Water signs: see the characteristics of the element and its signs!

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Jennifer Sherman

Which signs have the element of Water?

In astrology, the signs ruled by the Water element are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are considered very deep and intense signs, precisely because the Water element is the one that works with emotion and feelings among all the four elements present in the astral world.

They are very creative, intense and sentimental people, but they end up presenting many mood swings, going from joy to melancholy quickly because they feel the energy around them too much. If your sign is ruled by Water or if you are interested in the nuances of this element, see everything about it below!

Understand the Water element!

The signs that inhabit the water element are ruled by emotion, but that emotion is much deeper, as deep and inaccessible as the bottom of the sea. See below all the singularities of this element and how it works!

What are the 4 elements of the zodiac

There are a total of 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. All of them lead three signs of the zodiac each, and present unique characteristics that end up guiding the personality of those they govern.

The Fire element (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) represents action and impulsiveness, while Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) symbolizes practicality and persistence. Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) reproduces reasoning and self-awareness, and finally, Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) characterizes emotion and the intuitive.

Some elements work perfectly with each other, while others may encounter some resistance and disharmony.

Nature of the element Water

Water is the most emotional of all the elements of the zodiac, it is in it that issues such as sensitivity and empathy work, and it has a deep personality. Within all the elements there are its three signs and within them there is a classification of energy known as cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Cardinal (Cancer) are the energies of the beginning of the seasons and tend to seek solutions; Fixed (Scorpio), related to the middle of the season, symbolize endurance; and Mutable (Pisces), end of the seasons, they connect to new beginnings and changes.

Water Sign Temperament

The Water element gives their natives an exacerbated intensity, bringing very deep emotions to their personality, precisely because of this, they often express moments of melancholy and feelings at extreme levels. Sometimes they show an '8 or 80' mood: hours receptive and welcoming, hours mysterious and introspective.

They are signs that like to help others, are empathic and compassionate, but tend to be temperamental and self-indulgent in certain situations, precisely because of the accumulation of emotions they feel and the energy they tend to feel and absorb around them.

Excesses of the element Water

It is common for a person to have tendencies of not being able to control their emotions when there is a lot of Water element in their astrological chart, and they end up cancelling themselves out by others, because they don't know how to deal with the fine line between trying to take care of other people's feelings and their own.

For those who have too much of this element in their astrological chart, it is important to differentiate between your pain and the pain of others. Helping those you love is important, but annulling yourself in the process is only harmful to yourself.

Lack of the element Water

If too much Water turns emotions into eruptions, the lack of it turns emotions into a shallow lake. People with too little of this element in their astrological chart tend to run away from very intense feelings, both from others and from themselves, becoming even a little reclusive.

Usually they do not know how to express themselves. Absorbing the other's problem is a very heavy burden for these people, not paying attention or understanding the other's situation. To balance the scarcity of this element, it is common for them to relate to someone who shows their feelings more, encouraging them to express themselves and feel more.

General characteristics of Water Signs

The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the Water natives, and they are considered the most emotional and intuitive of the zodiac. See below the personality of these three signs and their highlights.

Deeper regions of the human essence

Water signs are made of emotions and intensity, this is at their core, and the depth of feelings is always mentioned in their personality, whether in a mysterious way like Scorpio, in an empathic way like Pisces, or of surrender, like Cancer.

People of these signs know what it is to feel in the rawest way possible, and they walk comfortably through this world. For them, the deeper their connection and knowledge, whether of something or someone, the better it is; the more power, altruism, and familiarity they will feel.


Empathetic and temperamental are faithful adjectives to describe Water natives, for the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces know what it's like to have it all aflutter.

They prefer deep conversations, so that they can understand the real intention of the person, because their intuition is accurate. Because they have a high sensitivity, these signs tend to be more creative in any area of life, they are patient in some aspects and like to understand and help others.


Water, among the 4 elements, is considered the emotion, so Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are always leveling up their feelings: there is a lot of intensity in their "feeling". Mood swings and peaks of melancholy are common for them, so finding harmony is important to keep their mental balance.

In the zodiac, Cancer is seen as the most emotional sign, this is because he is very attached to those he loves and to security. Scorpio, on the other hand, tries to hide his emotions so that others do not hurt him, letting few enter. Pisces is compassion, he feels for everyone and always wants to believe in a better world.

Inner peace

The concept of inner peace must be very well worked out with the Water signs, because the emotions that Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces feel are deep and sometimes troubled.

There is always a whirlwind in their mind and heart, and this is not a bad thing, it is just too much. So it is important that these signs can control their emotions so that they remain sure of themselves and what they feel, and do not indulge in occasional melancholy and sadness.


Natives of the Water element have a great perception of the world around them and have an extremely fertile imagination, which is a good thing in a career, but can be dangerous if it is not balanced, as for example the jealousy of Scorpio or the inattention of Pisces can intensify.

Because they have such a sharp imagination, it is common for them to work in areas that require creativity, also possessing an artistic mind and soul.


Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have a sharp and impressive memory. They are very attentive to the details around them and easily remember important occasions or even simple gestures, like a hug in a difficult moment. Therefore, they create strong bonds with those they like and are very faithful signs when they receive reciprocity.

However, precisely because of this powerful memory, they remember absolutely everything, even the negative points. It is very common for these natives to be spiteful, especially Scorpio. It is necessary to train genuine forgiveness.

Water signs in different aspects

With its peculiarities, each sign acts in a specific way in the various areas of life. See how they work in career, love and family are important to understand the core of each. Check below!

Water signs in love and relationships

The Water element is an excellent partner in love, as your Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces natives, when they fall in love, go deep. They are usually romantic and caring, and will defend you intensely, as far as necessary.

They like to have an active sex life and are usually good at it, but some need a connection with their partner for the exchange to be total. They must be careful not to give too much of themselves and cancel themselves out in the process. Jealousy must be controlled as well. They are signs that give affection and respect and want this dedication and security in return as well.

Water signs in the family

Because it is an element very linked to emotions and feelings, the signs sign signaled by Water are attached to the family, becoming protective and affectionate with the family members they love.

Of all three, Cancer is considered the sign that is most attached to its loved ones, one of its main characteristics is the fact that it has an immense attachment to its family members, as it needs to feel welcome and secure. In a similar intensity, Scorpio and Pisces value family ties very much as well.

Water signs in work and finance

The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, understand sensitivity and intuition, so they can find their place in professions that require creativity and emotion. They usually focus on artistic areas, such as writers, actors, musicians, photographers, among others.

When it comes to financial matters, these are signs that are aware of the importance of money, the effort put in to acquire it and the care that should be taken with it, so they are usually controlled in their spending.

Special features of Water Signs

The trio that accompanies the Water element is constantly recognized as intense, empathic and temperamental. But what are the characteristics of the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces? See below the main traits of these signs.


Their ruling planet is the Moon, a star that rules the emotions, and therefore the sign of Cancer works with sentimental and affective issues. It is a very family sign and needs to feel that it belongs somewhere. Just as they like to offer affection, they also find it essential that there is this reciprocity.

However you tend to use manipulation and exaggerated drama for certain needs of your own. You need to remember to make space for others, as well as trying to live less in the past, this can help control the emotional which is always on the boil.


The sign of Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars and has the most powerful intensity of all the zodiac. Subjects like sex and death are commonplace for natives of this sign. Besides, the mystical and occult field is always of great interest for them.

They are people who can bounce back easily from life's misfortunes, are strong and stubborn, and know when to make a decision and follow through with it.

Scorpios are secretive and mysterious and are endowed with great magnetism and seduction. However, their negative points work in an intense way too, they can be vindictive, possessive and very spiteful. It is necessary to work on forgiveness and control their very intense emotions.


Influenced by Neptune, the sign of Pisces creates bonds with ease. It is a little inattentive, with a very intricate emotional and hardly sees the bad side of things.

They absorb the energy and emotions of others and transport this aura to themselves, but they need to work on receiving them, because when they cannot handle their emotions, they can become melancholic, victimistic and manipulative people.

It is important that they manage to balance the emotions they suck from their neighbor so that they don't cancel each other out and disappear in the process.

Combinations between the elements of the zodiac

The elements have something called Complementary Elements: Water has more affinity with Earth, and Fire feels comfortable with Air. This happens because each one complements or exalts the other. See below how the combination of Water with the astrological elements works.

Water and Water

A combination that walks between affection and companionship, this because one understands what it is to feel too much and knows when to give your space or when to give the affection that is needed.

However, you should be careful with extremes. It is double intensity, so issues related to jealousy, drama, mistrust and stress should be discussed wisely and calmly. Knowing how to deal with disagreements like this, this becomes a beautiful and sure union.

Water and Earth

The union between these two elements brings a perfect compatibility. Water and Earth are complementary elements of each other, because Earth signs balance the oscillating emotionality of Water, which in turn, softens the austerity of the Earth natives.

Both complement each other in terms of feelings and stability, improving each other's characteristics and defects, giving the ideal dose to build a lasting relationship. However, it is necessary that communication is constant (essential for Water signs) and attention so that the relationship does not fall into stagnation, something that can happen.

Water and Fire

It is a challenging partnership, but not impossible if both elements are dedicated to it. Although they are opposites, if patience and dialogue are worked out, this relationship will be interesting.

It happens that the impulsiveness and exaggerated sincerity of Fire bothers the emotional Water signs, which in turn tend to frustrate the Fire natives with their passivity. Every care is important so that the relationship doesn't wear out or let off too many sparks.

Water and Air

These elements may encounter certain difficulties in their journey, because Air is detached and free, something very difficult to understand for the intense and deep element Water.

However, it is a curious conjunction; Water can show a little more of the sentimental world to the rational Air signs, and these can help the Water element to control its emotional turmoil. A lot of dedication is needed to follow all the nuances of this relationship.

How to relate to people of the sign of Water?

Understand that superficiality does not work with the Water element, your emotions are always in motion and there is no time to waste with what is shallow. Your mind is always in the universe of imagination, for good or bad. The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are based on intensity, in the poignancy of sensations, and therefore your emotional lack of control can be frequent.

This means that the person who is in the life of a Water sign will also develop their sentimental side, so that they can feel and work with the energy that this native is emanating. These are signs that teach respect, fidelity and empathy, bringing out a very beautiful side in all of us.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.