To dream of suicide: your own, a family member's, a friend's, an attempt and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Meaning of dreaming of suicide

Any dream related to death usually refers to the interruption and discontinuation of something represented by that dead person. When it comes to suicide in real life, as well as in the dream, the idea of taking one's life causes dense sensations, laden with heavy energies and bad predictions.

But dreaming of your own suicide or that you see someone else killing himself doesn't mean that it's only something destructive. There are several ways to interpret the messages transmitted during sleep. Many times, hints, advice and information are passed on through details in dreams. That's why a detailed analysis of each situation is important.

Understand now the meanings of dreams with each type of suicide, with those involved in this event, and in what places and circumstances this act was committed.

To dream that you commit suicide

Generally, to dream that you commit suicide refers to the transformations that are inevitable at this time in your journey. There will be challenges in the coming days that will require you to have the resilience and wisdom to deal with the changes that will happen.

Being suicidal in your dream represents an uncontrollable desire to escape from waking life, but this escape will be impossible. You need to approach problems from a different angle, as if you were an observer of yourself.

This way, you will awaken your self-knowledge and will be able to transform yourself into the person who will be able to direct your life in a better direction.

To dream that you have a suicide wish

To dream that you have a suicide wish highlights your desire to give up old habits and start something new. Just wishing to accomplish suicide reveals a break that will occur within you and will force you to make a very great effort to resolve something through your decision.

To feel like committing suicide in a dream is similar to when you have the same desire in real life. Deep down, you want to change everything that bothers you and start from scratch, as if you had arrived in a new place where you know nothing and no one, and you need to build a new history based on your own attitudes.

To dream of a suicide attempt

To dream of a suicide attempt is related to the urgency of changing habits in your daily life. It means that you must change repetitive and unthinking attitudes that have already become routine and you sometimes don't even notice. Reflect about which rituals you practice in your daily life.

It's possible that you're not positioning yourself in the present moment because of the frustrations you feel and hold inside. Notice that the same situations are repeating themselves in your life, and this is leaving you tired and without energy to exterminate the ghosts of the past once and for all. You need to reinvent yourself from what you have available today.

To dream that you see someone committing suicide

To dream that you see someone committing suicide requires some self-analysis about how you see yourself in the other person's vision. Make sure you are not being toxic, nor projecting something that exists in you onto the other people around you. Practice empathy and learn to listen to the other person without judgment and without imposing your values as the only ones.

It may also indicate your need and desire to be accepted by people close to you. Furthermore, you feel the need for these people to help you solve your problems.

Face reality and focus on what is yours and what you must support, for many times in life, without the support of another.

To dream of suicide in different ways

To dream of death can destabilize anyone. One tries to avoid talking and thinking about it, but it somehow manifests itself in the unconscious, especially since it is the only certainty in life. For many, it represents rest, but for all, or if not most, it causes pain and longing.

One of the ways death arises in human minds is by sleeping and dreaming about it. Since dreams are individual, the experiences in them can be a channel of communication for the dreamer.

To arrive at a definition of the meaning of a dream about suicide, one must also evaluate how it happens. Understand more about the symbol and what each type of suicide in the dream means in different contexts.

To dream that you commit suicide by driving a car

If you dream that you commit suicide driving a car, this is a sign that you are having trouble measuring your words with the people you live with most often. Check who was in the vehicle in this dream, and pay attention to the importance of these people's company in your life before you hurt them.

To dream that you commit suicide by train

To dream that you commit suicide involving a train represents resistance to change. The tracks of a train symbolize new paths, unexplored horizons. Therefore, committing suicide on the tracks of a train shows that you are denying the need to break with the old and accept the new.

If you are in a situation where change is inevitable, don't be afraid to let go of what you think is right for what is doubtful. By accepting the new in your life, everything will soon fall into place and you will understand that you needed to go through this process for your transformation and maturation.

To dream that you commit suicide by jumping off a building

To dream that you commit suicide by jumping off a building suggests that you are going through moments of lack of control and imbalance. This is when you are wishing to disappear in order to escape from personal conflicts that are difficult to overcome.

To see yourself throwing yourself off a building in a dream reflects the anxiety caused by the current turmoil. If you choose to diminish yourself before others and throw yourself down, the tendency is that you will actually fall and take a long time to get back up. Don't let yourself get down, remember that everything passes.

To dream that you commit suicide with a firearm

To dream that you commit suicide by shooting yourself with a firearm carries a radical symbolism, in which there is no doubt that you want to end something that is holding you back. If the shot is in your mouth, it represents that you regret something you have said, and that you need to change the way you communicate with others.

The shot in the parts that make up the head indicates that you want to exterminate forever something that is part of your life, while the shot in the chest reveals that you want, even unconsciously, to end an important relationship.

To dream that you commit suicide with a knife

The dream of committing suicide with cutting objects such as a knife, for example, involves the sight of blood. This blood can be related to a situation in which you want to cleanse yourself of something you consider dirty inside.

When you sleep, you turn off your conscious and think you are free from reality for a few hours. But your unconscious has no way to escape and manifests itself through dreams. Something in your life is weighing on your conscience and you are trying to hide your guilt.

To dream that you commit suicide with poison

If you dream of committing suicide with some kind of poison, through poisoned food or drink, it indicates that you require care with your diet and physical health. Pay attention to how you are taking care of your body to avoid illness in the future.

To dream that you commit suicide by hanging yourself

To dream that you commit suicide by hanging yourself shows that you are going through problems and would like to get them off your chest, but you don't have the confidence to express yourself. It reveals some unpleasant situation that you are facing alone, because you don't trust anyone to open up. Seek professional help if necessary. You don't have to go through this alone.

To Dream that You Commit Suicide by Fire

To dream that you commit suicide by setting yourself on fire means that you have several conflicts to overcome, and the anxiety that is inside you is like the flames of a bonfire. Note that you need to rest, pause your mind, let go of your fears, and find a way to solve each obstacle one at a time.

To dream of suicide of different people

To dream of suicide involving other people is an invitation for you to reflect on yourself and the impact others have on your life.

So evaluate who you dreamed about and see if you are projecting something onto this person. It could also be that those involved in the dream are needing to resolve unfinished business, or even move apart or unite.

Since you are the author of the dream, it is up to you to evaluate what it means. See some examples of different people committing suicide in your dream and understand your case.

To dream of father's suicide

To dream of your father's suicide symbolizes the transformations you are experiencing in your present life, especially with him. You will experience a new stage with him. Consider the relationship you have had with him until now and start over through a new and different perspective.

To dream of a mother's suicide

To dream that you see your mother's suicide symbolizes the end of your maternal or feminine aspect. You are probably in need of more maternal care and should seek it, stripped of your ego. It may also mean that you need to take care of your own children.

To dream of a brother's suicide

To dream that a sibling commits suicide represents that you feel dissatisfied with your life or part of it. It may also show a dissatisfaction of your sibling, indicating that you should help him/her without measuring efforts.

To dream of a son's suicide

To dream of a suicide of your child means that you need to pay attention to your psychological state. You may be facing difficulties related to your mental health.

To dream of a partner's suicide

To dream of a partner's suicide is a warning to forgive the mistakes of others and to remember that we all make mistakes. It also requires attention to family involvement. Patience and understanding is lacking in your home and you must change this.

To dream of ex-partner's suicide

To dream that your ex-partner commits suicide shows that you care about him. You are hiding something that has been unresolved or you regret some behavior you had with him. There is an open wound that needs to be closed in order to close this cycle of your love life.

To dream of a lover's suicide

If you dream that your lover commits suicide it indicates that there is a major problem in your current relationship, or between your partner and your loved ones. This conflict affects you in a direct way. One of the parties involved, whether boyfriend, lover or the loved one in question may be feeling trapped.

To dream of a friend's suicide

The meaning of dreaming of a friend's suicide is that someone very close to you is in need of your help, and you are not being present in their life. Seek contact with that distant friend that you have for some reason abandoned or that you have drifted apart from, and do not deny any kind of help in the name of that friendship, even if it is a conversation for a few minutes.

To dream of an enemy's suicide

To dream of enemy suicide shows that you are trying to avoid your anger. You are going through a time when you cannot express your feelings freely. Your silence may be because you need to keep up appearances in the workplace, or are in some forbidden relationship.

Until you have defined your current situation, you should keep your secret and be discreet about it. Even if you feel like opening up to someone close to you, don't do it. It is more valid to look for a trusted professional to get it off your chest and share some of the weight that is tormenting you.

To dream of a relative committing suicide

To dream of the suicide of a family member or relative represents an excessive preoccupation with that loved one. It shows that you feel a great love for this person, but this feeling makes you anxious and causes anxiety and fear at the possible idea of losing this person.

Be careful of unhealthy dependency. Be responsible for your own emotions. Strengthen yourself to be able to go through times of need without smothering others and without the need for them to feel the pain for you.

To dream of suicide of an acquaintance

To dream that someone you know commits suicide reveals that you have a lot of problems around your mind and that you are throwing your energy away on other people. Keep focused on your goals so you don't get lost. Take control of your own life and seek to realize your projects and dreams.

To dream of stranger's suicide

To see a stranger committing suicide in your dream has a positive meaning. It indicates that your problems will soon be solved. Prepare for the best, for difficulties will be dissolved quickly.

To Dream of Celebrity Suicide

To dream that a famous person commits suicide can be interpreted as a personal maturing. This dream teaches that every human being is equal and deserves to have their privacy respected and preserved. The idea of fame is resigned and the famous person should be seen as a professional like any other.

If the dream was of a famous actor committing suicide it indicates that he is undergoing renovating changes. These have been reported and shared by the media and most have had access to them.

If you are a woman who dreams of an actress committing suicide, it may indicate that you are seeing yourself in the image of the artist, not because of her physical appearance, but because of the admiration you have for her. In this sense, observing the suicide of such a character shows changes you have been experiencing in yourself.

To dream of a priest's suicide

To dream of a priest's suicide indicates that you are moving away from your religious beliefs. You are in a period of spiritual transformation. Your faith is being called into question and you need to seek support from someone who represents your religion, or lack thereof, if you do not have one.

The figure of the priest killing himself represents the reduction in importance for you of the traditional symbols linked to the religious culture and its beliefs.

To dream of the suicide of a president

To dream that a president commits suicide denotes that in your country politics is not in a favorable moment, and that you long for improvement. It does not mean that it is a premonition, but it leads to reflection on the negative side that is currently occurring.

It shows that you should be more flexible about your political opinions, or even give in when you know you have no arguments to argue about something.

It can also indicate that you are failing to use all your inner talent and potential to take charge of your life, as far as your professional career is concerned.

To dream of animal suicide

To dream that you see the suicide of an animal indicates that you are trying to compensate for some emotional need. You need to confront a person who is a part of your life. There is a moral and internal issue that you are trying to master, but you feel limited and immobilized. Remember that you hold in your hands the power to make things happen.

To dream of suicide by kamikaz pilot

To dream that a kamikaze pilot commits suicide shows an inability to take responsibility for your actions. It also denotes that you are not measuring the consequences of your own actions. Worrying about problems does not mean that you have to step over any situation to solve them. Be careful not to be misled when trying to fix something.

To Dream of a Suicide Pilot

To dream of a suicide pilot indicates that you are punishing yourself for harboring various feelings of guilt, yet you wish to play the victim in order to create discomfort and remorse in others.

It is a way for you to share the pain caused by the guilt you carry with the people you have hurt and with those who you suspect have also hurt you and deserve to have that guilt shared.

To dream of terrorist suicide

To dream of a terrorist committing suicide represents fear of experiencing realities that involve tragedy. It also expresses insecurity about the future and fear of the unknown that may lie ahead. Those who dream of this type of suicide do not feel comfortable with events that are beyond their control.

It also indicates that you are fighting a war within yourself. For example: balancing reason and emotion. You often have doubts about what you should do or not do in order to secure a promising future. You have to choose between the comfort zone and the uncertain. Fighting daily battles is a challenge that is difficult for you right now.

To dream of child suicide

To dream of child suicide represents some failures in your adult life. It may indicate that you are not having the control to face your traumas and hang-ups that remained in your childhood. Release this wounded child, let maturity dominate your being.

Remember that in order to evolve you must let go of what was left behind, especially that which caused damage. Try to reflect on what was unresolved in your life when you were a child. Don't worry if it brings back some suffering due to bad memories. This process is part of your inner healing.

Other meanings of dreaming of suicide

To make it easier to understand the message conveyed in the dream, the best way is to analyze the details. Try to remember places, the details of the places, the people and the images. The peculiarities help when deciphering the dreams.

Use the resource of records. Don't rely on your memory. Always keep a notebook or even a tape recorder beside you so that as soon as you wake up, you can narrate or write down everything you visualized. Any information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is valid and will make all the difference at the time of interpretation. Understand some more elements that involve suicide in dreams.

To dream of suicide at work

To dream of suicide at work is an association of your unconscious mind with your current work environment. This dream is usually negative and indicates possible layoffs or delays in the pay or benefits that the company offers.

This is a warning for you to keep your attention, focus, and dedication on your work. Check your performance to avoid unpleasant surprises in your professional life.

To dream of suicide on the stairs

If you dream of suicide on the stairs, that you are throwing yourself down the steps with the intention of taking your own life, it is an indication that you are suffering injustices. Soon you will be faced with baseless accusations, which will cost you mental wear and take up some of your time and energy trying to defend yourself.

Keep serenity, accept whatever comes your way, and keep in mind that life will never be linear. It is made up of ups and downs. In times of fragility and loneliness, your inner strength has to be in evidence to get you through the bad phase as quickly as possible.

To dream of a suicidal spirit

To dream of a suicidal spirit requires you to be very careful with the people around you. Stop trusting easily those you don't know deeply. Don't tell about your plans and your life to anyone who crosses your path.

Never be fooled by appearances and persuasive human beings who show interest in trying to help you without having any significant connection with you.

Try to attach yourself to something that provides peace in your life. It can be a religion, a care for your spirituality, a way to balance your energies. It's worth meditating, praying, taking energetic baths and teas. Having contact with crystals and with elements from nature, especially seas and waterfalls, is also an alternative to strengthen your spirit.

To dream of a suicide note

To dream of a suicide note shows that you are seeking liberation in some area of your life. It usually indicates that you need to get rid of limiting beliefs, attitudes and old ways of acting and thinking.

It may also indicate that you are emotionally distancing yourself from someone or something. Reflect on events that are causing you anger and inner turmoil, and use your abilities to push them away.

To dream of many people committing suicide

To dream of many people committing suicide is a sign that you are exhausted both mentally and physically. Take a moment to rest, to be alone, and try to relax near nature to renew your energy.

Avoid being around a lot of people for the time being, exposing yourself to the crowd, so that your energy doesn't get sucked out and your standard rises. Stay alone until you feel lighter.

Getting out of your routine will help you unload the weight off your shoulders. Even if it's something quick, take a break and seek to achieve comfort of body, mind, and spirit.

Can dreaming about suicide indicate inner conflicts?

The dream of suicide triggers a whole discussion in all areas of human knowledge, mainly because it presents several origins or explanations, fitting a detailed analysis and under several approaches.

It is worth analyzing if at this point in your journey you are facing some problem that is difficult to solve, linked to addictions, finances, separation, or emotional conflict. Observe if you are going through some painful situation, some crisis that is causing your vibration to lower, causing anxiety and depression.

Spirits that vibrate in a low attunement have access to your interior when you don't take care of your energies and allow yourself to be weakened by the trials that are part of your current incarnation.

All these factors are reflected in your dreams, and through your self-knowledge you can draw your own conclusions about what course of action to take from here on out when you have nightmares involving suicide.

Don't get discouraged, stay alert, take care of yourself, and open yourself to new experiences. Gather your strength and dare to fight all difficulties with perseverance. Resolve your inner conflicts in the best way, and always be prepared to start over.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.