Purple Agate Stone: origin, meaning, benefits, how to use and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the properties of the purple agate stone?

Purple Agate is a stone symbolically related to friendship and justice. Besides these attributes, it also has a deep connection with inner balance, tranquility, clarity of ideas, luck, stability and relief from pain, both physical and emotional.

Agates are a variety of quartz and are part of the chalcedony group, found mainly in volcanic rocks, being a kind of nodules formed in ancient lavas.

Its attractive look has ensured its use in the manufacture of jewelry since ancient times. Already its popular mystical use is as a lucky stone, and so it is a stone that can always be taken with you, as an amulet, either in jewelry or as patuá. Read the article and learn the details and uses of this beautiful stone!

Information about the stone Purple Agate

Next, we will know interesting information about the purple agate, from its origin and history, to its physical and mystical characteristics. Follow along!

What is the purple agate stone?

The purple agate stone is a mineraloid of the quartz family, belonging to the chalcedony subgroup. It has been used since very ancient times for various purposes, ranging from the manufacture of decorative sculptures to jewelry and ornaments.

This stone is also valued for its wide energetic and spiritual meanings. In this sense, it has been used as a talisman and lucky stone.

Throughout history, it has been called the "Stone of Science" for bringing enlightenment to ideas and stimulating inventiveness. Purple Agate has also been attributed healing properties, and it promotes a balance between emotional and physical health.

Origin and history

The extraction and use of this stone for ornamental and mystical purposes can be traced to the Neolithic period. Its earliest use is believed to be located where Sicily is today, having spread throughout the Mediterranean.

The Egyptian civilization used this stone in the manufacture of various artifacts, and its use is also evidenced in Crete and in Ancient Greece. The name of the purple agate, inclusive, derives from a Sicilian river called Achates, from where it was extracted for many centuries. In Babylon, agates, including the purple one, were used as talismans to block evil energies.


Purple Agate is a stone found mostly in volcanic areas. The United States is one of the countries that extract the most purple agate, as well as Brazil.

Here, in fact, this is one of the most extracted stones and used in the production of jewelry, as well as in the exportation of rough gems. Rio Grande do Sul has been extracting and trading this variety of Agate since the 19th century.

Uruguay is another South American country that extracts purple agate on a large scale, in the Artigas department area. Argentina, India and Madagascar are countries that also supply this stone in considerable volume.

Gem and value

Purple Agate, like all Agates, is formed by silicon dioxide. It is common for the surface of a raw purple Agate gemstone to be rough. The interior of this gemstone may be hollow, that is, presenting a cavity that is not completely filled.

On cutting some Agates transversely, one can verify the presence of a succession of faint lines running parallel.

The value of Purple Agate varies greatly depending on where it is quarried, and factors such as whether the stone is rough or polished. The cost of this stone is usually higher in countries where it is not found naturally.


Agates themselves present a considerable variety in terms of colors, patterns and textures. This type of stone is, in turn, a variety of Quartz, belonging to the subgroup called chalcedony.

As for Purple Agate, the visual variations consist of gradations in color and differences in patterning (the layers of parallel lines that appear in many of these stones).

These changes are due to the composition of purple agate, notably the presence of silica, but also to pH and other chemical properties that influence crystallization.

Meaning and energy

The meaning of purple agate is linked to the ideas of renewal, self-confidence and protection. The energies of the volcanic rocks responsible for its creation work as activators of a righteous spirit.

People who receive the energies of Purple Agate are stimulated to creative action and develop a great sense of empathy, aiming at the common good. It is a stone that inspires renewal, new ideas and the closing of cycles.

As an amulet, besides protecting, it opens communication channels and benefits affective relationships, especially friendship. It is considered a stone capable of raising the charisma of the person connected to it.

Characteristics of the stone Purple Agate

Purple Agate, due to its meanings and energies, is an especially powerful stone for bringing positive emanations to those of the signs of Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces.

This, however, does not mean that it is not appropriate for other signs. In fact, its protective energies benefit environments in general, bringing luck also as an amulet.

It is an activator stone of the chakras. exerting healing and restorative action mainly in relation to the solar plexus, connected to the organs of the digestive system. The energies of Purple Agate connect with those of the Planet Mercury, planet of great influence on communication and emotional intelligence.

Chemical and physical properties

Purple Agate is a microcrystalline quartz crystal belonging to the chalcedony subgroup. Among its remarkable compositional characteristics, this stone displays linear multicolored bands.

These layers result from long-term accumulations of materials, mainly silica, as Agates are concentrated in groundwater deposits in rock cavities. Environmental and geological factors affect the formations and color patterns, but also the overall shape, and some Agates may be hollow.

Purple Agates have this hue due to the concentration of impurities. On Mohs' Scale, which measures the hardness of stones, the Purple Agate, like all Agates, ranks between 6.5 and 7.0.

What is the purpose of the crystal purple agate?

Purple Agate is a stone that can serve multiple uses, ranging from ornamental to self-care, as exemplified by its use in meditation.

As for the ornamental character, it was present in the manufacture of jewelry, for its beauty, and until today is the central piece of jewelry works, such as rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. In interior decoration, it is a stone that can compose environments and bring joy to the space.

The mystical use of Purple Agate has been valued by shamanistic cultures for many centuries, and even today this stone is still a popular amulet because its energies are related to good luck, protection and inner balance.

Curiosities about Purple Agate

The purple agate stone has an interesting history that goes back many centuries. Valued in many parts of the world because of its versatile use and the breadth of its mystical meanings, this stone has gained a special aura and there are curiosities about it.

The Islamic culture, for example, considers the purple agate a treasure, which in addition to adding beauty as an ornament, also attracts prosperity, longevity and spiritual defense. The magicians of ancient Persia already knew this and used it in rituals.

For some shamanistic cultures, this stone has power against snake and scorpion bites, being used in healing rituals.

Benefits of the purple agate stone

The benefits of the purple agate stone are many. Besides offering healing energies and protection for the physical body, it also acts on the spiritual and emotional body. Find out below.

Effects on the spiritual body

First of all, the color of purple agate itself is a color associated since ancient times with magic. For those who wish to be stimulated to a deeper connection with the spirit world and spirituality itself, this stone is a valuable tool.

Purple Agate is attributed to the potentiation of psychic abilities, which enhances intuition and promotes openness of consciousness.

In addition, protection and stabilization of the aura are positive consequences of the connection with purple agate, which means protection against negative energies. That is why many people have used it as an amulet against the evil eye.

Effects on the emotional body

The power of purple agate can be felt very naturally in the emotional body. the person who can relax and connect with the energies that this stone emanates is inspired to unblock their deepest part.

Purple Agate stimulates creativity, intuition and clarity of ideas and purposes. Its presence as a patuá or amulet helps to bring out charisma, that is, it is a stone that favors good humor and inclines its bearer to connect with the best version of himself, in order to share it with others.

Effects on the physical body

Purple Agate is valued for offering countless benefits to the physical body. Among them, the alignment of the chakras stands out, with its power of energetic cleansing and renewal.

This feeling of renewal is felt throughout the body when, for example, Purple Agate is used in a meditation. The power of Purple Agate is especially effective for healing digestive disorders.

For those who suffer from insomnia, a good tip is to have a purple agate crystal in the bedroom in order to receive its relaxing vibrations, which reduce anxiety and provide a state of mind suitable for rest.

How to use the purple agate stone

We will discover how to use the purple agate, learning about the possible combination with other stones and finding out about its use in meditation, decoration or as a personal accessory. Check it out!

For whom is the purple agate stone indicated?

Although it is a stone strongly indicated for the personal use of Cancerians, Virginals, Pisceans and Aquarians, anyone can connect with the energies of this stone and receive very positive effects from it.

It can be an ally in the practices you are adept at, regarding the care of spirituality and energy balance. For those who meditate, this stone can serve as a tool for cleansing and alignment of the Chakras, especially the solar plexus.

For those who wish to decorate environments and keep them free of dense energies, the purple agate is a good choice, due to its positive vibrations that favor joy and bring protection.

Top stones and crystals to use together

Keep in mind that the combination of stones should be done sparingly. In other words, combining the energies of these elements can enhance their effects, but also cause their cancellation.

Some stones offer an opposite effect, and combining two stones with a very high vibration or powerful energy can overwhelm some people. But Purple Agate can be combined with numerous stones that emanate similar energies, such as Jasper, other Agates, and virtually all types of Quartz.

These are stones associated with the element Earth and are based on balance and protection. The ideal is to use a set of up to 3 varieties, arranged in the environment or combined in an amulet.

How to use the purple agate stone for meditation

The purple agate, or lilac, can be an excellent energetic amplification and cleansing tool for meditations. When meditating, the recharging of energies becomes more fluid and powerful, and the connection with the powers of some crystals is highly beneficial for the chakras.

The meditation with the purple agate should be done by directing the stone, or keeping it close to the solar plexus chakra, above the navel. This area is where emotional issues such as frustration, low self-esteem, feelings of rejection and communication difficulties are concentrated.

In this way, the Agate is activated and begins to direct its healing energies to the region of the digestive system organs.

How to use the purple agate stone as decoration of environments

Stones and crystals are good options for decorative use in environment, besides being diffusers and amplifiers of energy that bring various benefits to the space and to those who inhabit it. Many crystals have harmonizing function, and the purple agate fits in this group.

Their presence restores the Chi (vital energy). However, Feng Shui does not recommend the use of many crystals in an environment, suggesting the use of up to three pieces.

The purple agate can be arranged on tables, bookshelves and shelves to bring tranquility and balance, thus hindering the influence of heavy energies. In the bedroom, it contributes to sleep and brings lightness, besides inspiring creativity.

How to use the purple agate stone as a personal accessory

There are several interesting possibilities to use the purple agate as a personal accessory. You can choose a pendant encrusted with this stone, and use it on a cord, even in conjunction with other crystals, such as Jasper and Quartz.

The use as a personal ornament extends to other jewelry, such as rings and earrings. If you prefer, you can keep it inside the bag, as a patuá.

In this case, protect the Agate with a fabric of natural origin, such as cotton. Quartz and Agates diffuse and amplify personal energy, so when walking with one of these stones, remember to activate it through positive thoughts and intentions.

How to care for the stone Purple Agate

Instructions on cleaning and energizing the purple agate stone will help us to receive the best of its energies. We will also find information about price and where to buy this stone. In addition, we will find out how to identify if the crystal is real.

Cleansing and energizing of the stone Purple Agate

Cleaning and energizing stones ensure their effects, preventing energetic stagnation. It is necessary to clean the purple agate even before using it for the first time, to start your bond with it in the purest possible way.

The simplest method is to place the stone under warm water, focusing your thoughts on releasing any stagnant energies. When you feel it is clean and renewed, dry it with a towel.

One method for purifying and activating Agate is to let it rest under the moonlight for about 4 hours. The smoke from burning herbs such as sage, cedar, fennel or juniper also promotes deep cleansing, even in the form of incense sticks.

Price and where to buy purple agate stone

The value of a rough stone is considerably less before going through the purification and lapidation processes. Of course, buying stones encrusted in jewelry can be more expensive.

The final value depends on the size of the piece, as well as the quality of the work involved, among other factors. Those who opt for polished purple agate, but not encrusted in jewelry, are faced with varying prices.

As Brazil is a large producer of this variety of Agate, the cost of transportation and the treatment that the stone receives before being sold is usually lower. Thus, it is common to find a price range that goes from R$ 9.99 (small gems) to R$ 200.00 (geodes).

How to know if the purple agate stone is real?

The purple agate gem is relatively rare. Due to the difficulty of mining this stone, it is quite common for other crystals to go through dyeing processes and be marketed as purple agates.

But it turns out that even the original purple gems can be dyed in order to enhance their hue. This procedure is very present in the making of jewelry, for example. Agate must be translucent, which means that only part of the light passes through.

When you hold the stone against a light source, the colors of the agate should glow a bit and become lighter. Also, vibrant neon colors are a sign of a fake. Perfect circular patterns within the stone are typical of fakes.

The purple agate stone is considered the stone of friendship and justice!

Purple Agate is a sub-variety of quartz that is highly esteemed for its beauty, its rarity, and its mystical attributes. Admired and used in many parts of the world since ancient times, it is a stone that has been associated with magic, energetic purification, and protection against the forces of evil.

Thus, its use remains until today: as a symbol of protection and inner balance, an amulet capable of bringing remarkable effects on the health of the physical body, but also of the spiritual and emotional.

To have a purple agate is to possess an accessible tool for connecting with the energies that inspire friendship, justice and wisdom.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.