The Sign of Aquarius: Characteristics, Personality, Love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General aspects about Aquarius, sign of freedom

In general, the sign of Aquarius is related to the intellect, so Aquarians are extremely smart, perceptive and very well inserted in the labor market. They have an enormous facility to become bosses, because leadership is a born characteristic.

They are usually seen as innovative and creative people, outlining the ideal profile of entrepreneurs and artists. Also, Aquarians usually look for spaces and relationships that make them feel free to live according to their essence.

For this reason, they are people who usually go beyond the limits of socially imposed boxes, always trying to live with what is different. Discover, in this article, the specificities of this sign guided by the element of Air!

Aquarians are contemporaries, that is, visionaries who are ahead of their time.

One way to understand how this works is through the myths, elements and ruling planet that permeate the meanings of the sign of Aquarius. Find out below what these elements are and how they work.

General characteristics of the Air signs

People who are from one of the three air signs, such as Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, usually have very strong intellectual characteristics. They show admirable communicational power and relate easily.

The air element is not a stationary and stable element, but fluid and inconstant. Therefore, the characteristics are linked to the ability to flow in life, to allow oneself to be led by the moment and to make decisions free of social ties, that is, without a previously designed plan.

Moreover, the aspect of leadership is intrinsic to their personalities, so that friendships are highly valued precisely because of the importance they give to interpersonal relationships and the sense of collectivity.

General characteristics of fixed signs

The fixed signs have more immutable characteristics, as the name implies, that is, they include people who like routine, stable and lasting relationships and well-designed plans.

The sign of Aquarius develops an incessant search for freedom, coupled with the fixed quality, results in a very interesting type of profile. That is, while Aquarians seek fluid, open and light relationships, they also value long friendships and lasting partnerships.

You probably have friends since childhood or high school, with whom you still talk, keep in touch and confide your deepest problems. But at the same time you expect lightness from these longer friendships.

Regency, colors, metal and stones

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, a planet that represents transcendence and detachment from rational aspects of consciousness. This makes Aquarians cherish freedom, above all, and also seek to overcome a materialistic relationship with objects and people.

Aquarius actually has two stones symbolized by it: the sapphire and the black pearl. Its colors are the red of the wine lees, a rather strong and intense tone; and all grayish and silver tones.

Moreover, this sign has lead as its metal of reference, so this can connote inflexibility in some specific situations, especially in the professional field. At the same time, given the aspect of rigidity, Aquarians can have more "down-to-earth" moments even if their main characteristic is to live in the world of the clouds.

Season and keywords

The season of the year for Aquarius is winter. This is because it is at this time of the year that strong and intense winds are most noticeable, capable of cleansing, purifying, moving and sweeping away negative energies. As Aquarius is a sign of Air, nothing is more favorable for its vivacity than winter, which brings a moment of coziness and seclusion in one's own freedom and individuality through the winds.

The winds, for Aquarians, represent the force of transformation, the inconstant and that which has the strength to be changeable. It is a challenging time because every change, whether internal or external, can open new paths and close old cycles.

The key words for Aquarius are communication, independence, solidarity, humanism, sympathy, progress and originality.

The main symbols of Aquarius are the amphora and the urn, that is, containers that hold other elements inside. They are objects that store, care for and keep things inside. Moreover, these symbols always appear with a person, who can be either male or female, who undertakes the action of turning the object upside down.

In other words, they appear with a person who carries the amphora and urn upside down, pouring the water in there somewhere else. Another symbolic aspect of the sign of Aquarius is the idea of "pouring water".

In this case, "pour" is a Latin word that means "to turn or cause to turn", which confirms the transformative, contemporary and cyclical character of the sign of Aquarius. General knowledge about mythology tells us that in the beginning of time, the waters lived all together. But with the beginning of the world and of the human race, they were divided into upper and lower waters.

The myth of Aquarius says that this sign is responsible for reuniting, again, these two waters into one. This story represents the affective, holistic and humanitarian aspects of the sign of Aquarius, which realizes the interconnection of all the elements of the world that come together in the whole, in something greater.

Aquarius character, mind, relationships and career

You've seen how the more esoteric part of the sign of Aquarius works, learning about its myths, symbols, profiles and relationship modes.

Now, let's talk about more concrete characteristics, that is, how your Aquarian mind works, what their character is like, and what their best career options are.

Positive Aquarian Traits

The positive Aquarian traits can be summarized in a very characteristic action of this sign: the action of dreaming and making dreams come true.

In addition, people who have Aquarius in their birth chart are usually diplomatic, independent, humanitarian, cordial and helpful. That is, positive aspects that relate to human connections and consciousness.

Negative Aquarian Traits

The negative Aquarian traits revolve around rebelliousness and eccentricity. This is because these people do not usually follow the rules, given their creative and innovative power.

In this sense, the tendency to be daring can exceed some limits, affecting and bothering others, which may not be well seen in society, especially if the Aquarian in question is in a circle with people with a more unchanging profile and closed to dialogue.

The character of Aquarius

The Aquarius character is based on warmth and unpredictability. They tend to be friendly and considerate people, and that is the first impression they give to those they have just met.

However, when you get to know Aquarians more closely, you can see how independence is an important value. In this sense, it may happen that they reject a relationship, be it a loving or friendly one, if they feel trapped and cornered for some reason. Their freedom always comes first.

The Aquarian Mind

The Aquarian mind is quite carefree and therefore people of this sign are considered to be independent. In other words, they hardly worry about what others think, especially about them.

They are free because they live their essence very firmly and do not let themselves be led by others' opinions. However, this can sometimes be confused with disregard for others. In fact, it can happen, but most of the time they are just misinterpreted.

The Aquarian mind also works based on intuition. They are people who can perceive the unsaid and unexplained with great ease. This intuition helps in their facility to work with science, as they have mental clarity and easy understanding of the skills dear to a researcher, especially in the Human and Social areas.

General aspects of Aquarius relationships

Aquarians need to maintain their freedom, whatever the cost, so it is quite difficult for them to maintain traditional relationships, so they are more open to open and horizontal relationships.

However, due to the fixed quality of this sign, some Aquarians may prefer to maintain monogamous and exclusive relationships, as long as their independence is not affected.

In this case, the love partner of an Aquarius needs to learn to respect the limits imposed by him or her. The ideal is to make an agreement from the beginning of the relationship so that both know the boundaries they can and cannot cross. This way, the affective space becomes safe, respectful and maintains the individuality of each one.


The career of the sign of Aquarius can be quite diverse as they are creative and enterprising people. For this reason, they can migrate to different fields of knowledge and different types of profession very easily.

In general, Aquarians are great writers because they have an openness to fiction, imagination and fable. Their creative resourcefulness yields great texts and stories to be told.

They are also great astrologers, archaeologists and scientists, precisely because they show originality in their creative processes, being concerned with the human character of relationships, their symbologies and their history.

Aquarius woman, man and shadow

Every sign has its elemental pair, but also its shadow, that is, the relevant aspects that are hidden and concealed by reason.

So, after knowing the myths, the symbols and the types of profiles of Aquarians, let's get to know their shadow that sprouts in men and women.

Hypocrisy as the shadow of Aquarius

Aquarians often avoid being outspoken and speaking their true mind, and this can be seen as hypocrisy. This is because they are afraid of hurting people, as they are often judged for putting their independence first.

So when they feel they may be judged hastily by someone, they avoid issuing what they really think as a defence mechanism. In this case, the shadow of the Aquarius sign is to cherish sincere relationships, but not always to be able to be sincere in return.

However, the two-faced characteristic of this sign is inescapable, for while they preach the word of freedom, they also seek ways to feel safe.

This hypocrisy can also come through a love relationship, as they want to be free, but don't necessarily like to let their partner be free. Wanting their individuality doesn't mean making room for the other's individuality.

Aquarius and love

Aquarius love is jovial, intense and deep. It is as if they live in an eternal romantic comedy film, without problems or issues to be solved, all that is left is love, happiness and "happily ever after".

However, for this perfect film to become a reality, it is necessary that there is no jealousy and collection. People of the sign of Aquarius understand that love and jealousy are not synonymous, so showing jealousy is not proof of love.

For them, love should be free, easy and unpredictable, but with a dose of companionship and partnership for journeys.

The Aquarian man

Versatility defines the Aquarius man. He is the kind of person who loves the business world, but also enjoys escaping from routine and traveling to unusual places, so it's not difficult to find him working on his laptop by the beach, mixing suit and bathing suit at the same time.

They are great in the business world precisely because they carry the aspects of kindness and justice, being seen as perfect negotiators. This also happens due to their versatility, being able to act in different segments, simultaneously.

The Aquarius native also values his friendships very much. He is probably someone who lives surrounded by his friends, always gathering his closest friends for dinner or lunch, even during the week.

The Aquarian woman

The Aquarian woman lives in a very specific world which belongs only to her, and it is difficult to be invited to embark on this journey. Aquarian women are passionate about themselves. They are intense, attractive and sometimes explosive - especially when someone disagrees with their opinions.

They find it very easy to work as nomads, that is, to work as a freelancer, in specific places and on short contracts, travelling all over the world in exchange for the services they can offer.

In addition, they also have difficulty in giving themselves to their partner, although they find it easy to fall madly in love. This aspect can often be interpreted as "heart of stone" or "cold heart".

However, they do have an openness to love and passion. What makes it difficult for them is the fear of being trapped and confined in a box of expectations from their partner. So they avoid such deep love relationships until the person proves to value freedom as much as they do.

In depth analysis of Aquarius characteristics

The Aquarian shadow, as well as the feminine and masculine sides of people of this sign, already point to the symbolic depths of the Aquarian world.

However, the time has come to analyze the characteristics in an even deeper way to understand what defines the sign of Aquarius or not.

Aquarian freedom

Aquarian freedom is really a very serious matter. Not for nothing, "freedom" is always one of the first words that come to mind when thinking about the sign of Aquarius. In this context, such freedom is so precious because it is the axis and guide of the Aquarian life path, responsible for leading to professional achievements and relationships that best fit the Aquarian profile.

Due to the great creative and resilient capacity of people of this sign, freedom appears as a key to their professional success. They know how to reinvent themselves and, in this process, create trends and invent new customs. But, for this to happen, they need to feel open, independent and autonomous.

Detachment from identity

Detachment from identity, for the sign of Aquarius, is very tied to their world perspective. That is, they see themselves as parts integrated in the whole, belonging to collective and shared cosmic universes, which makes it difficult to recognize their individual identity.

It is for this reason that they value individuality, for it is only from themselves that they can maintain a relationship with the whole, with this larger space and with this shared energy in humanity.

In this context, this can lead to detachment with one's own identity, since their wider perception often encourages humanitarian work through global volunteering and charity actions. Here, the motto of Aquarians is "I am because we are, and we are because I am". For them, everything is connected and related.

Sign rational, cerebral, mental and cold

Aquarius is a rational sign because it is connected to the Air element, responsible for everything that concerns the mind, reasoning and intellect. Aquarians are known for functioning through the power of the mind, always contributing with miraculous ideas and clear perceptions about reality. For this reason, they are great scientists and researchers.

However, in some cases, they are perceived as cold people, because their mind works in a quick, agile and light way, which can be confused with levity or emotional carelessness. This is not true, because this "colder" aspect of the sign of Aquarius can be amazing, depending on the situation.

For example, if they find themselves in a more delicate and sensitive situation, under pressure, they tend to act with reason. This coldness, then, becomes necessary and can even be a type of maturation. Besides, they are impartial, precisely because of the intellectual and mental aspect of their personality, and this is confused with excessive coldness.

Their rationality and mentality also develop very well through books, whether they are technical, theoretical, poem or fiction. Generally, people of the sign of Aquarius have bookshelves full of books in their homes, of the most varied and unusual subjects, as this is what keeps their mind moving.

And they love to keep themselves moving, don't they? In this case, be careful not to mix coldness with enjoying one's own individuality, one's own company. These two things are different, even if tenuous.

The restlessness and constant need for change

The sign of Aquarius does not allow itself to be put into boxes, and even less does it become complacent in the face of life's problems. Probably, what you hear most often from an Aquarian is related to "making a positive social impact".

This comes from their restlessness and constant need for change, since they are ruled by the Air and recognize the cyclicality of life. In this case, to keep the wheel of life turning, it is necessary to change, transform and reinvent. This need for change exists both in the personal sphere and in the relationships maintained by Aquarians.

They are people who are always searching for the best version of themselves and for this reason, most of the time, they usually enjoy holistic activities like yoga and meditation. In the case of the relationships they cultivate, whether they are loving or friendly, they are always encouraging others to change as well.

That is, to find their best versions, constantly evolving. They are great encouragers and will hardly let a close friend or companion settle. They transform themselves and push others to transform themselves as well.

Present and Future for aquarium

The sign of Aquarius is contemporary, that is, it is always ahead of its time. This aspect is very important when talking about the Future for Aquarius, so that it is considered, by some astrologers, the "sign of the future".

Due to their ability to reinvent themselves, transform and project creative looks into the future, in search of effective solutions to social problems. This is why Aquarians are great social entrepreneurs, always investigating ways to improve people's lives.

They can often predict future situations and, in parallel, the possible paths and answers to complex questions.

However, do not be deceived that it is only the future that the Aquarians act. In fact, they are quite perceptive and therefore find answers also immediate. They do not need to plant and then reap. They plant and reap at the same time.

In this sense, the gift for Aquarius is a moment full of uncertainties and doubts, in a good way. It is a gift full of questions, the most diverse ones. Maybe they will not be able to find the answers to all of them, given that there are many, but those found will certainly have a lot of creativity.

The future for Aquarius is a time that will be positive in the professional sphere. Due to the questions asked, they will have transformed the answers previously found. This will give recognition and victories in the careers of Aquarians.

Planets in Aquarius

The interpretation of the birth chart depends largely on the relationship between the planets and the signs where they were when the person was born, like the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, for example. See below how these planets act and what they say about you.

Sun in Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius is something very powerful and that can unfold in all aspects of life. The Sun, which represents the aspect of reason, when in conjunction with Aquarius, which has a preference for matters of the intellect, ends up doubling the mental senses.

The person who has the Sun in Aquarius is usually very sincere and frank, even if some things remain hidden in his shadow. He is someone who carries an intrinsic human vibration, from his birth, and which develops over the years.

It is possible that the person with the Sun in Aquarius works with humanitarian issues, even if in a voluntary way and without being paid for it. It is easy to find him/her participating in social projects and with great impact on the collective.

Solar Aquarians also don't care about hierarchies or social classes. They treat everyone equally and with the same affection.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius points to a profile that does not care about the opinion of others or the unpopularity of their opinions - which are usually quite subversive. People with the Moon in Aquarius are very analytical and observant, always aware of everything that happens around them. They are born detectives and find answers in the details of everyday life.

The Moon is responsible for defining emotions in the astrological chart. When it is in the sign of Aquarius, it means that the person observes a lot before choosing to have a relationship with someone. Even if it is in the sign of Aquarius, this person does not usually surrender very easily, but to those who they trust their own freedom.

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury is the planet of communication and information. It indicates how a person expresses and externalises what he thinks. Unlike the Sun which represents the content of thoughts, Mercury shows how to communicate what is in the mind.

Mercury in Aquarius points to a desire for more authentic and unique expression. People who have this planet in Aquarius usually seek originality in their ways of acting, whether through words, body gestures or artistic designs.

In either case, they want to be special and find their place in the world, and to do so, they are usually courageous. In their perspective, there is no room for fear, but only for freedom.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus is the planet of love, the one that guides love and affective relationships. Having this planet in Aquarius means a way of acting that prioritizes detached, unpredictable and unconventional relationships, but guided by the most sincere love.

You don't expect a person with Venus in Aquarius to have a traditional relationship, with marriage, a house, children and a dog. Don't expect them to follow conventional norms and have a life based on the expectations of others.

On the contrary, this person values free, light and loose relationships. Probably the ideal partner is the one who likes to travel together - here, travel in the concrete and metaphorical sense. Whoever has Venus in Aquarius wants to travel around the world very well accompanied, but also to have deep conversations and no limits to imagination.

Mars in Aquarius

Mars is the planet associated with leadership ability. When it is in Aquarius, it shows a type of leadership that is quite detached and gives freedom to its subordinates.

The person who has Mars in Aquarius is determined in his goals and seeks to achieve them through independence. In this way he also encourages his team to be equally autonomous, seeking his help only when strictly necessary.

Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter in Aquarius represents someone who has the gift of understanding others very easily, for they are people who avoid acting on prejudices and are usually open to the experiences of others.

Listening is a fundamental tool, for it is in silence that they find the main form of expression. Jupiter is the planet responsible for the philosophical aspects in the astrological chart. Therefore, when it is in Aquarius, it means that freedom is exercised, philosophically, through silence.

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn is the planet that shows the difficulties to be faced in routine. When it is in Aquarius, it means that the rational aspect tends to use logic and mathematics to solve problems.

People who have Saturn in Aquarius are responsible and make possible but creative plans. They have a great capacity of concentration and this is how they find their independence.

Uranus in Aquarius

Uranus in Aquarius indicates impersonality in the way of revolutionizing the world. At the same time that these people have the desire to change the world, they also prefer to be unpopular, because they believe it is the only way to act in a truly transformative way.

A negative side of this planet in Aquarius is the will to move up in life, whatever the cost. In this case, even if the intention is to change the world, they may pass over people who they think are obstacles on the way.

Neptune in Aquarius

Neptune in Aquarius means visionary and progressive characteristics in what concerns spirituality. The person who has this planet in Aquarius usually has a technological outlook on life, believing this to be the main tool for human liberation.

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto is the planet that represents the shadows, that which is hidden and concealed. When it is in Aquarius, it means someone who claims to be detached and independent, but who actually loves to be among friends and family.

They are difficult to live with, because they hardly ever show their vulnerabilities. But they exist and are there, just like affection, all you have to do is wait until trust is established.

Aquarius in the Astrological Houses

In addition to the planets in Aquarius, the Astrological Houses also reveal special meanings in the birth chart. Depending on how the sky was at the time you were born, the meanings may change.

Discover now what the sky means for you according to the astrological house you have in Aquarius!

Aquarius in 1st house

Aquarius in the 1st house reveals a transgressive personality who does not conform to social norms as a whole. You are very likely to fight strongly for your opinions, so your family tends to see you as the black sheep.

Aquarius in the 2nd house

Aquarius in the 2nd house shows a personality that does not see relevance and importance in money, so that it does not seek to have a financially stable life because it does not understand how that would solve problems.

This is because you probably wouldn't sell yourself out, working in something you hate, just to earn more. You are someone who is convinced of your ideals and prefers not to betray yourself.

Aquarius in the 3rd house

Aquarius in the 3rd house indicates a contraction. While you have the gift of communication, this can hinder your expressions. You may talk too much and too fast because you communicate too easily, but this makes it difficult for others to understand you.

Aquarius in 4th house

Aquarius in the 4th house expresses a close and loving relationship with family. You are not someone who has problems with father, mother and siblings, for you see in them your most important bonds. With them you find secure possibilities for growth.

Aquarius in the 5th house

Aquarius in the 5th house indicates a sensual, electric personality which hooks people. You are likely to have no difficulty finding sexual partners, even if it is more complicated to establish lasting relationships.

Aquarius in 6th house

Aquarius in the 6th house means stubbornness and hardheadedness. These are characteristics of the person who has Aquarius in this house, so that he hardly listens to others' hunches about his own life, even when they are true.

Aquarius in 7th house

Aquarius in the 7th house indicates someone who is very self-assured and seeks relationships with people who are equally self-assured. You cannot tolerate jealousy and expect your partner to prioritise freedom just as you do.

Aquarius in 8th house

Aquarius in the 8th house means a person who agrees with free love and does not feel jealousy or insecurity when seeing his partner relating to other people.

Aquarius in 9th house

Aquarius in the 9th house means you have the gift for an academic career, but this won't be built easily. You'll have a few bumps in the road, but in the end everything will turn out well.

Aquarius in the 10th house

Aquarius in the 10th house points to an unconventional profession. You are unlikely to be a doctor, lawyer or architect, as you have greater facility with holistic issues.

Aquarius in the 11th house

Aquarius in the 11th house demonstrates a personality which is always looking to reinvent itself and tense up. You are likely to participate in groups and circles of people who think differently, as this is what drives your thinking.

Aquarius in 12th house

Aquarius in the 12th house expresses a person prone to suffer from anxiety crises, which are born in the unconscious and therefore their origin may not be clear. A good tip is to seek help in therapy as soon as possible.

What are the main love compatibilities of the Sign of Aquarius?

Aquarians may have a reputation for liking open, free and detached relationships, but when they find their soul mate, they tend to be faithful and committed body and soul. Among the zodiac signs, Gemini and Libra are the most compatible as they share the same element, Air. Here, they tend to get along and keep up the exercise of sincere and deep dialogues.

In addition, Aries and Sagittarius can work very well with Aquarians as they also prioritize individual freedom in a relationship. Leo can also be a perfect match as it is the complementary opposite of Aquarius. Together, they form a harmonious union between opposites. After all, opposites attract, right?

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.