What does Midheaven in Pisces mean? Understand more about the 10th house!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have Midheaven in Pisces?

Having the Midheaven in Pisces means that you have come to discover the true meaning of empathy. In addition, these natives are on a mission to develop spirituality to the fullest. The importance of collectivity will be shown through challenges on your journey, always pointing out that we are all one, and we are connected.

Those who have Midheaven in Pisces can experience some problems, especially related to status or professional development. This happens because this sign overflows with emotion, compassion and intuition, which does not help much with ambitions.

By the way, these Pisces characteristics become even clearer at work as it is impossible to separate your professional and personal life. However, when you balance the Virgo energy of the Sky Deep, you can expose your world view, overcoming obstacles and helping those around you.

Read on to find out what this combination has in store for the future.

Meaning of Midheaven

The Midheaven is naturally connected to Capricorn and the 10th house. However, your Midheaven can be in any other sign of the zodiac, depending on the configuration of your birth chart. Find out more about this very important point below.

What is Midheaven?

The Midheaven is located on the cusp of the 10th house, revealing social and professional status, and potential in certain careers. Ambitions, contributions to a better world, and the journey to fulfill dreams are strongly influenced by this point.

The path to success, as well as the very definition of the word success are governed by this point. It can be said that the Midheaven does not show your innermost personality, but determines what your role is in the world, how you are seen by others, and what must be done to earn a place in the sun.

It indicates our life purpose, favorable careers and reputation, as well as the mask we wear when we present ourselves to society.

Meanings of the 10th House

The 10th house is one of the most important of the astrological chart, since it houses an angular point, the Midheaven. The focus of this house is on career and social status, revealing the advantages and obstacles we will encounter. It also indicates the path to be taken to achieve our professional goals.

The 10th house also shows our skills and development potential. However, it is worth remembering that the journey towards success is unique to each native, who needs to discover the best way to use the talent and energy provided by the universe in their favour.


The Midheaven determines our idea of success and the attitude we take to achieve it. It can also be said to represent ambitions and the best way to unleash the individual's full potential.

Therefore the type of success desired is also governed by this point of the birth chart, as each native has his or her own personal goals and objectives. It also indicates our motivations, and helps us to understand what makes one dream more important than another.


When it comes to career, the Midheaven gives hints about the work a person is dedicated to. It reveals how we will follow our professional wishes and find the career of our dreams. This point of the birth chart also defines what our passions will be in this area, helping us to evolve.

Therefore, it can be said that the Midheaven is responsible for providing essential information for the native to discover the most favorable careers, according to his talents and the energy coming from his sign and ruling planet.

In fact, when interpreted in conjunction with the sun sign and the ascendant, it indicates our true vocation.


The Midheaven is strongly linked to our reputation. This is because it represents the manifestation of personality and is associated with the role we play in the world. It symbolizes public image, i.e. how people see us.

You could say that it is our astrological spotlight, since it is impossible to hide from the public the characteristics ruled by the Midheaven. It speaks about the image we transmit, which sometimes is quite different from what we would like.

For example, one person may have a terrible reputation, while another, who acts in the same way, is glorified for his petty misdeeds.

How do I know which is my Midheaven?

To discover the Midheaven, it is essential that you do an Astrological Map. When it is done, you go beyond the Sun sign and can discover other important astrological points on your journey, such as the Midheaven.

The Star Map is the representation of the sky at the time of your birth and its interpretation brings valuable information about the potential you carry. It is possible to discover your underdeveloped talents, tendencies and obstacles to overcome.

So, to know about your Star Chart, just take a look at our complete guide about the Midheaven.

Pisces Sign Characteristics

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the sum of all the other signs, so Pisceans are intense, overflowing with emotion and overwhelmed by their own feelings and thoughts. Find out more about these dreamy, vulnerable and nostalgic natives below.

Pisces natives are always looking for ways to help and make a difference, as they believe that the best way to live life is by dedicating themselves to others. For this reason, they are empathetic and even make sacrifices, always putting others ahead of their own interests.

Another plus point of this sign is that Pisces has a reputation as the emotional chameleon of the zodiac, as it is very receptive, open-minded and easily adapts to change.

In a relationship, Pisceans go to great lengths to provide whatever is necessary to keep their partner happy and satisfied.

Deep empathy represents the great duality of the sign of Pisces: it is a positive point, but at the same time negative. This happens because Pisceans function as a kind of magnet for emotional vampires, who transfer harmful energy, leaving the Piscean depressed.

Another Pisces tendency is that they don't really like the reality they live in, so these natives usually create a utopian world, alternating between physical and imaginary.

Pisceans have a unique vision, so other people find it difficult to understand their behavior. But sometimes they themselves do not understand their thoughts.

Water Element

The Water element is pure emotion, in fact, the key words for these people are compassion and intuition, besides having great sensitivity. These natives are also romantic, dreamers and great counselors, having a lot of patience to listen to their friends.

However, women ruled by this element are usually a little unstable and get hurt easily. This happens because of the excess of emotional charge. The tip is to learn to listen to reason, even if only once in a while.

In addition, the energy transmitted here motivates individuals to make it their life mission to help others. Doing good is their highest goal.

Ruling star Neptune

The ruling planet of Pisces is Neptune, which represents the abstract, mysterious and inexplicable side of the individual. It is linked to the psyche and subjectivity, escaping from logic and speaks, even, about deeper themes associated to our soul.

For this reason Neptune is often connected with psychological pressures and sometimes with nostalgia in a melancholic way. However the star makes the native more prepared to deal with problems, seeking to evolve spiritually, to go beyond what the eye can see.

Midheaven in Pisces in the birth chart

The Midheaven in Pisces reveals a sort of split personality, which can be misinterpreted. In fact, this native simply cannot separate personal and professional life. The most private emotions are often reflected at work, find out how below.


Those who have the Midheaven in Pisces are extremely dreamy, gentle and innocent. These natives are usually always between two worlds: one fantastic, created by their imagination, and the other, which corresponds to reality.

This is because these people are very sensitive and believe that real life is too cold, painful and grey. Therefore, they prefer to live in the clouds, in incredible scenarios, where they can escape whenever they want to recharge their energies.

It can be said that the personality of the combination of Midheaven and Pisces is complex and mysterious, since these natives present one face to the world and keep another one under lock and key.


The influence of the Midheaven in Pisces makes your natives show too much of their emotional side in public, which builds their reputation of being dramatic. This position also indicates that their final decisions are based on intuition, always hoping that everything will happen at the right time.

These Pisceans have the necessary talent to understand human behavior deeply, being the most empathic of the zodiac. No other sign is as emotional as Pisces, so you could say that they breathe feelings instead of air.

However, their sensitivity leaves these natives vulnerable, as other people can easily hurt them, causing them to doubt themselves.

Relationships and partnerships

When it comes to relationships and partnerships, people with the Midheaven in Pisces are aware that they are complex beings. This makes them insecure, lost and disoriented, as they would like to be simpler, just like everyone else.

For this reason, they build walls around themselves, letting very few people enter and get to know their true selves. However, those who are lucky enough to gain the trust of these Pisceans will be rewarded with an eternal partnership.

These individuals are intense in everything they do: they love deeply, are workaholics, and don't know how to find a healthy balance between emotion and reason. Therefore, relationships in all areas are often difficult at first.

Midheaven in Pisces in different areas of life

Those who have Midheaven in Pisces will experience both negative and positive energies, because they need to learn about polarity, rather than balance. Find out more about this combination below.

Midheaven in Pisces in ambitions

Although they are not attracted to money and power, natives with Midheaven in Pisces like luxury. Their ambition for material goods and a high standard of living makes them fight tirelessly at work.

Also, these people are attracted to certain communities, going crazy to be part of a tribe with only open-minded individuals.

In fact, the greatest dream of those who have the Midheaven in Pisces is a world full of tolerance, where everyone can act exactly according to their emotions and feelings, without the need to worry about society's standards and expectations.

Midheaven in Pisces in career

With Pisces energy in the Midheaven, the emotional and psychic side will influence your career. These natives love to put emotion into every project, but their bosses don't always understand the creative process.

Pisceans don't pay attention to the opinion of authorities, as they want a career filled with unique projects that are aligned with their soul. However, this attitude can cause them to deliver work that is very different from what they expected.

Therefore, the most favorable professions are those which leave your imagination free, light and loose. Besides, these natives need to work in their own time, as they hate to be under pressure. With the Midheaven in Pisces, limits and boundaries are not definitive.

Midheaven in Pisces in reputation

Midheaven Pisces natives are seen as mysterious, elegant, glamorous and somewhat eccentric. They can achieve fame without even trying or simply by staying behind the scenes.

The energy formed by this placement with the sign of Pisces makes individuals unique, as they refuse to act like everyone else and follow their creative journey at any cost.

However, it is worth keeping an eye out, as your reputation can be affected by scandals. This is because other people see these beings as childish and unprofessional.

A little more about Midheaven in Pisces

The Midheaven in Pisces gifts its natives with an incredible creativity. These people are able to unite various talents to build an impressive career and still have an enviable intuition. Want to know more about the potential and challenges of this position? Read on.

Midheaven Potential in Pisces

The potential of those who have the MC in Pisces is exactly in their most remarkable points: their admirable intuition and the emotional depth that only they possess.

Another characteristic that favors these natives is patience. Despite being ruled by emotion, they do not make hasty decisions and prefer to let things flow naturally. Unlike other people, they never force the bar for something to happen, they just wait for the right moment.

Therefore, if these individuals can find some balance between their personal and professional lives, they are sure to tread their own journey to success.

Midheaven in Pisces Challenges

The position of the Midheaven in Pisces brings some challenges, and one of them usually appears when its natives surrender completely to emotion. This leaves individuals indecisive and vulnerable to manipulation, unable to change this scenario.

It can be said that these Pisceans cannot understand the positive and negative sides of their Midheaven, which makes their choices always difficult, leaving the impression that something is wrong. A valuable tip is to trust your instinct which tends to be very strong and will help you in numerous situations.

Another challenge of this positioning is with timelines and deadlines, since these natives tend to procrastinate, interrupting a task several times to recharge the batteries.

What careers are most suitable for those with the Midheaven in Pisces?

Natives with Midheaven in Pisces cannot control their feelings easily, so it is best to use this trait in a positive way in their career.

The mystical energy of this placement favours work in art, music, creative writing and spiritual counselling. These careers give you enough freedom to explore all angles of your personality, letting your essence lead the journey.

These Pisceans also need a flexible workspace and schedule, as they hate to be under pressure. In fact, they love to have as much time as possible to create projects that impact the depths of people's souls.

In addition, these individuals strive hard to have a career that leaves a positive mark on the world. For those with Midheaven in Pisces, work is the perfect opportunity to touch the hearts of others, connecting fully with the universe.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.