazy and idle, they are good workers, but what may happen is that their pace may be calmer.

These characteristics are good for areas of justice, diplomacy, advocacy, management and negotiation, but you can also work in any other area with ease and ease of adaptation. Your attitudes in any area of work will be fair and honest, but beware of indecision.

Sun in Scorpio

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, fixed and of the water element. This sign brings the essence of mystery, fascination with the occult, intuition, unfiltered emotions, sensuality, sexuality and intensity. Learn more about Sun in Scorpio in the following topics!

Positive aspects

The Sun in Scorpio facilitates the process of inner reformation to adapt to new people and environments. They are always leaving old ideas and thoughts in the past and opening up to new experiences and discoveries of themselves and the world.

Intuition makes Scorpio people see situations with new eyes, analyzing better everything that is happening in the smallest details, which are more difficult to be perceived by other people.

Negative aspects

When the person with the Sun in Scorpio is acting more on the negative aspects, he tends to become more vindictive and spiteful, wishing to see those who hurt him suffer. Emotional lack of control is dangerous and destructive, and therefore this placement requires a lot of emotional control.

The intensity of emotions and feelings is a problem, because in unbalance, some Scorpians tend to act with infidelity, betrayal, excessive jealousy and manipulation. When they feel they have been betrayed or hurt, they lose their reason because of the intensity, becoming more violent and aggressive.

Sex and love

Intensity is present in the Scorpio's love relationships, as they are used to throwing themselves into relationships and love their partners intensely. In the same way that positive emotions are stronger, any problem in the relationship messes with their emotions as they are more sensitive.

So, Scorpio is the most sexual sign of the zodiac, with a very high libido, and the most liberal, having no problems in having casual or open relationships, besides the reputation of sex being great. The frequency of sexual acts in a relationship are higher and the Scorpio ends up facing difficulties with those who have a lower frequency.


Scorpios do well in any area of work, from very low positions to the highest positions in a company. However, you have to be balanced so that you don't become controlling and authoritarian in the work environment.

Therefore, the professional paths of the sign of Scorpio open up more, when people of this sign can control their emotions. An addendum is that the easiest jobs for them to adapt to are the ones where they spend more time alone than working in a team, although they have no problem with this.

Sun in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, mutable and of the fire element. This sign brings the essence of enthusiasm, philosophy, studies and adventures, as being in motion and doing new activities brings new experiences and learning. Learn more about Sun in Sagittarius in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Sagittarius is naturally very enthusiastic about traveling and new adventures, to obtain new knowledge, experiences, learning and evolution. It is a very witty sign that lives life with more lightness, optimism and fun. It also has a natural curiosity, which makes people with the Sun in this sign are always studying and learning new things.

Thus, Sagittarians are humorous and playful people, who like a good party and to get together with friends and prefer to stay away from fights. The fire element of this sign influences these people to be more energetic, confident and independent.

Negative aspects

The most unfortunate Sagittarians have difficulty believing in themselves and think they do not deserve happiness, letting themselves be carried away by pessimistic and depressive thoughts.

Therefore, when they take themselves into the negative, they are more irresponsible, immature, complaining and arrogant. It can happen that they are so optimistic that they create high expectations, which is dangerous, because a broken expectation brings unpredictable reactions.

Sex and love

The Sun in Sagittarius in love is versatile and gets used to changes and different situations, as long as their partners do not make them feel trapped. This sign loves its freedom and does not like to take orders, especially from authoritarian or bossy people.

In love, natives are very romantic, however they like it when the loved one is intelligent and open minded and cannot stand jealousy. In sex, they are open to novelties and fetishes, and like to try new things, both in intellect and in carnal acts.


Like a centaur, Sagittarius has a free spirit and enjoys discovering and learning new things and visiting new places. The cultures of different countries are good attractions for a Sagittarian because the more knowledge and wisdom, the better.

So, the natives of this position are always studying and some subjects of major interest can be philosophical, about life and the universe, bringing new points of view on human behavior, cultures and spirituality. So, some favorable areas for a Sagittarian are education, psychology, editorial, aerial or tourism.

Sun in Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, cardinal and is of the earth element. This sign brings the essence of ambition, determination, responsibility and perseverance, which drives the person with this sign to strive for their goals and dreams, always with caution. Learn more about Sun in Capricorn in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Capricorn is a sign that values financial stability, is controlled and organized with expenses and values his career. His connection with the earth element makes people of this sign are more grounded and realistic, being very cautious and having a plan B, in case something unexpected happens.

Capricorns are very responsible and usually follow social rules in order to act correctly and without creating problems. However, they have the capacity to create their own rules, especially when they realize that some of them are abusive.

Negative aspects

With an obsession to work and get more money, individuals with Sun in Capricorn can end up seeing free time and fun as a waste of time, so they get busy with some task, to get extra income. This attitude is dangerous, because working without a period of rest results in serious health problems.

Moreover, they are in the habit of taking other people's problems upon themselves to solve, when they don't have to do so. Caution and fear of getting hurt emotionally means that these people don't give themselves away or open up easily to others. So they get the reputation of being indifferent and cold.

Sex and love

Capricornians fall in love, no matter how difficult it may seem. The process of feeling emotions is more internal and they don't open up easily with just anyone, for fear of getting hurt. When a Capricorn individual is in love and trusts their beloved, they will open up little by little, be affectionate and want to please them.

However, romance will be behind career as their professional life is more important and valued than love relationships. Still, they are faithful and prefer to have serious and long-lasting relationships based on trust and honesty.

In sex, they are more reserved, conservative and do not care so much about these acts, but when they do, it is with love and dedication.


In their career, Capricorns will be those employees who stand out in the company or in the work environment for their efforts, dedication, discipline, good posture, responsibility and ability to perform their tasks well.

Therefore, they have a lot of ambition and aim for higher positions in the place where they work or to be the best, if they have their own business. They are great leaders, negotiators and strategists and, therefore, the best areas for Capricorns are finance, accounting, management, police, law and human resources.

Sun in Aquarius

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, fixed and of the air element. This sign brings the essence of humanitarian, revolutionary and freedom, working for the evolution of society and without following a standard of behavior. Learn more about Sun in Aquarius in the following topics!

Positive aspects

Aquarians do not usually follow standards of behavior, aesthetic or social, and like freedom and innovation, so that society progresses morally and technologically. To fit into a standard is to be more of the same and to act like others, and people of this sign do not like to lose their essence and their originality.

Thus, they are sincere and loyal people, and they have no problem in saying that something is wrong or can be improved, using creativity to solve these problems. The Sun in Aquarius brings more logical, mental and humanitarian characteristics.

Also, at some point, Aquarians will need to spend time alone to themselves, meditating and reflecting on life.

Negative aspects

With a more logical and liberty-oriented behavior, individuals with Sun in Aquarius can become more skeptical and absent-minded people, taking a long time to respond to friends, colleagues and family. The revolutionary spirit of Aquarians tends to make them more rebellious and with difficulties to hold a job or have a good relationship with people.

Thus, Aquarians can become impersonal, indifferent and unpredictable, lacking diplomacy and emotional responsibility in relationships and in living with other people. This demotivates and alienates others, leaving them with the reputation of being boring, cold, distant and rude.

Sex and love

Just as Aquarians are light and non-possessive with their partners, they like to receive the same thing. Therefore, they like to be free and without taking orders in relationships. They are very open-minded and give personal freedom, expecting to receive the same.

Besides, they are not very close to relationships, as they like their freedom and independence. However, when they are in love, they are faithful and affectionate, without excesses. In sex, they are dedicated to please and give pleasure to their partners, venturing to try new positions and sensations. Besides, they get bored with monotony.


The innovative and revolutionary essence of the individual with Sun in Aquarius favours advancement in technologies, science, the arts and the job market. Thus he has difficulties working in areas which need to follow the rules to the letter and in which he feels trapped.

Even so, Aquarians are good workers, create different solutions to problems that appear and need a space to express themselves, besides having a strong connection with nature. Therefore, the best areas for those with Sun in Aquarius are technology, science, literature, arts, biology and health.

Sun in Pisces

Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, mutable and of the water element. This sign brings the essence of intuition, fluidity of emotions, sensitivity, love, creativity and empathy to create a more united society. To know more about Sun in Pisces, read the following topics!

Positive aspects

Sun in Pisces brings the expression of creativity and imagination. People of this sign are dreamy and go through obstacles in different ways. Because the sign is mutable, they can adapt better to situations and environments, even the most chaotic ones.

Thus, empathy makes Pisceans connect and identify with other people's feelings, being good listeners and being ready to help in whatever is needed. If the Piscean knows how to listen to their intuition, they can avoid problems and acquire wisdom to solve or escape them.

Negative aspects

The creativity and imagination in excess makes the Piscean live in an imaginative world, especially if they use these characteristics to escape reality. Having Pisces as a sun sign makes the person more sensitive, and any negative situation or that does not meet their expectations makes them more depressed.

So you create an image of other people, you end up deluding yourself so that you don't face reality, and people take advantage of this vulnerability to abuse your innocence. Pisceans tend to have more pessimistic worldviews and exaggerate by making the problem bigger than it is.

Sex and love

Pisces is the most romantic and loving sign of the zodiac. When in love, these natives are extremely faithful and the feeling is intense and deep. They tend to have several love partners throughout their lives until they find the one they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Therefore, they are very affectionate in sex, prefer to have sex only with those with whom they have deep feelings and like to please their partners. Moreover, they are flexible and have no problems in trying new things, as long as everything is done with love.


Jobs that require mental effort, logic and concentration are not the best for the sign of Pisces, who prefers to work alone and let their creativity flow. Working under pressure is not good for a Piscean either, as insecurity increases and their performance decreases, for fear of doing something wrong.

Usually those with the Sun in Pisces stay in low and average positions, however the individual can use their creativity to work in artistic areas. Positions in the arts, music, design, literature, architecture and psychology are the best for these people to freely express thoughts, ideas and feelings.

How to use the sun to my advantage?

The Sun is the expression of the individuality of each being and this expression differs according to the sign. Therefore, the best way to use the Sun to your advantage is to verify the positive points of your sun sign and apply them, when acting towards what you want.

For example, the Sun in Capricorn influences the person to be disciplined and work to achieve great positions and social status that they so desire, while the Sun in Leo influences the person to be determined and relentless, always getting what they want more easily.

That way, you can draw on the best characteristics of your sun sign, so you can face daily challenges more easily!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.