What is tantric massage? Benefits, questions, how to do and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about tantric massage

Tantric massage is a technique that arises from the philosophy of Tantra, and its goal is to create a deep connection between the spirit, consciousness and body of the person who receives the massage. It benefits women and men equally, as a massage session will provide self-knowledge about your body and senses.

This therapy thus assumes a purpose of creating an energetic balance, stimulating through its technique its release and distribution of the energy that is concentrated in the Lingam (penis) or Yoni (vagina).

In addition, tantric massage is able to help those who have problems in relation to the body of psychological origin, strengthening their bond with the body and a deep understanding about their traumas. Learn about this therapy and understand how it is able to perform such a transformation in your body and mind!

Tantric massage and what it is for

Tantric massage aims to distribute the sexual energies throughout the body, expanding your sensitivity in its entirety to thus provide a unique and intense experience with your body. Read on and understand more about this exceptional massage modality!

What is tantric massage

Tantric massage has its roots in the philosophy of Tantra, which originates from the Dravidian culture in 2500 B.C., being considered a form of therapy with a sensual and spiritual connection very present in its practice. The purpose of this massage is to create a connection between consciousness and body in order to create a total relaxation of those who receive it.

Its practice embraces the chakras and the transfers of these energies as a means to stimulate the entire body. Because it is considered an erotic massage, remember that the focus of this massage is not necessarily to induce a sexual relationship. The main thing is to awaken a sexual energy in the recipient and consciously move it throughout the body.

Tantric massage and the rediscovery of sexuality

Our perception in relation to sexuality is built from cultural values that are imposed on us by advertising and society, which thus generates a distorted perspective on sex in relation to consumption, immediacy and the objectification of bodies.

All the practical experience of human life, especially between the phase of adolescence until adulthood is attributed the pleasure to our erogenous zones, restricting sexual pleasure to the genitals. For, it is through them that we find what excites us and that stimulates us to reach orgasm.

Tantric massage opposes this cultural perception of the body, understanding the body in its entirety as a means to achieve pleasure. Thus, there are no restrictions on stimuli and expanding the perception of what sexuality is, generating a true connection between spirit, body and consciousness.

What tantric massage is for

The basic function of tantric massage is to reconnect the body through a movement of sensations creating a bioenergetic flow that is able to modify our experiences with the body and with orgasm. In this way, it is able to amplify the senses and stimuli in a way that dissolves any tensions or stresses.

Therefore, you would be conditioning your body to feel stimuli in the totality of your being, mobilizing the sensations, creating new connections and making possible new accesses to pleasure, which allows the receiver of the massage to re-signify his own relationship with the body, thus offering several benefits for himself.

The general benefits of tantric massage

The Tantra philosophy emerges as a universe that broadens your perception in relation to sexuality, body and spirit. Its concepts are associated in the practice of tantric massage, thus offering several benefits. Learn what they are in the reading below!

Tantric massage in the treatment of sexual blockages and traumas

Therapy can be used to improve your relationship with your spouse, as it will also help you understand your own body by creating new sensory connections. This makes possible a new perception about your body and leads to a re-signification of what sex is.

For this reason tantric massage becomes a path for all people who seek to understand their traumas and understand their influences on their body. This enables reconnection with your consciousness and revitalizes intimacy with yourself.

Tantric massage as treatment for impotence and premature ejaculation

A man who has a problem such as premature ejaculation must first identify the origin of his problem. Therefore, it is important to have a first contact with a specialized doctor, so that it is possible to evaluate the causes. If it is detected, for example, a psychosomatic cause, tantric massage is able to help you.

The way masturbation is stimulated in adolescence can condition the body of men to have premature ejaculation. Since the only contact they have with themselves is through a repetitive movement in order to achieve immediate pleasure. This generates a repressed idea about male orgasm.

Tantric massage is able to demonstrate that your whole body can provide pleasure, through tantric techniques you will become identify the moment of ejaculation and learn to prolong and generate a greater pleasure than you could achieve with only masturbation or penetration.

Tantric massage for women who can not have orgasms

Women who cannot have orgasms seek in tantric massage an alternative to deal with their difficulty. However, it is necessary that you first follow up with your doctor to assess what is causing your problem, if there is some physiological change or if it is related to some disease.

Once you have identified that your clinical picture is normal, it is very likely that your problem is of psychological origin. In this case, you can resort to tantric massage as a therapy, because through its techniques you can feel your body and understand your physical obstacles.

Soon, you will be able to reconnect and discover all the potential pleasure that your body offers, but that was being inhibited by some trauma, or psychological disorder. Through yoni stimulation, massage can lead a woman to discover the clitoris, the G-spot and how to stimulate lubrication in her body.

How to do the tantric massage

To perform the tantric massage is necessary to make a preparation of the environment, be aware of the time of each session and understand what materials are used. From this, you will be one step away from doing it. Check out how to do the tantric massage below!

Preparing the environment

Tantric massage happens on the floor with a futon, or you can improvise with a mattress and ultimately even do in bed. The important thing is that you have freedom and comfort to make the movements.

Seek to cultivate a very intimate and cozy environment, use little lighting, if possible light some candles. Another item that you can use are the aromatics such as incense, for example. Then choose a song that is quiet and serve as a background music, the volume should be low and pleasant.

You should compose the environment so as to bring lightness and tranquility, remember that the main stimulus of this moment is the touch. The elements of the scenarios should be used sparingly. So, avoid external exaggerations so that the person can focus only on the touch on your body.

Don't worry about the weather

When one proposes a tantric massage session one should be aware that there is no hurry in the practice. Time should not be a concern, otherwise it may interrupt the flow of tantra and prevent one from reaching the goal of the ritual. Therefore, consider dedicating around 1 to 2 hours for each session.


It is not used to use many tools to perform the tantric massage, the main material to be used is oil, it will allow the tantric therapist to apply the techniques of tantra more easily. In some cases scarves or feathers can be used to explore different sensations of touch on the body.

Look for a body oil with a balanced scent, so that it does not bother and negatively affect the recipient's experience. Always remember that the focus of this practice is on touch and it should never be overshadowed.

Tantric massage step by step

Tantric massage has the potential to reconnect your consciousness with your body, expanding the possibilities of achieving pleasure. But, you need to be aware of the step by step to be confused its real purpose. Learn the step by step below and discover yourself through this practice.

The preliminaries of tantric massage

First, a connection must be created between the therapist and the receiver through gaze and breathing. In the foreplay both should be naked, sitting in lotus position facing each other. At this time, silence should prevail and only an exchange of gazes should occur and seek a harmony through breathing.

Start at the back

The recipient should lie face down to start the massage first from the back of the body. In this first contact the goal is to generate trust with the recipient, so the touch should be gentle and attentive to the recipient's reactions.

Avoid as much as possible to create a discomfort in the person who is receiving the massage. Therefore, be aware of their reactions depending on the region you are touching, use the oil to facilitate your movements and work in a way to cause a relaxation in the receiver.

Become aware of the other person's body through your palms and fingertips, always observing how she reacts to different types of pressure and touch. In this first phase, the back massage should last between 20 to 30 minutes.

Pass to the front of the body

When you feel that the recipient is relaxed and more confident about the massage, ask him to turn to lie down to lie up. That is the time to perform the massage on the front part of the body.

At that moment, you should stimulate the whole body, not just passing your hand over the erogenous zones, massage the feet, toes, legs, arms, hands, and fingers, and always paying attention to the breasts and belly.

Stimulate the body initially with gentleness, the touches should be sensitive and provocative in order to preserve the receiver's confidence. Only after feeling that the receiver is ready to continue, stimulate the yoni (vulva and vagina) or lingam (penis) gently.

Remember that these areas are vulnerable and soft in all of us, so it is important to respect any reaction of discomfort on the part of the recipient. As the therapy progresses she will feel more confident and open to the experience of Tantra. This stage lasts an average of 20 minutes.

The Lingam Yoni Massage

This technique of tantric massage should be applied only in the last stage of the session, and it is applied to the sexual organs of the recipient. At this stage you need to respect the time and perform the stimuli calmly and gently in order to move the sexual energy throughout the recipient's body.

How to do the Lingam Massage

The rhythm of the massage should be respected and should be done slowly in order to cause a gradual arousal of the body. It is okay if the recipient reaches orgasm quickly, the important thing is to encourage him to feel the body consciously in order to broaden his understanding of the totality of stimuli.

Then, continue the massage even so, if the lingam is sensitive, transfer its movement to the rest of the body so that you can mobilize this energy to the whole body. Allow the receiver to experience this energy without shame, living this unique experience of pleasure.

How to do the Yoni massage

This is a very sensitive position for women, and she will give you the signals that will indicate whether you should continue or stop with the movements. Be aware of the response of the body and the expressions, respect is fundamental at this stage for you to achieve the final result of the massage.

In your movements, follow the rhythm of the receiver, pay attention to the limits and stimulate slowly the regions where she demonstrates a greater receptivity. As you advance in the levels of arousal this perspective on the body may change. Use the oil as an ally to caress, provoke and give pleasure, touching each part of the vulva.

Permission is essential at this time, ask for it gently and this will make you gain the trust of the receiver. Finger penetration is not necessary and should only be done on the woman's approval.

Finishing the massage

The massage should never end at the peak of the practice, the recommended is that it ends at least 30 minutes after the climax of pleasure. And it's okay if the person can not feel the orgasm, the idea of tantric massage is in the unblocking of the body and awareness in relation to the body itself.

Time and sessions will do this over time, to the point where people receiving the massage feel full of themselves.

Demystifying tantric massage

The Tantra philosophy has a perspective of the world and the human being often misunderstood by Western society. What arouses a number of myths in relation to their concepts and that are also transferred to the tantric massage. Understand more about these myths and know what the real purpose of this therapy in the sequence.

Does not involve masturbation

Tantric massage seeks to awaken the balance of vital energy (Kundalini) that is fundamental to the emotional, psychological and physiological processes of the human being. According to Tantra, the pelvic region is the source of this energy and through massage you mobilize this energy throughout the body.

In this way, energetic balance and enlightenment are found. Tantric massage uses techniques that make it possible to achieve this goal, through its techniques that stimulate orgasm and distribute this energy throughout the recipient's body. Therefore, the practice involves the erogenous zones such as the penis (Lingam) and the vagina (Yoni).

Despite this, tantric massage does not involve masturbation. At this point, manipulation acts only in the promotion of stimuli throughout the body in order to distribute the energy of the orgasm itself throughout the recipient's body.

Anyone over the age of 18 can do

According to tantric therapists, who can do this therapy are men and women who are over 18 years old. And it does not depend on your marital status, or sexual orientation or your religion, the experience can also be shared between the couple. The important thing is that everyone can benefit from the practice.

Does not end in orgasm

Tantric massage goes far beyond orgasm, the main goal of this practice is to create a connection between consciousness, body and spirit of the receiver. Therefore, the stimuli do not end in orgasm.

In fact, it is recommended that the massage continues after this climax, thus enabling the distribution of the energy released by the orgasm throughout the body, thus completing the final goal of the massage.

How long does tantric massage last and who can perform the technique?

Tantric therapists are responsible for performing this massage. They are also able to share the techniques and movements so that you can apply them on your partner or yourself.

A tantric massage session can usually last between 1 to 2 hours. Because, in its practice is not only done a massage, but also a series of talks and meditations in order to prepare the receiver.

It is essential that a relationship of trust is established between the therapist and the recipient for the practice to achieve the desired results. For, tantric massage is not only used in order to achieve relaxation, but also as a therapy capable of acting on traumas and psychological problems.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.